Just do it


Feb 4, 2015
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I went on my first "real" cross country trip this week. I went from my home airport to a place that would have taken four hours to drive(my wife and two kids drove) for a family vacation with the wifes family.

I was scared to go because the clouds were low the day I left and I didn't like the idea of scud running the 200 air miles to get there but it didn't take long to get past the low clouds and I flew in clear skys half of the way. Landing was not a problem there.

The way back earlier today probably could deserve its own thread, try to beat a large thunderstorm, heavy winds, major turbulence, getting back to my little airport to find the runway shut down due to crack sealing workers, spending a half hour circling calling people on my cell to get them out of the way(they normally just get out of the way when they see a plane). Density altitude of 4000 (my airport is 1600 MSL), wind was 40 degrees off the runway at 17g26. I had my second go around today.

I am pretty low time pilot, but it was a great trip for me. Beautiful scenery, shaved about 6 hours drive time out of my life.

If you are just getting your license and hesitant to actually use it to go somewhere, my advice is........Do It!!!!

Happy flying.
First off, congrats on a successful trip, although perhaps more forecast planning in the future isn't a bad idea?

Second off
Thanks for the reply, I got my ppl around 40 hrs in and now I'm only at around 70 hrs. My wife kinda gives me crap about my confidence level. I've never really had a bad experience flying my plane but it still scares the crap out of me sometimes haha.
Well congrats. An airplane can be great fun and a time saver,never forget the old saying,time to spare go by air.
First off, congrats on a successful trip, although perhaps more forecast planning in the future isn't a bad idea?

Second off

Uh, is that stupid video really supposed to be considered motivational? That guy seems like a real douche.
You don't think that green screen is there by accident, do you?

Glad you had a good trip and made it back safely.
...getting back to my little airport to find the runway shut down due to crack sealing workers, spending a half hour circling calling people on my cell to get them out of the way(they normally just get out of the way when they see a plane).

private airfield? no NOTAM regarding the runway work? congratulations on the trip.
Yes, and yes. People have been making fun of him on the Internet since it came out.

Well, I do not see anything motivational in it at all and this was the first time that I saw the video. Shows how little I am up on things.
Well, I do not see anything motivational in it at all and this was the first time that I saw the video. Shows how little I am up on things.

Psssh, whatever! I've already walked my cat and scheduled a bear-ride!
Uh, is that stupid video really supposed to be considered motivational? That guy seems like a real douche.

Motivational or not it's funny. Let's not be sooooo serious!

After all he does know optimus prime! :D
I did my first cross country about a week after I passed my check ride. Might have even been the next day. It's what airplanes are there for.

A pity about the stupid video. Labeouf is actually a very talented actor, transforming robot movies aside.
I did my first cross country about a week after I passed my check ride. Might have even been the next day. It's what airplanes are there for.

A pity about the stupid video. Labeouf is actually a very talented actor, transforming robot movies aside.

What is your avatar?
been driving me nuts for awhile.
Thanks for the reply, I got my ppl around 40 hrs in and now I'm only at around 70 hrs. My wife kinda gives me crap about my confidence level. I've never really had a bad experience flying my plane but it still scares the crap out of me sometimes haha.

It should, but we go anyway.