Iron Eagle Question 1 - Can music make you fly faster?


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I got to thinking about the movie Iron Eagle.

I get that movie makers are not aviators and they think the general viewership are even dumber than them.

However, at some point in the very realistic scenario where Doug Masters steals an F-16 and somehow gets all the way to what I assume is Iraq having gotten undetected buy-in from air to air refuelers, and a slew of other resources it must require to put together such a mission that he mastered in a simulator which seamlessly translated to a real life fighter, things started to go a little south for me on the believability scale when Doug pops some Tina turner tunes into his 50 pound tape deck in an effort to "make up some time".

Chappy of course isn't buying it and repeatedly tells young Masters to "cut off that stuff!"

Doug being the brilliant young protagonist is able to get buy in from Col. Sinclare by swapping out Ike Turner's biggest hit (I know.. Too Far... Domestic violence is no joking matter) for music that sounds as if it was written with a cheesy aviation movie in mind.

Now chappy is all "Now, that's more like it".

Then Chappy is full in and makes the comment "We have already made up 6 minutes".

I'm no dummy (debatable I guess) but I feel this movie at multiple points tries to sell us on the idea that somehow playing the right music will make the plane fly faster resulting in "making up some time".

Am I missing something or could a lot of stalls have been prevented by simply pressing play?

I have a lot more Iron eagle questions actually but this is the most critical right now.


God, this movie is so awful, yet so good.. Given the time frame in which it's made and the name of the country being bilya, i think they're doing monkey-shines in Libya. And how about Chappie adjusting the mixture through the oil door, and saying he would have gone into a stall from running so lean
I haven't seen Iron Eagle, but if you want to read an honest to God, true to life aviation kick a** story look for a copy of "flight of the old dog". /sarcasm

I just checked and I see they made it into a movie as well. Circa 1987.

Movie makes also want us to believe that flying with flaps down will at least make a C-150 fly faster....
That's ridiculous. Get your head out of your @ss....everyone knows that the reason for the extended flaps was to redirect the airflow down to the hooligan on the motorcycle, slowing him down and allowing Dougy to win the race!
Queen, not Tina Turner. Tina Turner does nothing for improving performance but Queen can add between 10 to 100 kts depending on the aircraft.

Plus, they were at 300 ft to avoid radar. It's well known that anything below that altitude cannot be detected by any air defense systems.
Movie makes also want us to believe that flying with flaps down will at least make a C-150 fly faster....

That was going to be question 3

I guess we all have the same questions.

Oh well. I am going to go fly the snake in my new to me Grumman despite the fact that it is what killed Jimmy Branson.
That was going to be question 3

I guess we all have the same questions.

Oh well. I am going to go fly the snake in my new to me Grumman despite the fact that it is what killed Jimmy Branson.

Just make sure no one loosened the oil cap.
That was going to be question 3

I guess we all have the same questions.

Oh well. I am going to go fly the snake in my new to me Grumman despite the fact that it is what killed Jimmy Branson.
Watch out for someone loosening your pressure cap.. It'll make white smoke pour out of your manifold
No, no, no! This is a total misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the facts!

The right music doesn't make you fly faster - it makes you shoot better. It's all about the rhythm.

See 1:01:25 into the movie.

(That time-point should have probably taken me more than 5 seconds to find... but it didn't.).
Queen, not Tina Turner. Tina Turner does nothing for improving performance but Queen can add between 10 to 100 kts depending on the aircraft.

Plus, they were at 300 ft to avoid radar. It's well known that anything below that altitude cannot be detected by any air defense systems.
Its practically underground.
Don't know about music effects, but time sure flies when I'm aviating.

Ain't that the truth.
The Hobbs runs at twice or even 4 times the normal speed when I'm in the J3.
So does my wristwatch.
I go up, and half an hour, and two time warps later, and suddenly everyone claims I've been out for nearly 2 hours.
Parallel universes, or alternate realities. I'm sure of it.
Ain't that the truth.
The Hobbs runs at twice or even 4 times the normal speed when I'm in the J3.
So does my wristwatch.
I go up, and half an hour, and two time warps later, and suddenly everyone claims I've been out for nearly 2 hours.
Parallel universes, or alternate realities. I'm sure of it.

But do you age 2 hours? That's the important question.
I think Louis Gossett Jr should've gotten a second Oscar out of that entire series. A special award for the actor who continues to act in dead end sequels. Like a stamina type of award.
Somehow Tina Turner doesn't inspire visions of sonic cracks and MIGs exploding.
I don't think I have even watched it all the way through once.

That makes two of us. I have a criteria for movies. If it has a dragon, a wizard or contains scenes that defy the laws of physics, I'm not interested.
This is the only song that can make a plane fly faster. That's why it's built in to the Cirrus EFIS with big green LUDICROUS SPEED label.

This is the only song that can make a plane fly faster. That's why it's built in to the Cirrus EFIS with big green LUDICROUS SPEED label.

Ahhhhh yes, this one is on my new album, "Songs to Crank to the Absolute Max While Traveling Well Over 100 MPH".
That was going to be question 3

I guess we all have the same questions.

Oh well. I am going to go fly the snake in my new to me Grumman despite the fact that it is what killed Jimmy Branson.

Watch out for Devil's Face, that's where Branson bought it...
Proud to say I own all 4 on DVD. Even saw I.E. II at the theater on opening day! :)
Dang it!! Thanks a lot. I have no idea how I'm to fit watching this into my day tomorrow so I can find out if you can shoot a maverick missle while on the ground.
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Dang it!! Thanks a lot. I have no idea how I'm to fit watching this into my day tomorrow so I can find out if you can shoot a maverick misleading while on the ground.

There's nothing misleading about that scene. Doug Masters straight up shot a Maverick Missile while on the ground...fact.
There's nothing misleading about that scene. Doug Masters straight up shot a Maverick Missile while on the ground...fact.
Cruise's lawyers will be contacting you in a few moments...