Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

When a truck driver becomes an airline pilot.

The Answer
: Sssss Boom Bah

What is the sound that an exploding sheep makes?

May you be forced to visit a near-sighted proctologist
I wish I could find a graphic I saw a couple of years ago. It had a large grid for the amount of plastic waste. In the bottom right corner was the US plastic waste. That was expanded to another large grid. In the bottom right corner of that was plastic straws.

Basically it said there was a lot of noise about very little. The bulk of the plastic making it to the ocean is from China, the Philippines and other southeast Asian countries, including India. The US may use too much plastics, but we dispose of it far better.


I agree that we should start steering ourselves away from single use plastics. But yeah, the straw thing kinda misses the point.
