Me, walking

Now that looks like a faster ground speed than a Mooney! Did you have a tailwind?

BTW - nice sneakers!
Little duck footed there. Need to work on your hip flexors.
I need to start a GoFundMe account to raise money to buy a camera to film myself doing mundane activities so people will patronize my site to enable me to do more mundane things instead of real work. Yea....that's the life!
Walking through a wasteland or what? Which airport? What did you eat? When will you pay me for the wasted 15 seconds? I’ll give you 2/10 for placing in the correct forum.
You’re doing it wrong. I see zero branding that could lead to sales of overpriced wanna-be gear.

what you don't see is that I was wearing FLYING EYES sunglasses!!!!!!!!!! man those things are sooooooooooooo comfortable!
I was going to down load this video and add sound effects, but I'm too lazy.
Nice walk bro! Left foot straight, right foot is listing to starboard

thanks, I've been practicing for a long time. weird that my right foot looks all goobered up like that, I must have had a pebble in my shoe or something. don't forget to like and subscribe!!
That is fake. I heard you only fly in full Captain's uniform.
Hey, if you want more views, I've heard it's a good idea to get a better microphone for good audio.
also multiple camera angles makes it feel more pro.
just sayin'

....i gave you multiple views by mistake. The thing kept looping over and over and I couldn't get it to stop....and the rythmic footsteps almost lulled me to sleep.... Maybe you have enough views now to monetize your vids!
I neither liked or subscribed, but then again, I’d already seen it when you posted it in Facebook. :)