idjits and a______

Bruce, you can't fix stupid.
By the same token, you shouldn't take it personally.

Help the people you can, who will treat you with respect
**** the rest.
Hang tough. Focus on all the good things in your life.
“I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” ― Albert Einstein
My good Doctor, I know exactly how you feel. Let the idiots sail past, do not throw your pearls before swine...remember those that have truly needed help and have been grateful for it.
Doc, you are caring respected person. You have your friends and fans. Ignore the rest.
Pour two inches of very good bourbon into a #2 washtub and drink it down. Call me when you wake up.... in two or three days...:goofy:
Well you guys are right. I just put a couple of folks on ignore. I'm sure there will be more.
Well you guys are right. I just put a couple of folks on ignore. I'm sure there will be more.

Not yet done that on this site, but I fully understand.

I liken it to one or two loud obnoxious a**holes at a party. It's a shame but their mere presence can ruin what would otherwise be a fun time.

I enjoy the Common Sense political podcast by Dan Carlin. But a few months ago I really had to give the associated forum a rest due to the overall level of nastiness and negativity found there. Similarly gave up on a site misleadingly called "Skeptiko" a few years back.

Anyway, use the ignore function with discretion since nearly everyone has something to offer if you can get by their tone.

But the key word there is "nearly".

Good luck, and let's keep this fun!*

* Spoken as a relative newbie! :redface:
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Doc, I hope I wasn't one of the ijiots, but I just responded to your message to me in the Sleep Apnea thread. You've taken my comments way too personally over in the other thread if it was me.

But you won't see this response anyway, if that's the case... LOL... so whatever. :)

Reply here:

I do see some other stuff in that thread that's totally illogical crap. And you hinted there's another thread... I haven't gotten to that one yet. Maybe that one is actually the one that set you off? Heh... :)
Hey Doc, no-one appointed you idjit-wrangler. Just ignore them.
Well you guys are right. I just put a couple of folks on ignore. I'm sure there will be more.

Dr. Chien,

I completely understand your frustration.

Will it help to know that there are a whole lot of people that take and appreciate your advice very much, even though we don't specifically ask you questions.

I will add to that and tell you that I often stop myself from doing something because it would be easier than doing the right thing. That is often because of your posts and your advice.

Please keep up the good work and continue to ignore the ones that would cause you grief.
A quick(?) flight to the great Northeast to view your property and future retirement could do wonders for psychoses.

I learn more about health in general from Bruce's posts here than I have from all my doctors over the decades. Nevermind the wonderful help he has provided on aviation medical matters where I needed his advice.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Bruce. You've earned it (many times over).
I learn more about health in general from Bruce's posts here than I have from all my doctors over the decades. Nevermind the wonderful help he has provided on aviation medical matters where I needed his advice.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Bruce. You've earned it (many times over).

From me as well, Bruce!! Enjoy the day of consumption of Meleagris & Vaccinium oxycoccos jelly, and all of the Ipomoea batatas souffle, and Phaseolus vulgaris casserole you can eat. Be sure to save room for the Cucurbita maxima and Carya illinoinensis pies!
I learn more about health in general from Bruce's posts here than I have from all my doctors over the decades. Nevermind the wonderful help he has provided on aviation medical matters where I needed his advice.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Bruce. You've earned it (many times over).

Plus 1 here Bruce
What you need is a flight to New York and a great Thanksgiving Holiday with family. Watch the Wx (and I know you will), the rain has started up here but the surface temperature is in the 40s.

And while I am at it, I wish all the POAers the best possible Thanksgiving Holiday!

Bruce, you can't fix stupid.
By the same token, you shouldn't take it personally.

Help the people you can, who will treat you with respect
**** the rest.

Dr. Chien,

I completely understand your frustration.

Will it help to know that there are a whole lot of people that take and appreciate your advice very much, even though we don't specifically ask you questions.

I will add to that and tell you that I often stop myself from doing something because it would be easier than doing the right thing. That is often because of your posts and your advice.

Please keep up the good work and continue to ignore the ones that would cause you grief.

I learn more about health in general from Bruce's posts here than I have from all my doctors over the decades. Nevermind the wonderful help he has provided on aviation medical matters where I needed his advice.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Bruce. You've earned it (many times over).

+1 with these and others in this thread.

It’s amazing the extent of rationalizations that are being posted across all of the aviation boards regarding this topic. Thanks for taking them on with factual, sensible statements. The level of denial is astonishing. Please, keep up the good fight.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Dr. Chien,

I completely understand your frustration.

Will it help to know that there are a whole lot of people that take and appreciate your advice very much, even though we don't specifically ask you questions.

I will add to that and tell you that I often stop myself from doing something because it would be easier than doing the right thing. That is often because of your posts and your advice.

Please keep up the good work and continue to ignore the ones that would cause you grief.

+ 1. Agree completely.
+1 with these and others in this thread.

It’s amazing the extent of rationalizations that are being posted across all of the aviation boards regarding this topic. Thanks for taking them on with factual, sensible statements. The level of denial is astonishing. Please, keep up the good fight.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

I'm only sick in the head, the rest of me is just fine...
Doc, if it makes you feel better, it isn't limited to medical endeavors!

The interesting thing isn't the ineptitude, we've all been there. As you've pointed out in your posts that really get you going, it's the lying.

Maybe nowadays there's so much lying in our culture, that's all the kids know. I dunno. :(

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Maybe nowadays there's so much lying in our culture, that's all the kids know. I dunno. :(

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I was raised in a home where if you lied and got caught your ass was beaten. My parents emphasized that no matter what, tell the truth and take your knocks.

Guess there are a bunch (young and old) that never got the memo. :nonod:
The interesting thing isn't the ineptitude, we've all been there. As you've pointed out in your posts that really get you going, it's the lying.

Maybe nowadays there's so much lying in our culture, that's all the kids know. I dunno. :(

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

In my A&P school, the kids almost openly cheat (and by kids, I mean adults under 25). They are definitely openly copying each others work during assignments and fairly obviously asking each other questions during tests. My response to this has been to help them figure something out if it is not a test and to just say "do your own work" if they ask during a test. One fairly bright fellow asked me something during a test and I said "Why do want to cheat, you know most of the answers." "But I want a 100" was his answer. "It is not a 100 if you have to cheat to get it." Not sure he understood that concept.
I was raised in a home where if you lied and got caught your ass was beaten. My parents emphasized that no matter what, tell the truth and take your knocks.

I was raised in a Jewish home.

My parents emphasized exactly the same thing, but did so through judiciously applied guilt - I was virtually never beaten.

And yet the message still stuck - I tend to be honest to a fault, sometimes seemingly to my own detriment.

So the lesson is important - but the method of imparting that lesson may take many forms.

Oh, and my daughter was never beaten and at 33 seems to have turned out fine.
I was raised in a home where if you lied and got caught your ass was beaten. My parents emphasized that no matter what, tell the truth and take your knocks.

+1 Even as teens, Dad would beat our asses if needed. He was 6'3" 235lb ex college football and basketball player. He could rip our heads off and cr@p down our necks. We knew it, all of our friends knew it.

He was tough, but fair, and he passed away one year ago today. Miss ya, Pop.
My dad would come home drunk and beat his wife and 5-year-old me if I tried to stop him. Otherwise he would wait to finish with Mom. Not a big believer in corporal punishment myself and it does not seem to have hurt my son's character.
My dad would come home drunk and beat his wife and 5-year-old me if I tried to stop him. Otherwise he would wait to finish with Mom. Not a big believer in corporal punishment myself and it does not seem to have hurt my son's character.

That wasn't corporal punishment, that was terrorism or tyranny.
Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
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