Is Tony Stewart a murderer??

Is Tony responsible for this death?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 117 66.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 29 16.6%

  • Total voters
It's a satire site, and a pretty funny one if you read some of the other articles!:D Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he did get out of racing, at least for the rest of this season.

That would make more sense.
What happened to personal accountability?

Ward literally ran onto a track full of hot cars!

Anyone who is saying "oh, Stewart should have known this could be bad, he's a pro driver"... I'm sorry, but what about "Ward should have known what could happen, he's a pro driver"?

If you refuse to call it a premeditated accident - that is, when one person dares the gods of chance and loses, like Russian Roulette - then this is unintentional suicide.
What happened to personal accountability?

Ward literally ran onto a track full of hot cars!

Anyone who is saying "oh, Stewart should have known this could be bad, he's a pro driver"... I'm sorry, but what about "Ward should have known what could happen, he's a pro driver"?

If you refuse to call it a premeditated accident - that is, when one person dares the gods of chance and loses, like Russian Roulette - then this is unintentional suicide.

Pretty much it. Even if Stewart decided to peg it and take this twerp out, the other dude, Ward? He still gets a Darwin Award. There is a saying, "Don't go poking bears."
Pretty much it. Even if Stewart decided to peg it and take this twerp out, the other dude, Ward? He still gets a Darwin Award. There is a saying, "Don't go poking bears."
Like this guy?

It's a satire site, and a pretty funny one if you read some of the other articles!:D Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he did get out of racing, at least for the rest of this season.

Ha. Nice. Got duped again by one of those. They're getting pretty good at that. Oh well.
Some people say he hit the throttle and his car went sideways, I see the car got sideways AFTER he gets hit...
I agree. It looks that way to me as well. It appeared to me that the rear end went away from him, not toward him. I think that the impact pulled the front end over and that is what we are seeing.
I agree. It looks that way to me as well. It appeared to me that the rear end went away from him, not toward him. I think that the impact pulled the front end over and that is what we are seeing.


On a sprinter,, the right rear tire sticks way out further then the front tire and even past the nerf bar.... It is clear the right rear hit and ran over the other driver... That action alone would cause the car to swerve to the right... Which it did after the impact....:yes:
I think we should start Saturday Night Death Match racing, lone survivor wins.
Tony will NOT be charged with any crimes...:no::no::no:..

The other driver had "high" levels of THC in his blood that night.... Enough that he would have been consider "impaired" if caught driving on public roads...
I wonder if the "he's a murderer" crowd will go on a rant about how dangerous it was for Ward to be racing while high??
The other driver had "high" levels of THC in his blood that night.... Enough that he would have been consider "impaired" if caught driving on public roads...

The family of Kevin Ward has said they are still considering a civil suit. Wonder how that will fly with the new info that the kid's pre-race routine included puffing on wacky weed.

Not saying that there won't be some sleeze lawyer that will take the case anyway looking to get publicity out of it (and Tony's lawyers may just offer a settlement to be nice), but the kids family needs to realize that if they decide to pursue it ...and Tony's lawyers decide to fight it, it will probably dig up it probably wasn't the kids first time racing while high.

High or not, running into the racing line is beyond stupid. It's right up there with jumping the fence on an urban interstate and trying to run across to the other side.
Yup. It just makes him even more culpable for his own stupidity.
High or not, running into the racing line is beyond stupid. It's right up there with jumping the fence on an urban interstate and trying to run across to the other side.

And he was in a black racing suit. :mad2:

Poor judgment while high is certainly nothing new. Driving a race car or an airplane high is beyond stupid.
If they settle, it won't be because they're nice, it will be because it's cheaper to pay a settlement than pay attorneys fees! :mad2: At some point it's cheaper to pay something out vs additional attorneys fees and risk losing at trial. With juries involved, you never know if they might award the kid's family something, just out of sympathy, which would include the family's attorneys fees.:mad2:
So, I might be cheaper to pay them $500K-1M than risk a trial in which they could lose several million plus :dunno: These suits drag out for years and that's not good for business or racing sponsorships, just get it over with and move on.
We call it "buying our peace"

The family of Kevin Ward has said they are still considering a civil suit. Wonder how that will fly with the new info that the kid's pre-race routine included puffing on wacky weed.

Not saying that there won't be some sleeze lawyer that will take the case anyway looking to get publicity out of it (and Tony's lawyers may just offer a settlement to be nice), but the kids family needs to realize that if they decide to pursue it ...and Tony's lawyers decide to fight it, it will probably dig up it probably wasn't the kids first time racing while high.

We call it "buying our peace"
But you are opening a huge can of worms.
Drivers will start suing other drivers? Anyway I thought all sports contracts had a non-litigation clause to prevent this? I can't think of anytime in a organized league where there has been a lawsuit between participants?
They relied on the league officials to dole out fines, punishments.
Silly. Clauses, waivers, hold-harmless agreements, etc are all worth about as much as the paper they're printed on when it comes time to sue. I don't know why anyone even bothers.
If there is such a thing as a MOD on this forum - delete this garbage! for those of you who feel your right to express your opinion is denied, go find a Dirt track site or use CNN to do so. this forum should be about pilots and aviation not some Facebook item like this
If there is such a thing as a MOD on this forum - delete this garbage! for those of you who feel your right to express your opinion is denied, go find a Dirt track site or use CNN to do so. this forum should be about pilots and aviation not some Facebook item like this

"Hangar Talk Open forum for discussion of any topic you like, aviation related or otherwise (but no spin zone material, see below)."

Guess you don't know how to read very well. If you don't like, why don't you leave?
If there is such a thing as a MOD on this forum - delete this garbage! for those of you who feel your right to express your opinion is denied, go find a Dirt track site or use CNN to do so. this forum should be about pilots and aviation not some Facebook item like this
You must be new to the internet. Welcome. This thing you're on is called a discussion forum. At the top, it describes what this section of the forum is for. And consequently, why you're wrong.
If there is such a thing as a MOD on this forum - delete this garbage! for those of you who feel your right to express your opinion is denied, go find a Dirt track site or use CNN to do so. this forum should be about pilots and aviation not some Facebook item like this

Hi, my name is Edgefly, and I am too dumb to know what the internet or forums are for. Further, I claim to be a pilot but fail to understand what the term "hangar talk" refers to.

If someone would kindly remind me to close my mouth when I breathe and to swallow my spit every once in a while to avoid drooling, that would be great!
One of the news reports I saw yesterday - we all saw the video of the accident itself. At the beginning of the investigation the local DA asked for anyone with other video to please submit it. There was mention in an article about a 2nd video, apparently from another angle, that has not been made public.

Did anyone else see reference to that?
One of the news reports I saw yesterday - we all saw the video of the accident itself. At the beginning of the investigation the local DA asked for anyone with other video to please submit it. There was mention in an article about a 2nd video, apparently from another angle, that has not been made public.

Did anyone else see reference to that?

Word on the street is there were at least five videos and a couple were in-car Go Pros, altho those were not good quality as dirt /mud was on they lens....

As for the settlement.. My gut feeling is Tony is a stand up guy and felt REALLY bad just after the accident and paid the family right then to cover funeral /burial and other expenses.. I bet this was before they knew about the pot smoking this other driver had a bad habit of doing...:nono::nono::mad2:..

Good luck getting any of that cash back...:(
Silly. Clauses, waivers, hold-harmless agreements, etc are all worth about as much as the paper they're printed on when it comes time to sue. I don't know why anyone even bothers.
Because that is not universally true. In some states, for some activities, when appropriate options are offered, it is possible for a good attorney to craft an enforceable exculpatory contract (aka "waiver" of "hold harmless agreement"). There is a good discussion and an entire chapter devoted to this as it applies to aviation activities in J. Scott Hamilton's "Practical Aviation Law", available from internet booksellers for about $40 delivered (and an excellent read for any pilot).
Well, I'm not in the racing business, so I guess you have a point with opening a can of worms. But, I think there may still be some type of settlement IF the family finds a lawyer to take the case. :dunno:
It's a case that even if you win, you will spend 100's of thousands defending it! :mad2:

But you are opening a huge can of worms.
Drivers will start suing other drivers? Anyway I thought all sports contracts had a non-litigation clause to prevent this? I can't think of anytime in a organized league where there has been a lawsuit between participants?
They relied on the league officials to dole out fines, punishments.
If there is such a thing as a MOD on this forum - delete this garbage! for those of you who feel your right to express your opinion is denied, go find a Dirt track site or use CNN to do so. this forum should be about pilots and aviation not some Facebook item like this

In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis." :rolleyes: