My pedal came from together


Final Approach
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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What's the best way to fix? I'm assuming some sort of glue?
Stuff the foam inside the rubber, contact cement to stick rubber to metal. Will last a couple years / 300 hours or so, then rinse, repeat.
What are you doing in our plane??? That just happened to 13B :D

Seriously what glue did you guys use?
Stuff the foam inside the rubber, contact cement to stick rubber to metal. Will last a couple years / 300 hours or so, then rinse, repeat.

This exact thing happened on my Cherokee. Followed he above method and it's worked
Looks fine to me. Why do you need rubber pads anyway? Are your feet really that dainty that they need protection?

Be a man and rip those pads off...plane will fly faster without them anyway!
Master's Contact Cement.

(That and Kentucky 31 largely hold the world together)
Where is Tom? Should be right up his alley!
Sorry, couldn't resist! ;)
I have some aviation grade contact cement I'll sell ya. Only 99.95 for the two oz bottle. It *looks*!like DAP but it's not...
And one more tip for the Cherokee folks. Don't pay over $50 for the pad replacement. Harley Davidson makes a pad that looks like it came from the same mold as Piper for less than $4. ;)
What is this "came from together" thing everybody seems to like here? What's wrong with "it came apart" or "it broke?"

The best adhesive I have ever used for gluing rubber to metal is Loctite "Black Max", a cyanoacrylate (super glue) specifically formulated for that. Both surfaces have to be scrupulously clean, I use toluene.
What is this "came from together" thing everybody seems to like here? What's wrong with "it came apart" or "it broke?"

The best adhesive I have ever used for gluing rubber to metal is Loctite "Black Max", a cyanoacrylate (super glue) specifically formulated for that. Both surfaces have to be scrupulously clean, I use toluene.
Well if something is together and then isn't it obviously "came from together". For the record I had nothing to do with this website adopting the saying. That is all.
If the cement don't stick do you have to report negative contact?

Get a patch of that sandpaper off the wing and stick it on there. (not the one that says 'no step')
What is this "came from together" thing everybody seems to like here? What's wrong with "it came apart" or "it broke?"

There was a thread way back posted by a non-English speaker who used the phrase 'came from together' to describe something breaking (I forget what) and the phrase became the standard around here.
First time I was signed off to leave the pattern solo at ABE years ago (non XC) in a Cherokee 140. Just planned on going to the practice area for turns around a point then back to the pattern for some T&G on a lazy late winter Sunday. Feet on the brakes to start and something feels funny under my right foot. Look down, and the entire toe brake had somehow "flopped" downward, would have jammed the rudder pedal had I made it down the ramp to the taxiway. Walked back into the school with the keys "She's broke!" Offered me another one with a 430, but it was renting for $15 more at the time and I decided until I preflighted and all that it would be getting late so I said pass.

20 minutes later, despite a VFR dry forecast, and only OVC110, an unforecasted freezing drizzle/mist began in that valley with a quick drop to 3SM. That pedal saved my back side.