I lost 2 friends today (Walt Meziere aka WaltM and Joe Livingston)


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I think a lot of us did actually.

Walt Meziere and Joe Livingston passed on today in a plane crash.
Walt was a POA member (WaltM) so was Joe but I think he only lurked.

Two stand up guys and they were best friends.
I am lucky to have met them both.

Walt was one of the coolest, nicest people I have met. Genuinely nice guy.
Always flying odd things and going on adventures. His facebook page was just a series of crazy adventures. Really sad day.


And Joe...

He lives down the street from me.

Nice guy.
I flew him to KSEP on our old plane and he flew me to Walts.
Everytime he lands he has a beer. He keeps a fridge in his hanger.

We landed and he said do you want your reward? He offered me a coors light. I politely declined. Between you me and the wall That is not a reward yuk

He said when ever I am done flying, I reward myself a beer for doing a good job.

He is an A&P too.
We were about to take off and the brakes went to the floor.
I said "No worries, we can fly another day"

He was like "The heck we will"

He grabbed his tools, started tinkering and got it fixed and we were on our way.

good guy

Joe and Me flying into Walt's airstrip

This stuff is not really supposed to happen. We know it does but it seems like one of those things that happens to a guy who knows a guy.

What a sh***y sh***y day :(
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Sorry to heaR of the loss to your friends. Hope that there will be something to be learned from this.
Sorry for your loss,may they rest in peace.
Wow. It really hurts when its someone you know. I'm sorry to hear that.
Awww, man, that sucks big time. Sorry for your loss, Bryan.
Sad news indeed. I never met either man, but read Walt's story of reopening his airstrip on the Red Board going back to 2010. My thoughts and prayers with their friends and family; always sad to hear of something like this.
Sorry for the loss of your friends Bryan.
Really sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like they were two great guys. Watched the videos and am praying for their families and friends.
So sorry for your loss. Pray for their families.
Yeah, its like a hard punch in the gut when hearing about someone you know dying in a plane crash.

I am sorry for your loss.

God bless.

It's a two edged sword. I feel foyour loss, but - I think it's an age thing - I have this twinge that says they died doing what they truly loved. How often we hear, or read about guys forced to give it up for health, or medical renewal reasons, and they lose touch with that one wonderful part of their lives that is gone forever, due to age and infirmity.

Now they are flying without planes, forever, and no one will take their medical away, no matter what.

Be of good cheer, and remember them with fondness, and joy.
Losing an aviation friend to a plane crash is a particularly painful loss that's hard to explain. I lost a good friend thirty years ago and it still saddens me. Prayers for their loved ones.
Dang! Sorry brother.. Guess you need to be more like me and not have any friends. May they RIP! I wish their families my best.
And BTW, Walt just got married 2 weeks ago. Very sad in so many ways. Also the incident happened within 1 mile of his airport.

I know him by reputation only, and watching the progress of his airport, banquet facilities, fly-ins. Seemed like a great guy.

Seems we've lost a good one.
Oh God this hurts. Walt was a friend to me too. I am at a loss for words. All I can offer are my prayers.
And Walt just got married too. Condolences to their friends and family.
Weird to go back through facebook.
Just last week we discussed going flying tonight.



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Well, this hurts. I've known Walt M for many years. He was a pilots pilot. Found the right woman to share his passion. What a horrible loss for all. Makes one rethink the priorities.

I'm rocked.
I don't really know you or those who died but I'm sending out prayers. Life can suck at times. No one's alone.
I didn't know either of them, but it sounds like that's my loss.

That's sad news. I'm pretty sure I met him (Walt) during a POA get-together in Addison at the pink Cajun restaurant off Beltline. In fact I'm sure, because for some reason I bookmarked a link to his airport.


I'm pretty sure Spike, Dave S, AggieMike and others were there too.
Today sucked. Walt was a living legend and one of the kindest big hearted individuals. Resurrected a neglected grass airstrip east of Dallas (where he departed from today) and hosted many of us with his campfires, Cajun cookouts, and the like. He loved life, people, and his new bride and long time best friend Chellie, who he married just ten days ago in a ceremony at that very same grass strip, with his pilot friends invited. I've mowed the property for Walt--he welcomed help. An amazing man, he'll be missed. I knew Joe online only, but his loss is also felt deeply. RIP, and tailwinds / blue skies my friend.

Bryan, we need to collect his recent skunk chronicles from FB and post them here in one message as a funny tribute and mini novel.
Today sucked. Walt was a living legend and one of the kindest big hearted individuals. Resurrected a neglected grass airstrip east of Dallas (where he departed from today) and hosted many of us with his campfires, Cajun cookouts, and the like. He loved life, people, and his new bride and long time best friend Chellie, who he married just ten days ago in a ceremony at that very same grass strip, with his pilot friends invited. I've mowed the property for Walt--he welcomed help. An amazing man, he'll be missed. I knew Joe online only, but his loss is also felt deeply. RIP, and tailwinds / blue skies my friend.

Bryan, we need to collect his recent skunk chronicles from FB and post them here in one message as a funny tribute and mini novel.

Oh God!

The Skunk Chronicles, The Bugasalt adventure, Even the most recent truncated ultralight adventure. What an entertaining life he led.

I think Walt may have actually been the most interesting man in the world.
Sorry for the loss. Makes you wonder if this sport is worth the risk.
I don't know these gentlemen but from what I read it's a loss to the flying community and to their families.
I knew them both as well, Walt more than Joe though. It's a great loss. As has already been said, they were both great guys. Walt would go out of his way to help you, as he did for me last year headed to OSH. Amazing ideas and energy especially with his main project, his runway and the fly-ins it hosted. I would get exhausted just reading about the work he was doing! You could stop by at anytime, and he'd welcome you, get you something to drink and talk. His facebook page for T14 says " Open always". And it really was. Truly one of the greats in aviation, and I was glad to know him.
Makes you wonder if this sport is worth the risk

I often wonder the same... but I do know that I do not want to die in a nursing home or hospice from Alzheimers or cancer.... or in a firey plane crash for that matter either. All I can do is put my trust in my Lord and Savior. He knows what my last day will be. I do not.
I lost a good friend last November in an airplane crash.
It sucks and I found myself asking why over and over again. Prayers to all involved.

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