Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

To be fair, sheep were never, and still aren’t, coal powered. They are green energy certified plant based powered… and they still emit those noxious gases. Ask any Scotsman…just don’t ask about their Velcro gloves and wide boots….
Well, you know why Scotsman wear kilts? Sheep can hear a zipper a mile away.
To be fair, sheep were never, and still aren’t, coal powered. They are green energy certified plant based powered… and they still emit those noxious gases. Ask any Scotsman…just don’t ask about their Velcro gloves and wide boots….
So one day a high-wing pilot walks into a vet's office with his pet goldfish. "I think my goldfish is having epileptic seizures," he tells the vet. "He looks pretty normal to me," says the vet. The pilot replies, "Wait, I haven't taken him out of the bowl yet."