I drive an old car so I can fly an old airplane.

get a sable or a taurus.

me: "I want to buy a Crown Vic. How much?"

salesman: "About $25K" (this was after wasting close to an hour of my time to get to that point. I'm mildly annoyed.)

me: "I have a budget of $20K, can you get me one for that?"

salesman: "No. But we can get you in to a Taurus for that."

me: "I don't want a Taurus. I want a Crown Vic."

salesman: "Same thing." (livid Sac Arrow storms out of the place in disgust.)

I did get my Vic for my $20K budget, by the way, and a pursuit model at that.
I support the death peanalty for these people.
Like I tell me wife... "Sure, he does that... and then when I mount a .50 cal on the front of the truck and saw his car in half with it, all the sudden I'm the bad guy."
I support the death peanalty for these people.

So where do people drive who want to go anywhere near the speed limit? On the sidewalk or sit at home all the time?

Maybe the murderous people in the left lane shouldn't be doing 85 in a 55 limit and driving so damned PO'd all the time. That doesn't take in account the people coming out of the side roads should at least consider slowing down at the red lights and stop signs that make the right lane a death zone. The right lane is a suicidal death wish anywhere near civilization.

The original concept of rules of the road were once a way to make driving safer. Now it's how you get murdered by an idiot.
So where do people drive who want to go anywhere near the speed limit? On the sidewalk or sit at home all the time?
The right lane, friend. The right lane. That's where slower traffic belongs. We're not talking about a road with a 55 MPH speed limit here. We're talking about higher speed (65-75 MPH) multi-lane divided roads. We still see inconsiderate, unsafe boobs driving 55 in the left lane on those roads, and it's dangerous as well as inconsiderate and stupid.

If the speed limit is 55, then by all means drive 55. If the traffic around you is moving substantially faster, you either keep up or get int eh right lane and hope for the best. You can gripe all you want about people driving too fast, but having traffic swirling around you going 10 MPH faster is more dangerous than speeding up a little to reduce the rate of closure.
I drive in whichever lane will support the speed limit. Sometimes the left is doing the limit while the right lanes are slower.

And I gave up caring if folks who want to go faster than the limit are inconvenienced by me a looooooong time ago. That said, I stay right as much as possible.

But if you're trying to do 85 on a crowded highway that won't support it, it's entertaining to watch your lane-dodging antics in the rear-view. We're all going the same speed and we'll all get all the way across the entire city, within about 60 seconds of each other there, Speed Racer. ;)

Turn up the tunes and enjoy the ride.
Peg; I'm glad you husband is okay. I feel your pain. I'm one of the guys who hardly ever gets more than 5 over the speed limit and have been the object of some dipstick drivers wanting to do multilane lane changes without regard.
For replacements, mid sized '00 - '06 chevys or fords. A crown vic with dark windows and lots of antennae would be a great car. Never owned one but rented several of them. Mileage on those size cars depends more on your style of driving and where you drive. 18-25 would be expected.
I have a Corvette that runs 18 city and up to 30 highway. But I like bulk around me so my usual driver is a Chevy Tahoe. It runs 15 city and I usually go a week on a tank. 18-20 highway/mixed.