my flight


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 12, 2024
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my first flight was in a

Citabria 7ECA​

reg is N990wy

we departed the south side of RVH of the airport where we flew for awhile
Don't recall my very first flight in a GA aircraft but my first round of training was in a Cessna 152. Had to drop out shortly before solo. Resumed 30-yrs later in retirement. Flew in a '46 Aeronca taildragger and a Cessna 162 and chose the Cessna to train in for my SPL.
First flight was in a Cherokee 140
My first GA flight was 1962 in NC18908 a Ryan SCW I was less than a year old. It was Dad's airplane.
Mine would have been about 1970. Standing in the baggage area of a Taylorcraft (probably a BC12D). Friend of my dad's a bought it and rebuilt it after it after a hand propping incident. Recall my dad telling me the rudder pedals had been bent over by the passenger pushing on them trying to stop the airplane after it got away. Am also told that after bugging the guy for over an hour to take use for a ride, I fell asleep with a few minutes after taking off.

But I was hooked on flying ever since.

My first one would’ve been sometime in the mid 2000’s iirc at an open house event at my airport.
My first GA flight was about 1960 in my Dad's copilot's (both Naval Aviators) Bonanza. It was crazy high end. It even had a VOR.

My second GA flight was in about 1970 with CAP in a C-172. N5132G, two legs in the back, one leg right front. About a year later, I made my next GA flight in the same C-172, but was left seat with an instructor.
It was an unusually beautiful spring day. I was taking a lunch break from work and walking around downtown Springfield, MA. I ran into Vince, a lawbook salesman. We were talking about this and that until he said, "Y'know, it's such a beautiful day, I think I'll take the afternoon off and go flying. Wanna come with me?"

We drove to Westfield (KBAF), hopped into his Cutlass, and went for a ride. He even let me handle the controls for a while.

You bet I remember it!!

I don't recall the year but it was probably around 1980, maybe 10 years before I started taking lessons.
I have a very, very dim recollection of taking a ride in a small plane when I was very, very young. My Mom confirmed that they'd been at a restaurant at or near a small airport somewhere in PA once, and got to talking with a local pilot who took me and I think a couple of my sisters up for a ride. That was back in the day (early 1960s) when parents would let their kids go up for a ride with a complete stranger... I couldn't have been more than 2-3 years old. She was surprised I remembered it at all. I just remember looking out the window and seeing the little people and trees and cars on the ground, and they looked just like toys.

When I give Young Eagles rides or other rides to kids, I always remember the impact it can have.
My first flight was in a Monterey (CA) Navy Flying Club T-34B. It was at a now long-gone small airport across the bay from Monterey. I was the “airport kid” hanging around every day after school. Struck up a conversation with the pilot, asking about the plane, he found out that I’d never flown, and took me up. This was in the early 80s.

A couple years ago, through a random social media post and connecting the dots, it looks like the pilot was Greg Colyer, who now flies his T-33 in airshows. We’ve met a few times through airshows - he’s a great guy. Last time we talked he confirmed that it very likely was him.

Small world, and just one more sign that aviation is the one I belong in.
It was an unusually beautiful spring day. I was taking a lunch break from work and walking around downtown Springfield, MA. I ran into Vince, a lawbook salesman. We were talking about this and that until he said, "Y'know, it's such a beautiful day, I think I'll take the afternoon off and go flying. Wanna come with me?"

We drove to Westfield (KBAF), hopped into his Cutlass, and went for a ride. He even let me handle the controls for a while.

You bet I remember it!!

I don't recall the year but it was probably around 1980, maybe 10 years before I started taking lessons.
Wow! Writing this made me try to find the guy (who I haven't seen or heard from since the late 1980s). I found someone wo looked like him (decades later) and too a shot with an "are you the same I used to know" email with nothing other than my name. He replied. Yes it was him and "I remember taking you flying."
First GA flight mid-70's in my uncle's V tail Bonanza at 10 years old.

First logged flight as a student fall '93 in a C150.
My father in law was a pilot for the highway patrol. He took me up in late 1978 and I was hooked, got my PPL a few years after that flight.

Still married and still flying
Discovery flight, N5552M, Sawyer Aviation @ PHX, north runway, 22May1988.
First logged flight, not my first GA flight.
I was about 4 or 5 years old. I remember climbing into my grandfather's Aztec with a honeybun in one hand and a single serving carton of chocolate milk in the other on our way to a vacation home in Panama City, FL. On the return trip I rode in the right seat and got to 'fly' the plane. The pilot, nicknamed 'Boudin', never mentioned anything about an autopilot ;).
All I've done so far is a discovery flight once a few years ago. Keep thinking I'd love to fly when life slows down a bit more. My wife might be a little hesitant after a boat accident nearly killed me a few years ago... but...
My first fly was at an EAA fly-in at New London VA. It was around 1973 and I was about 14. I got a ride in a ragwing side by side taildragger and dropped a flour bomb at a target on the ground. As we navigated the traffic pattern I watched the pilot move the flight controls, saw the cables move, saw the ailerons deflect and the wing move as he rolled into a bank angle. I had an instant understanding of what was happening and said to my self "I can do this". I started flying lessons in 1979 in New Kent VA in a C150. I flew for over a year and stopped, then started again in 2004, and completed my flight training in my own Cherokee. I took my 64 Mooney up for a short fly yesterday. There is nothing else like it!
My FIRST GA flight, I was a chubby <1 year old in my grandfather’s Twin Comanche out of KLXT.

First GA flight I remember was as a 5 year old as a Sunday School reward for memorizing the 23rd Psalm in a 152 or 172 out of Independence Memorial (5MO2) which closed about 22-23 years ago.

First flight when I started to fly was in N54576, a 172 out of Williamsport, PA (KIPT).
My first GA flight was Aug 1990 in a C152, N94183. The same plane I would ultimately solo in and then later use to take my PPL checkride. KJGG - KPHF - KJGG. The instructor logged "intro to basics and trim". 1.0 hours

I had just started my first job out of college, a month earlier. This was the first thing I did after getting settled in the new town and new job. I'd been daydreaming about doing it for a long time before!

Prior to that I had only been on I think it was three airline flights in my life. Probably a B707 on the way to Hawaii when I was maybe 2 years old.... and then a couple years later a B747 for the flight when we moved back to the mainland. Then while in college I had a short airline flight in a B737
1976, tenth birthday, Cessna 150, got to skip a couple hours of school. I was so nervous I refused to eat breakfast for fear of my flight getting cut short due to airsickness!

Fast forward to a month before my 16th birthday, 1982, started lessons. About 10 hours of instruction later I soloed the Piper Tomahawk on my 16th birthday.

Fast forward to 1990, started Navy flight school. T-34C, T-2B, TA-4J, S-3Bs in the fleet, back to TA-4Js as an instructor.

Airlines starting 2000. Saab 340B, 727-200, 737-200, 757/767, MD-82/83/88/90, A-330.

Bought first GA plane 2012, Pietenpol. Later my Cessna 120.

And that’s it in a nutshell!
My first GA flight was around 1992 in a C180. That was pretty cool. I even landed before the plane as that was my first skydive jump. :)