Mountain Goat?


Final Approach
Apr 21, 2011
Madison, OH
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I stopped by a small airport yesterday to say "Hi" to an old mechanic friend. He was tapping in a nose seal on a Mountain Goat. It was a Super Cub-looking thing-a-ma-bob with Cub doors on both sides and big ballooney tires. When he said it cruises at 160 MPH, I couldn't believe it! "This hasn't got enough cylinders to go that fast!" says I. So, I Googled it. Not much out there on it. Anybody ever flown one or know about them? I guess there's only a handful ever built. It screams "Alaska" when you see it. Has "Reflex flaps". 180 HP.
Don't know anything about a mountain goat. reflex flaps do help with cruise speed though. my lancair has this, about negative 7 degrees flaps in cruise seems good for about 7 kts above neutral. I believe all Lancairs have reflex flaps.