Jalopnik Comanche review (and apparently seeking new contributors)

ElPaso Pilot

Pattern Altitude
May 26, 2006
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ElPaso Pilot
For our talented and/or wannabe creative types here, I see Jalopnik accepted an amateur Comanche review and might be posting more in the future.

And is Eric Thurber lurking here?? I'm sure this crowd would love to critique your landing technique...

(Editor’s Note: We got an email from a pilot who wanted to write reviews of small aircraft. Since none of us are pilots, and this seemed like a fun thing to do, we figured why the hell not? We fact-checked as best we could, at any rate. So this is the first of what may become a series of sky-car reviews.)


Hmm, I might have to do a review on an Arrow. But, I see someone beat me to a PA-28.
Wouldn’t give that website the click revenue. A bunch of wanna be journalist that doesn’t know what they are talking about 90% of the time.
The writer of the Comanche review doesn't know enough about Comanches to be writing about them. The review is garbage.