Mike Busch Webinars


Pattern Altitude
Aug 17, 2014
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I recently came across a Webinar that Mike Busch did. I then learned that he has been doing a ton of Webinars for EAA over the years. They can all be found on http://www.eaavideo.org/ - just search 'Mike Busch'. Not selling the guy, but wish I would of came across this stuff when I first bought my plane.
I too like the info he provides.

Dare I say he is the @bbchien of A&P's?
Mike Busch will be a presenter at the AOPA forums, scheduled at different airports this year. I'm signed up to take the seminar later this month - will post my feedback.
He's a master at marketing / self-promotion, I'll give him that. Practically all A&Ps can tell you the same things that he does. He does not possess any special knowledge or wisdom. The only other thing he has going for him is his pre- buy and management business which by most accounts is a decent service.
I too like the info he provides.

Dare I say he is the ........?

Much better and never vicious or nasty. Delves into subjects much deeper than most A&Ps for complete understanding. Has advanced management, knowledge and modernization of subjects important to us more than any others.
Always interesting to hear the quacks that don't appreciate him. Mostly old time thinkers and envy of success. Makes more sense than common aviation GA mechanics. And his commercial successes speak for themselves. Check out the analysis of EMS recordings - fabulous stuff.
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He's a master at marketing / self-promotion, I'll give him that. Practically all A&Ps can tell you the same things that he does. He does not possess any special knowledge or wisdom. The only other thing he has going for him is his pre- buy and management business which by most accounts is a decent service.

One thing he may have going for him is he can tell you the same things as other A&Ps, but maybe in a more "helpful" and less argumentative way than some others we might know?
He's a master at marketing / self-promotion, I'll give him that. Practically all A&Ps can tell you the same things that he does. He does not possess any special knowledge or wisdom.

That sums up my opinion of him as well. He is a journalist first and a mechanic second.
A few years back, as a first-time owner attending one of his weekend seminars, I learned a lot from him that I'd not have learned from a once-a-year visit to an unknown A&P for an annual inspection. It was worth the time and money to be more informed.
Practically all A&Ps can tell you the same things that he does. He does not possess any special knowledge or wisdom.

Maybe you had better luck with A&Ps but 3 out of 4 A&Ps I've worked with over the last 3 years were lacking some level of special knowledge and wisdom. What I like about the Webinars so far is he's very proficient in explaining things and in some cases were paradigm shifts to my thinking.
What would you consider his tendency to vilify mechanics?

That is the thing about him that really bothers me. He seems to relish bashing other mechanics and puts himself out there as the guy who will protect the poor unwitting pilot from unscrupulous and unqualified mechanics who will take their money and wreck their airplane.
Just tacking on here and answering no one in particular. Mike does have a valid point about incompetent mechanics. As the old greybeards disappear the young folk replacing them do not have the accumulated knowledge of the old guys, nor are those older mechanics still around for them to learn from. They seem to be in it only for the paycheck. My former employer was a Designated Mechanic Examiner, and the product of the A&P schools who came to him for testing were absolute idiots who should not have been approved by the schools. Shotgunning was their favorite method of troubleshooting. You get the picture. There are dishonest ones as well, but they will be outed and will not last long in the business. It's unfortunate that customers get stuck paying for those learning experiences.

That said, there were a few who shined. Our shop hired one of those; an up-and-coming professional. Unfortunately for us, the airlines beckoned.
He offers a free engine analysis service on his website, very helpful.

reached out to them with a bunch of log books and oil analysis report. heard back within 3 days on what they think. they will also review your purchase agreement free of cost and then if you want to sign them up to arrange pre-buy, you have to sign up for the service. as a novice, i find it very helpful

reached out to them with a bunch of log books and oil analysis report. heard back within 3 days on what they think. they will also review your purchase agreement free of cost and then if you want to sign them up to arrange pre-buy, you have to sign up for the service. as a novice, i find it very helpful
Since we know the aircraft you did that for... do you mind sharing what they had to say from their review of the books and oil?
His videos and articles are pretty good. There is some showmanship involved, but as long as you take it all with a grain of salt, I think they are informative. He is just as human as the next guy and he has talked of some of his human moments from time to time!
He researches and explains subjects well beyond the understanding of 99% of his detractors.... Who usually identify themselves with insults and lack of substantive evidence to the contrary.
Check out his seminars at OSH. Packed solid all week. And an amazing amount of free education. By the way, not a lick of showmanship. Subject headings are kind of clever but presentation is actually pretty dry. Seminars are too. Just valuable information, data, statistics, examples, physics and science. Again, beyond the same 99%......hence most the baseless criticism.
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I too like the info he provides.

Dare I say he is the @bbchien of A&P's?



I'll never forget about 10 years ago over at CPA when he told someone they didn't have to worry about moisture getting into their crankcase/oil in the wintertime because cold air doesn't carry enough moisture do do any damage.

Someone else had to point out to him that moisture in the crankcase/oil is a product of combustion...not a function of moist air.

As others have said, he's a great salesman and marketer. A&P...not so much.

I wouldn't let him change my oil. Even if it has water in it!
He researches and explains subjects well beyond the understanding of 99% of his detractors.... Who usually identify themselves with insults and lack of substantive evidence to the contrary.
Check out his seminars at OSH. Packed solid all week. And an amazing amount of free education. By the way, not a lick of showmanship. Subject headings are kind of clever but presentation is actually pretty dry. Seminars are too. Just valuable information, data, statistics, examples, physics and science. Again, beyond the same 99%......hence most the baseless criticism.

So what you are saying is 1% of his detractors actually know what they are talking about and still see some complete bs mixed in with the good from Mike.
Sounds about right. I agree with much of what he disseminates but sometimes he has some real doozies.
I've got no dog in the fight. I like his approach to some things but... I was taught day 1 in Army Maint. School- remove all jewelry/FOD prevention... Every time I see this pic, that thought goes through my mind and I think, what else does this guy not get about basic maintenance practices? I DO get it's a "glamour shot", but geesh!
I've known Mike [from a professional point of view] for about twenty years. While I don't agree with him on everything I can't help but feel he offers a service to owners who have no mechanical knowledge whatever. The latter can, and have been taken advantage of by the unscrupulous. I think his mission is to help them avoid becoming victims of the latter. It could be beneficial to the mechanically challenged.

Nuff said. I will neither pan nor endorse his services.
So what you are saying is 1% of his detractors actually know what they are talking about and still see some complete bs mixed in with the good from Mike.
Sounds about right. I agree with much of what he disseminates but sometimes he has some real doozies.

Actually, he's a mathematician & and computer geek first. Check his resume.
careful....he didn't invent this stuff. RCM has been around for a long time and used by the airlines since the 80's.

He's just figured a way to apply it to GA....:rolleyes:
If you appreciate his Webinars, his book "Manifesto" is a worthwhile collection and an expression of his maintenance philosophies.
I enjoy his webinars and articles. People will always flame success. If you find value and like it, enjoy. If not, avoid. Pretty simple but I think it was nice to post the link for others to make their own decision.

If someone else can post an equally accessible link from another A&P/pilot/aircraft owner that goes over valuable operating/mechanical/owning information I'd love to check it out. In the mean time...
his book "Manifesto" is a worthwhile collection and an expression of his maintenance philosophies.

Yeah, the chapter on RCM should credit Wikipedia.

Oddly, in his advocacy for RCM he fails to take into consideration things like this:
"Disney introduced RCM to its parks in 1997, laying off a large number of maintenance workers and saving large amounts of money. Some people blamed the new cost-conscious maintenance culture for some of the incidents at Disneyland that occurred in the following years." And, I'm sure there have been aviation component failures related to "lack of maintenance" that would also shine a different light on RCM, and offset MIFs.