[NA]Help design trash dispenser[NA]


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Display name:
Dave Taylor
I need a way to drop 10-20 lbs of gravel or stone out my left rear wheelwell over several minutes:

25 miles of straight, largely flat road.
TWO vehicles.
Me in front, doing exactly the 70mph limit.
YOU behind, “one-thousand and..” (that’s all) distance behind me, usually at night with your stupid-bright lights.
BUT you won’t pass.
PLENTY of opportunity, but no - you’d rather draft me.
As usual, I will have to drive your car for you, as well as drive my own. I slow, often to 50 and slide right, to make you maneuver around me. Now; was that so hard?
2 vehicles, 25 flippin empty miles and you need to be Right Next To Me. You must feel lonely. Same thing almost every trip to the airport.

Anyway, ideas on the riprap dispenser? A sharp crack on the windshield might help with positional awareness.



In the words of the Red Bull Air Race announcer...

"Smoke on!"

Seriously, I've always wanted to install a smoke system on my Jeep for ass holes like that.
Just do what I do: apply your emergency brake, your car slows down abruptly without your brake lights coming on. If the tailgating driver doesn't hit you, after a few repetitions he gets the idea and backs off. If he does hit you, he'll get the ticket for following too close.

Or... I read about a guy with a setup to dump raw gasoline into his exhaust, with a sparkplug at the back to touch it off...
I thought you were talking about your airplane's wheel well. I couldn't imagine there would be room for gravel in your wing for that.
Just do what I do: apply your emergency brake, your car slows down abruptly without your brake lights coming on. If the tailgating driver doesn't hit you, after a few repetitions he gets the idea and backs off. If he does hit you, he'll get the ticket for following too close.

Or... I read about a guy with a setup to dump raw gasoline into his exhaust, with a sparkplug at the back to touch it off...
I’d think a nice off-road led light bar pointed out the rear would also get the point across. A sack of marbles would probably work, too. Maybe some spray nozzles to dispense a syrup or other sticky substance? First drops on the windshield cause them to hit their wipers . . . instant smeared windshield!

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Gravel would be difficult. Several gallons of antifreeze will make one helluva slick spot (as some of us learned on race tracks) and be easier to dispense.