It can be done


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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So today I bought some cookie dough ice cream for my kids because I needed a distraction for them so daddy could drink.

Well after they went to bed, I decided to answer a question that has plagued mankind for Eons.

Can you extract the bits of cookie dough from the ice cream, cook it, and make cookies?

You can and the cookies are alright. Not great, and not terrible, but they do turn into actual cookies and they are palatable but there is a bit of shame in knowing that in the morning my son will discover that his ice cream is now just Vanilla Ice Cream.

I'm okay with that.

At any rate, it would be an expensive route to go if you wanted to make a batch of cookies but if you have the ice cream in house and you need a one off chocolate chip cookie to get your fix, know it is an option.

You're welcome
Oh I didn't really have anything to drink. I was swimming with the kids and went inside to get them a treat. I just saw the ice cream in the freezer an wondered if I could make a cookie from the bits of cookie dough.
I guess I'm not the only one to think of this.

Oh I didn't really have anything to drink. I was swimming with the kids and went inside to get them a treat. I just saw the ice cream in the freezer an wondered if I could make a cookie from the bits of cookie dough.

That's apparent. If you had something to drink you would have instead written about trying to get the Monkey out of 'Chunky Monkey'.
i surprised there was a leavener in the dough. all you need is something vaguely doughlike in consistency and with similar taste. for homemade icecream you can find recipes for "chocolate chip cookie dough" but without the eggs (since they dont get cooked), for example.

Many years ago I used to manage a small restaurant. Occasionally we would experiment with food. Some turned out pretty good, most turned out pretty bad.

I think the #1 worst was making beer floats. Just like root beer float but using beer instead. Bad, really bad.
Many years ago I used to manage a small restaurant. Occasionally we would experiment with food. Some turned out pretty good, most turned out pretty bad.

I think the #1 worst was making beer floats. Just like root beer float but using beer instead. Bad, really bad.

Trick to a beer float is mix half beer and half Sprite for your base - also, use a Pilsner Lager. (Amstel, Stella, Grolsch, Beck's, Heineken etc.)

People generally try to make beer floats with stout's because of the way it looks. Bad idea.
This might be one of these rare cases where the microwave oven is clearly the best choice.
Trick to a beer float is mix half beer and half Sprite for your base - also, use a Pilsner Lager. (Amstel, Stella, Grolsch, Beck's, Heineken etc.)

People generally try to make beer floats with stout's because of the way it looks. Bad idea.

Substitute plain yogurt for the ice cream.

I don't know..... sounds as if I am being set up for something worse.... I am getting too old for college food experiments.....:lol::lol::lol:
I've seen beer floats in St. Patty's day parades.
ive made beer floats with a chocolate porter that were pretty good. guiness would be gross. find something trending sweet and use that. its fine.
Hmm. I was out in the back yard the other day and was thinking the ***** willow tree needed pruning. Now ya got me wondering.................l
Many years ago I used to manage a small restaurant. Occasionally we would experiment with food. Some turned out pretty good, most turned out pretty bad.

I think the #1 worst was making beer floats. Just like root beer float but using beer instead. Bad, really bad.

At Stone brewing you can get a porter float.. it's their smoked porter with vanilla ice cream... mmmmm SO good
Your mind works in strange ways. That said, I have been known to do something selfish like eating all the chocolate chunks out of mint chocolate chip icecream.
If I get where you are going, another name is "Goat Willow" according to Wiki, only you don't want goats.
The forum auto censored this particular type of willow.

The old forum chat software used to make it impossible to make reference to a certain city in Maryland, Cumberland, to be specific. The results were amusing.
Well, the Genus is Salix. There are weeping willow trees. The forum auto censored this particular type of willow. Now take the context of the thread and use your imagination.

That's what I figured, but I never thought of them as being trees. When I was growing up in northern Illinois, they grew wild, but as bushes.
That sounds more like a bong idea than an alcohol idea. :cool: