I Can't Quit You


Final Approach
Mar 12, 2012
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First Officer
Seriously, I can't.

This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.

But there's more. As mad as I get I have to admit I enjoy the banter and discussion...so, here I am.

So, a little housekeeping is in order. When I stomped out I threw out a line designed to cause pause. Something about advising legal counsel. I admit it was ill thought out and a bit childish. I was angry and still have a perceived grievance towards the management of this forum. Would I try to take legal action? Of course not. It'd be expensive, silly, and I seriously doubt any lawyer or judge would listen to my rant.

Still, I feel slighted and I'm not sure the remedy. Many have said anonymity is bad and an open forum is better. I can agree with that, but what's not fair is changing the rules. If it's anonymous then it should be treated that way. To let someone sign up under the pretense that it's anonymous and then out them....well, doesn't seem fair and that's my only gripe.

To alcohol;

It's a tad related to the above. If I was anonymous then I wouldn't really care that Florida Cracker includes the charge of being a drunk in nearly every post aimed at me. But it's not anonymous and I'm a professional pilot and the charge of being a drunk doesn't really sit well with me. Am I a drunk? No, but being publicly called one IS a sensitive issue for me.


I only tried to block you as a farce when you supported FC. But then, when I was blocked from blocking you...well, that just totally tied into the whole management bending me over theme.

So, there it is. I went sorta over the line with my legal action threat so I'd understand if management banned me or something. For that I'm sorry. It was a moment of rage and I wanted to sting. Maybe it gave pause, maybe not. Either way it was over the line.

Hope ya'll staying warm,

Welcome back I enjoy your posts even if they're mostly rubbish :D
I seriously thought of adopting the green frog avatar, and using the "Captain" Moniker for awhile just to make the forum feel right.

And let's be honest, just seeing who didn't quite catch it would have been fun too.

Welcome back
Welcome back.

Takes something to admit what you did was stupid or wrong, but everyone does stupid stuff. Only some apologize and own up to it :goofy:

I'd still have a beer with you :cheers:
I seriously thought of adopting the green frog avatar, and using the "Captain" Moniker for awhile just to make the forum feel right.

I've contemplated using your avatar and moniker while cruising for chicks online.

But then, was kind of afraid of shorty catching me and it didn't really seem worth the risk.
fughedaboudit, you drunk bastid. haha, jk, welcome back to the internet.
fughedaboudit, you drunk bastid. haha, jk, welcome back to the internet.

Wait. Your supposed to sober when visiting here? Oops. I didn't read all the forum rules.

Welcome back captain. The spin zone missed ya.
I have to tell you though, the thread title sounds a bit like Brokeback Mountain....
I have to tell you though, the thread title sounds a bit like Brokeback Mountain....

Ah yeah, that's where I heard it. Couldn't remember...
Still, fits the situation.
This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.
But there's more. As mad as I get I have to admit I enjoy the banter and discussion...so, here I am.

POA is absolutely amazing and extremely useful to all of us.
The cool thing is - it can be many multiples greater than it already is.....if people will pause before clicking Submit Reply and think of the effect of their words. (I have been guilty of it too, so I will try to take my own advice.) Basically -imo- if your post is egregiously critical/excessively negative you are drawing the thread into a bad place which will likely end up helping no one and cause angst to many.
The other, larger effect of exercising a person's freedom to speak however they feel is that it's likely going to drive away some of the brightest, most knowledgeable minds from the site. This has happened. So yes, a person has the right to say whatever they want, however they want...but it has consequences to all of us.
Heh. Since I know Cap loves religious folks, I'll just say that his return is Biblical.

"A dog returns to his vomit."

LOL!!! :)

I was a sympathizer.

Mods or management outing personal info is NOT COOL. :nonod:
wipe yer shoes and check yer ego at the door, "captain"
No Shti...have you read the dissertation on eggs?

This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.
I seriously thought of adopting the green frog avatar, and using the "Captain" Moniker for awhile just to make the forum feel right.

And let's be honest, just seeing who didn't quite catch it would have been fun too.

Welcome back


you missed the celebration? ;)

Sshh! It's supposed to stay secret!
Dude. welcome back, but you are going to hurt someone someday with that rage, get some help. They're just words. FC and many others on this forum are master ball busters, nothing unusual unless you lead a sheltered life, if you dish it out you need to be able to take it. And you dish as good as you get.
Thread bullies are in every forum.

You've got to jack them up right off the bat like any schoolyard bully.
Some of us take time outs prior to saying some thing that will get us kicked out, some don't.

I refuse to place any one on my ignore list, I do have several on my " I won't answer list " They know every thing already, so Why?
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Some of us take time outs prior to saying some thing that will get us kicked out, some don't.

I refuse to place any one on my ignore list, I do have several on my " I won't answer list " They know every thing already, so Why?

I'm sorta kinda glad to see you back too Captain.
But I just don't understand the bitterness and rage over an admitted mistake. If you had PM'ed the person that "outed" you, along with the rest of the MC, I am sure the post would have been deleted and maybe 2 or 3 people would have seen it, and they would have forgotten in a few days. As it is, your endless rants on the subject assure that everyone withing shouting distance will remember it.
I say forgive and forget and hope everyone learned a lesson.

Other than that, welcome back. The place was starting to get too civil and there weren't enough people to kick around.
I'm sorta kinda glad to see you back too Captain.
But I just don't understand the bitterness and rage over an admitted mistake. If you had PM'ed the person that "outed" you, along with the rest of the MC, I am sure the post would have been deleted and maybe 2 or 3 people would have seen it, and they would have forgotten in a few days. As it is, your endless rants on the subject assure that everyone withing shouting distance will remember it.

The psych is pretty simple - he's a victim. There are some complications but they mostly stem from the victim mindset. It works for him so he stays with it.
Seriously, I can't.

This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.

But there's more. As mad as I get I have to admit I enjoy the banter and discussion...so, here I am.

So, a little housekeeping is in order. When I stomped out I threw out a line designed to cause pause. Something about advising legal counsel. I admit it was ill thought out and a bit childish. I was angry and still have a perceived grievance towards the management of this forum. Would I try to take legal action? Of course not. It'd be expensive, silly, and I seriously doubt any lawyer or judge would listen to my rant.

Still, I feel slighted and I'm not sure the remedy. Many have said anonymity is bad and an open forum is better. I can agree with that, but what's not fair is changing the rules. If it's anonymous then it should be treated that way. To let someone sign up under the pretense that it's anonymous and then out them....well, doesn't seem fair and that's my only gripe.

To alcohol;

It's a tad related to the above. If I was anonymous then I wouldn't really care that Florida Cracker includes the charge of being a drunk in nearly every post aimed at me. But it's not anonymous and I'm a professional pilot and the charge of being a drunk doesn't really sit well with me. Am I a drunk? No, but being publicly called one IS a sensitive issue for me.


I only tried to block you as a farce when you supported FC. But then, when I was blocked from blocking you...well, that just totally tied into the whole management bending me over theme.

So, there it is. I went sorta over the line with my legal action threat so I'd understand if management banned me or something. For that I'm sorry. It was a moment of rage and I wanted to sting. Maybe it gave pause, maybe not. Either way it was over the line.

Hope ya'll staying warm,


Would you be, like, really hurt if I said I hadn't noticed you were gone?

Because if so, then I won't mention it.

Whatever the case, welcome back.

You could have always gone down and changed your name legally.
Nothing better than a good apology, when you know you made a boo boo.

Welcome back.
I'm sorta kinda glad to see you back too Captain.
But I just don't understand the bitterness and rage over an admitted mistake. If you had PM'ed the person that "outed" you, along with the rest of the MC, I am sure the post would have been deleted and maybe 2 or 3 people would have seen it, and they would have forgotten in a few days. As it is, your endless rants on the subject assure that everyone withing shouting distance will remember it.
I say forgive and forget and hope everyone learned a lesson.

Other than that, welcome back. The place was starting to get too civil and there weren't enough people to kick around.

where were you like, 3 years ago? That would have been a much better idea.
where were you like, 3 years ago? That would have been a much better idea.
You could have blasted me, but you didn't.
I take back a few of the nasty things I said about you.
There was a brief discussion about farewell threads and the mods or staff threw down a threat or two that threads were going to be locked if they got off track or colored with hate.

But other than that, it's been the same POA.

Pilots Orating Asininity. :lol: