If airline pilots lost their GPS ...

Forest for the trees. If someone employs a weapon capable of taking out the entire GPS constellation or even a large portion of it then loss of GPS nav is the least of civil aviation's worries.

You guys really need to work on your comprehension skills and bias. The article is about satellites generally. GPS is just one of the technologies they mention.

e.g. "These are not experimental weapons of the future, but weapons of today, already operating from Near Earth Orbit, just 100 miles up and home of the International Space Station, to Medium Earth Orbit at 12,500 miles, where the GPS satellites fly, all the way up to 22,000 miles in Geostationary Orbit, home of the nation's most sensitive military communications and nuclear early-warning satellites. Hyten warned that adversaries will soon be able to threaten US satellites in every orbital regime."

And, to take the quote that most seem to find most objectionable: "Airline pilots would lose contact with the ground, unsure of their position and without weather data to steer around storms"

That's actually true isn't it? During a trans oceanic crossing there aren't VORs so pilots indeed would be unsure of their position, at least in some sense. What is the accuracy of INS these days? Or is there something even better?

They would lose contact with the ground, that's accurate.

They have weather in the nose, so that's more sketchy. But it is true that they would lose satellite weather and the ability to plan in advance or see around heavy buildups (that create shadows on the onboard radar)

None of this adds up to an emergency, but neither does it make the author a joke unless someone enters looking for a failure.

Just another "apocalypse soon" story. Seems in order to sell advertising these days some potential disaster or another has to be portrayed. Just look at all the bad things that were to befall the world if one made the "wrong" ballot choice for the next POTUS. Or all the ink that was wasted a few years back describing the life endangering outcomes of an Earth-meteor collision. Can't hardly wait for the next World Health Organization pronouncement of yet another imminent global pandemic from its latest alpha-numeric virus discovery. Getting more difficult to tune the receiver such that one can hear any signal above the noise. :goofy:
I'm updating my GPS, and I can't find my azz with either hand!
It's DONE! What a relief.
Did a wing fall off? Did I miss something?
Damn how does a Cub, no electrical system, manage to survive in this cruel GPS age..... :rofl:
trouble?.....Na, easy, follow the contrails....the highway in the sky. :D
Just watched CNNs "War In Space" and it was interesting. I know CNN puts out some garbage, but you might give it a chance. As previous poster indicated, it's more about the arms race in space, satellite vulnerability, maneuverable satellites etc. The story included information on new technology the Chinese and Russians have deployed. About an hour long with commercials for your viewing pleasure. Bottom line to this story is - we really don't trust each other and never will. We haven't learned a thing.
Just another "apocalypse soon" story. Seems in order to sell advertising these days some potential disaster or another has to be portrayed. Just look at all the bad things that were to befall the world if one made the "wrong" ballot choice for the next POTUS.

I think England was supposed to of burst into flames and sink into the ocean by now because of Brexit. Still waiting on that one. There's a video of CNN's Amanpour (spelling?), supposedly an unbiased reporter, losing her mind over it.

The apocalypse is always around the corner for the media.

Damn how does a Cub, no electrical system, manage to survive in this cruel GPS age..... :rofl:

I can picture it now. All of us lose electrical due to an EMP and go into emergency mode...and there's grandpa in his Cub giving a thumbs up as he passes by.