More out of control cops


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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Wow, all I can say is there is one San Bernadino deputy who should be chained to a wall at the police station while every resident of the county walks by and punchs or kicks HIM in the nuts.

What a chicken sh*t MF'er.

Thank God for third party video. Otherwise the blue code of silence would continue to sweep actions such as this one and this week's murder in SC under the rug.
Wow, all I can say is there is one San Bernadino deputy who should be chained to a wall at the police station while every resident of the county walks by and punchs or kicks HIM in the nuts.

What a chicken sh*t MF'er.

...he said, from the comfort of his living room with the clarity of hindsight.

No, I'm not saying it was acceptable behavior, but you dont seem to understand the effects of adrenalin.
...he said, from the comfort of his living room with the clarity of hindsight.

No, I'm not saying it was acceptable behavior, but you dont seem to understand the effects of adrenalin.
If you can't handle your adrenaline you are unfit for the job. Can I use the adrenaline excuse for piloting misdeeds?
If you can't handle your adrenaline you are unfit for the job. Can I use the adrenaline excuse for piloting misdeeds?

Big difference between being "unfit for the job" and "should be chained to the wall at the police station..."

If being unfit for the job because you can't handle your adrenaline means you should be physically abused, then I guess the guy who ran from the cops because he couldn't handle his adrenaline got what he deserved.:dunno:

It's the same basic cause on both sides.
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Big difference between being "unfit for the job" and "should be chained to the wall at the police station..."

If being unfit for the job because you can't handle your adrenaline means you should be physically abused, then I guess the guy who ran from the cops because he couldn't handle his adrenaline got what he deserved.:dunno:

It's the same basic cause on both sides.
Wee bit of a difference between punks and punks with a state issued license to kill*
* Privileges may not be available in the presence of video cameras.

Whatever happened to those adrenalized cops that shot up noncombatants during the Dorner insurrection?;)
Just one of those rare occurrences we keep hearing about over and over again.
"The horse stood idly nearby.".......and he didn't get his ass kicked. :goofy: Maybe there's a lesson to be learn't here.....stand there idly and don't get ur arse kicked, OR, commit a crime, run from the cops or resist arrest and receive the beatdown of ur life.

Wait, that kick to the nutsack, wtf!!
Ya cause the cops only beat and kill the guilty. Plus the cops are the ones who get to determine guilt. Being innocent and white no longer excludes one from police beatdowns. Those darn bad apples, at least they aren't racist about handing it out nowadays.
During Viet Nam, we were given riot training in the Air Guard.

The last thing the instructor did was hold up both hands, one with 4 fingers, and one with none.

Then he stated, "If any of those hippy freaks gives you an bad time, hold up your fingers"

Way out of line, it seems pretty clear the guy was giving up. I will say out of of 900,000 officers currently working in the US, the ratio of good, honest officers is way higher than the ratio of the guys above. Think of it this way, when people are scared of flying I equate it to this: You hear about every plane crash as it is not the norm, you don't hear about every fatal car accident as it happens regularly. Bad cop stories are played over and over because they are not the norm and normal, good interactions with LE are not news.
...he said, from the comfort of his living room with the clarity of hindsight.

No, I'm not saying it was acceptable behavior, but you dont seem to understand the effects of adrenalin.

I don't give a **** about adrenalin. That was criminal behavior on the part of those cops and they need to go to jail. If they want people to not resist arrest, they need to respect when a suspect has given himself up. How can you expect people not to fight and kill officers if they can't expect the police to not inflict needless and potentially life threatening injuries on them.
I don't give a **** about adrenalin. That was criminal behavior on the part of those cops and they need to go to jail. If they want people to not resist arrest, they need to respect when a suspect has given himself up. How can you expect people not to fight and kill officers if they can't expect the police to not inflict needless and potentially life threatening injuries on them.

Jail = "chained to a wall at the police station..."?
If you can't handle your adrenaline you are unfit for the job. Can I use the adrenaline excuse for piloting misdeeds?


Sadly as a law abiding guy, I've had more negative experiences with "law enforcement" than positive. Everytime something bad has happened, such as a break in at my home, they have proven to be nearly 100% useless outside from giving me a report.

Add that to this militarized John Wayne crap, these ain't you parents Peace Keepers anymore, now they are law ENFORCEMENT, and the will enforce the chit out of you :rolleyes2:
Fire the dispatcher!

They forgot to issue the emergency TFR for "Police Activity" and got their buddies caught by a news helicopter.

Don't worry. No charges will be filed.
You never know when your being filmed ,the helicopter will be blamed ,the good guys feel empowered.a little to much over reaction on both sides don't have a right to fight the cops,and they don't have the right to kick the s*** out of you.
You never know when your being filmed ,the helicopter will be blamed ,the good guys feel empowered.a little to much over reaction on both sides don't have a right to fight the cops,and they don't have the right to kick the s*** out of you.

I didn't see the guy on the horse punching, kicking or clubbing the cops :dunno:
You never know when your being filmed ,the helicopter will be blamed ,the good guys feel empowered.a little to much over reaction on both sides don't have a right to fight the cops,and they don't have the right to kick the s*** out of you.
So if the cops tell me to load people on a train I should just do it?
I don't give a **** about adrenalin. That was criminal behavior on the part of those cops and they need to go to jail. If they want people to not resist arrest, they need to respect when a suspect has given himself up. How can you expect people not to fight and kill officers if they can't expect the police to not inflict needless and potentially life threatening injuries on them.

No one likes to see defenseless people beat-up, killed, etc., by the police...that is wrong and should not happen. Police who do that should at a minimum be removed from the force, they are a danger to the public they are sworn to protect. On the other hand when the police tell you to do something it is not a suggestion. The time and place to argue with the police is in front of a judge not on the street. In every one of these cases where people have been beaten or killed by the police the person was running or fighting with or in some way not complying with police *orders*. Do police over react? Yes and that should be dealt with. But when the police *tell* you to do something you stfu and do as you are told. Feel that you were treated unjustly? Then get a lawyer and present your case to a judge.

My 2 cents for whatever it is worth.
So if a cop tells you to suck his d*** you are going to happily comply? Then what, lawyer up if he doesn't cuddle and call you the next day?
New dark ages are coming and it ain't going to be kind to the white man.
No one likes to see defenseless people beat-up, killed, etc., by the police...that is wrong and should not happen. Police who do that should at a minimum be removed from the force, they are a danger to the public they are sworn to protect. On the other hand when the police tell you to do something it is not a suggestion. The time and place to argue with the police is in front of a judge not on the street. In every one of these cases where people have been beaten or killed by the police the person was running or fighting with or in some way not complying with police *orders*. Do police over react? Yes and that should be dealt with. But when the police *tell* you to do something you stfu and do as you are told. Feel that you were treated unjustly? Then get a lawyer and present your case to a judge.

My 2 cents for whatever it is worth.
No one likes to see defenseless people beat-up, killed, etc., by the police...that is wrong and should not happen. Police who do that should at a minimum be removed from the force, they are a danger to the public they are sworn to protect. On the other hand when the police tell you to do something it is not a suggestion. The time and place to argue with the police is in front of a judge not on the street. In every one of these cases where people have been beaten or killed by the police the person was running or fighting with or in some way not complying with police *orders*. Do police over react? Yes and that should be dealt with. But when the police *tell* you to do something you stfu and do as you are told. Feel that you were treated unjustly? Then get a lawyer and present your case to a judge.

My 2 cents for whatever it is worth.

I disagree, tyrants need to be dealt with.

Just pick your flights wisely, if the guy has his AR15 out and you're just in flip flops and shorts, that's one thing.

If you're talking to a cop with his pistol holstered and you're carrying with a CCW that's another.

If you're with 5 of your friends, 2 CCWs and one cop, that's another.

Straggly police politeness change dramatically depending on how they think a fight would turn out for them.

I would have rather died fighting.
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So if a cop tells you to suck his d*** you are going to happily comply?


Did you watch the dash cam video from the South Carolina incident? I did. The encounter looked professional and proper. Only when the guy bolted from his vehicle did things get out of hand. Had that man remained in his vehicle and complied with police instructions in all likelihood he would be alive and well today. Perhaps sitting in a jail cell, I read something about his not paying child support not sure if that is true, but he would be alive and we would not be having this discussion. What the officer did was wrong but what the other man did was also wrong.
I'd sue the ever loving **** out of those Nazi's and I'm generally pro-cop.

This looked like a beat down for pay back. Because they were all worked up and hot frome having to ditch their air conditioned cars and run after a guy. Then it turned into a gang-rape. It got out of hand and everyone wanted a piece of ass.

LEO's can suffer from mob mentality just the same as the rest of us. It needs to be trained out of them if that's possible.

Did you watch the dash cam video from the South Carolina incident? I did. The encounter looked professional and proper. Only when the guy bolted from his vehicle did things get out of hand. Had that man remained in his vehicle and complied with police instructions in all likelihood he would be alive and well today. Perhaps sitting in a jail cell, I read something about his not paying child support not sure if that is true, but he would be alive and we would not be having this discussion. What the officer did was wrong but what the other man did was also wrong.

The problem is systemic. First of all, the guy was pulled over b/c one of his brake lights was out....he also happened to be black and driving a Mercedes. The cop then accused him of stealing the car. As a white guy, it's hard to understand, but this is just a part of everyday life for a black man.

Sure, he was wrong to bolt like he did...but the price of death is not even remotely in the same wheelhouse of wrong, as you make it sound. This cop needs to get locked up with the key thrown away. Scum.
Whelp, Seems to me this board generally takes the position that career criminals, wanted on warrants, running from the cops is a perfectly righteous thing to do whilst the guys who are sworn to uphold the laws are the criminals.

Please don't forget that the State of California did not press charges on the LA Sheriffs who arrested R. King because of the "totality of facts". A 30 second blurb of a video and you guys are al ready for the lynching.

Here is another video for Y'all to chew on from some more state sponsored thugs. This happened yesterday. Maybe we should hang them too....
Whelp, Seems to me this board generally takes the position that career criminals, wanted on warrants, running from the cops is a perfectly righteous thing to do whilst the guys who are sworn to uphold the laws are the criminals.

Please don't forget that the State of California did not press charges on the LA Sheriffs who arrested R. King because of the "totality of facts". A 30 second blurb of a video and you guys are al ready for the lynching.

Here is another video for Y'all to chew on from some more state sponsored thugs. This happened yesterday. Maybe we should hang them too....

I hate ****ing cops out of personal experience. nothing in this thread surprised me nor changes my view.
I hate ****ing cops out of personal experience. nothing in this thread surprised me nor changes my view.

Here is a tip...... Don't break the law and the cops will leave you alone. Been working fine for me for the past 40ish years, cept' for that time I was doin' 90 on the freeway on my bike. But I don't blame the cop for giving me a coupon to traffic court either. :no: I can take my lumps when I'm wrong.
Whelp, Seems to me this board generally takes the position that career criminals, wanted on warrants, running from the cops is a perfectly righteous thing to do whilst the guys who are sworn to uphold the laws are the criminals.

Please don't forget that the State of California did not press charges on the LA Sheriffs who arrested R. King because of the "totality of facts". A 30 second blurb of a video and you guys are al ready for the lynching.

Here is another video for Y'all to chew on from some more state sponsored thugs. This happened yesterday. Maybe we should hang them too....

Career criminal? Seriously? All of his previous arrests stemmed from child support issues, except for an assault charge 25 years ago. Many people have mistakes in their distant past.

Again this goes back the to systemic problem, black men are harassed by the cops much more than whites. It's a fact. Once the court system catches them for a small infraction, its a tough economic climb to escape and the financial hole just keeps getting deeper if they can't pay the court costs immediately.

Sure, Walter Scott should have paid his child support, but we don't know why he didn't or couldn't. Certainly doesn't make him a career criminal.

Regarding Rodney're only reaffirming my point. Yes they jury acquitted the cops...and look what happened!!! LOL. Again...a segment of society had seen enough and made their voices heard (not saying they acted in the right way). In the end, the US Dept of Justice stepped in and DID find two of the cops guilty.
Again this goes back the to systemic problem, black men are harassed by the cops much more than whites. It's a fact. Once the court system catches them for a small infraction, its a tough economic climb to escape and the financial hole just keeps getting deeper if they can't pay the court costs immediately.

I have a tip for them. Don't commit crimes.

Sure, Walter Scott should have paid his child support, but we don't know why he didn't or couldn't. Certainly doesn't make him a career criminal.

Does it matter? He brought children into the world and abandoned them.

Regarding Rodney're only reaffirming my point. Yes they jury acquitted the cops...and look what happened!!! LOL. Again...a segment of society had seen enough and made their voices heard (not saying they acted in the right way). In the end, the US Dept of Justice stepped in and DID find two of the cops guilty.

Look what happened? Do you actually think the LA Riots were about Rodney King? The initial protest certainly was, and lawful. What followed was nothing more than an excuse to rob, loot and steal. But at least they burned down their own neighborhoods. That really showed how ignorant people can be.

You didn't see a bunch of fair skinned folk ready to kill any and all black people when Reginald Denny was beaten to inches of his life did you? Oh wait, that was justified, que no? [/QUOTE]

In the end, the US Dept of Justice stepped in and DID find two of the cops guilty.

Sure, just like every other government sponsored disaster goes.... never let a good crisis go to waste.

Bottom line is this, wait till the story comes out. Because as with the King incident, none of us know the facts. We know what a liberal media wants us to know. And if they want us to see it one way, they can edit away...until they get caught!:nono:
I have a tip for them. Don't commit crimes.

Ever heard of "Broken Windows"? It's was a huge policing strategy in NYC. The idea was to go into higher crime neighborhoods and punish minor offenses before they got big. You know...minor offenses like "disorderly conduct" for standing in the wrong place and looking "suspicious." By the time they are 21, most black men in these neighborhoods have been arrested multiple times for petty offenses that get "committed" by whites everywhere without penalty. This is the beginning of the cycle...and the financial burdens increase over time because of court fees and extra charges that often stem from a singular event or events like it.

Does it matter? He brought children into the world and abandoned them.

Sure...he should have paid. Who knows what the deal is. Have you never owed and been unable to pay a large medical bill? I have. Life gets in the way. There are bad dads all over the country. Doesn't make them career criminals.

Look what happened? Do you actually think the LA Riots were about Rodney King? The initial protest certainly was, and lawful. What followed was nothing more than an excuse to rob, loot and steal. But at least they burned down their own neighborhoods. That really showed how ignorant people can be.

You didn't see a bunch of fair skinned folk ready to kill any and all black people when Reginald Denny was beaten to inches of his life did you? Oh wait, that was justified, que no?

I already said the reaction was not a good one. Mob mentality took over...not excusing that one bit...but the spark that set it off was the systemic issue I keep mentioning. For society to ignore the root problem would be idiotic.

Bottom line is this, wait till the story comes out. Because as with the King incident, none of us know the facts. We know what a liberal media wants us to know. And if they want us to see it one way, they can edit away...until they get caught!:nono:

Ahh, the ol' liberal media argument. Remember this...Rodney King was one of the first times an onlooker videotaped police brutality...and the public saw it and was outraged. Just like the Walter Scott shooting, if it was't recorded, it would just have been another tiny two sentence blurb buried in the newspaper somewhere.

It's OK...we can agree to disagree. Just like Rodney King said...Cant we all just get along?

By the way...I grew up in LR. I always remember driving thru Conway and seeing all those yellow school buses next to the highway. Those still around?

I want to do some fly-in camping at Petit Jean one of these days.
No one likes to see defenseless people beat-up, killed, etc., by the police...that is wrong and should not happen. Police who do that should at a minimum be removed from the force, they are a danger to the public they are sworn to protect. On the other hand when the police tell you to do something it is not a suggestion. The time and place to argue with the police is in front of a judge not on the street. In every one of these cases where people have been beaten or killed by the police the person was running or fighting with or in some way not complying with police *orders*. Do police over react? Yes and that should be dealt with. But when the police *tell* you to do something you stfu and do as you are told. Feel that you were treated unjustly? Then get a lawyer and present your case to a judge.

My 2 cents for whatever it is worth.
:yes: Keep going after the cops and the only people they will protect are themselves.
Here is a tip...... Don't break the law and the cops will leave you alone. Been working fine for me for the past 40ish years, cept' for that time I was doin' 90 on the freeway on my bike. But I don't blame the cop for giving me a coupon to traffic court either. :no: I can take my lumps when I'm wrong.

Uh, that tip hasn't worked on several occasions.

But now, I live in the middle of ****ing no where and know where the cops hang out and avoid them. Works much better than living concrete kingdom crawling with the vermin.
:yes: Keep going after the cops and the only people they will protect are themselves.

Its about coming to that. When you get crucified on a regular basis, there there isn't much incentive. Why should the cops be proactive when all we do in the media is hold a noose over their head?

I wholeheartedly believe every person should have a CCW on them. Even the field, the reward may not justify the risk. Ol boy says gimme your money....well....give him something!:yes: I used this saying Thursday.....

When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
Its about coming to that. When you get crucified on a regular basis, there there isn't much incentive. Why should the cops be proactive when all we do in the media is hold a noose over their head?

I wholeheartedly believe every person should have a CCW on them. Even the field, the reward may not justify the risk. Ol boy says gimme your money....well....give him something!:yes: I used this saying Thursday.....

When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

Oh yeah, because the cops have had a stellar track record since... well ever.




Some handiwork of the Fullerton cops in 2011. This guys broke no laws. Seems your "don't break the law" advice doesn't really cut it.
The police are in grave danger of losing community support, not just in the inner cities but everywhere. And that would be a shame.

Personally, as a long-term (25+ years) business owner, in four different states, I can say that I have had multiple problems with police, while I have NEVER had a problem with "bad guys". In my businesses, I have been (and still am) "security", and I brook no nonsense.

Unfortunately, when cops have misbehaved on my property, I have been helpless. I mean, really -- when the people we have entrusted to enforce the law act improperly, who ya gonna call?

Locally, things have improved dramatically after several of us business owners wrote letters to the mayor and police chief, outlining our grievances. I hope that this national conversation we are all having about police misbehavior reaps similar rewards.

We, as a society, NEED the police to be the good guys.
...he said, from the comfort of his living room with the clarity of hindsight.

No, I'm not saying it was acceptable behavior, but you dont seem to understand the effects of adrenalin.

Andrenaline is understandable if the perp is violent or committed a violent crime but this guy didn't shoot a cop for Christ's sake. If he had then he'd've deserved the treatment. He was suspected of identity theft, fled on a freakin' horse, surrendered when he was caught up with (no struggle) and still took a severe azz whooping.

Big difference between being "unfit for the job" and "should be chained to the wall at the police station.

Did you consider that maybe...just maybe...someone might have been overstating for effect? But now that you mention it our CIA has done far worse for far longer to innocent people over the last 14 years so why not share the joy with an obviously guilty party?

Just one of those rare occurrences we keep hearing about over and over again.

I really wish this was the case but I'm confident it's not...more likely it's repeated a dozen times each day across the U.S. What's rare is that it's caugt on camera by a third party so we get to see it. If it's not caught on third party tape then you'll never hear about it. (Now that I read the rest of your posts I realize that this one may have been posted with tongue planted firmly in check)

Wait, that kick to the nutsack, wtf!!

Exactly. I'm confident that this cop was the fat boy in school that was picked on. The perp on the horse wasn't just an identity theft suspect, no, he was the grade school bully who handed out the wedgies.

But what's more disturbing is that 10 of his buddies joined in. Rare occurrence? When 11 cops don't hesitate when they know they're being filmed? really? Rare? I seriously doubt it. Of course they likely thought it was the police chopper and thus that the vid would never see the light of day.

Buffalo Springfield said:
What a field-day for the heat

Some things never change.
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Oh, and let's not forget that there's strong evidence that the SC cop planted his tazer on the man he'd just shot (in the back 8 times) so he'd have an alibi...
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There is a little something called "excessive force" that as we all know can be open to interpretation. When someone is actually "resisting arrest" there is justification for use of force. In that type of situation, the "level" of force used can be "creatively" justified.
When someone drops to the ground face down and puts his own hands behind his back, ANY use of force from that point on is excessive.

By the way. In my opinion this lack of integrity isn't exclusive to just law enforcement. Its across the board. You can find examples of this almost anywhere you look. This new generation of people is pathetic. We have lost all the values this country was built on.
By the way. In my opinion this lack of integrity isn't exclusive to just law enforcement. Its across the board. You can find examples of this almost anywhere you look. This new generation of people is pathetic. We have lost all the values this country was built on.

Curious as to what your definition of "this new generation" is.

Personally I think the baby boomers (of which I am embarrassed to be a member) are the most pathetic selfish generation that this country has ever seen and that subsequent generations have been a step in the right direction from us.

We suck.

(The life out of everything we go near.)