Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!


Ah, Schrodinger's bowls. They are simultaneously broken and not broken until you open the door and see if you can catch them.
I'll see if this can sneak under the wire...

Back in the 30's, Il Duce wanted to see how the regular people lived, so he put on a disguise and went to see a movie. Before the feature started, there was a segment promoting their fearless leader, and everyone around him stood and cheered. He smiled as he sat there. Then, a little old man beside him leaned over, noticing that he was sitting, and said "look, everybody feels the same way you do, but it's not safe to show it."

So it's safe to insult people, and even their families, but once you start insulting people's super heroes, even if most of the world knows better, than the nuts come out to play. I get not wanting to talk about fight club.
They call it a Boeing because that's the noise the seat makes when it gets yeeted through the gaping hole in the fuselage…
