Hudson River corridor closed

where does it say the entire hudson river corridor is closed?
Probably didn't much matter which one got elected. While Chappaqua isn't in the city, it's close enough to throw a TFR over the Hudson up by the Tappan Zee Bridge. Hillary spent a good deal of time down in the city as well.
Just going to have to work around it.
Hell, with the exception of a year in Colorado and a couple of years in central NJ, I lived my entire life in the DC-BAL metroplex. Welcome to my world. At least I'm in NC (and well away from the coast), now.
I file IFR almost almost every flight and TFRs are not an issue.

I would love to fly the Hudson River corridor.
Presidential TFRs? Lots of luck with that.

So you're going to file that as an IFR flight plan? Lots of luck with that, too.

I do not see that TFR in the corridor.

I fly by the Bush 43s TFRs on a regular basis and do not have a problem.
I do not see that TFR in the corridor.

I fly by the Bush 43s TFRs on a regular basis and do not have a problem.

It is a Surface to 2999, it would be a problem.

I would still love to fly it.
AOPA has a larger depiction -

But yeah, not unexpected regardless of the outcome yesterday. And as far as I can tell, this shuts down the corridor completely to transient / sightseeing flights from about the northern tip of Central Park to about halfway between the ESB & WTC. Good luck getting an IFR clearance @ 3000 or above through there.
Will it then become a 30nm TFR?
After inauguration day when he goes "home" then yes, it will be a 10/30nm TFR. We get those here in Chicago when Obama comes to Hyde Park. And it would have been pretty much the same had it been Hillary. I guess we just need to start electing Presidents from somewhere that no one flies. At least if they already live in DC there's no additional "TFR" when they go home!
Looks like the TFR was updated today. There is now a 6th bullet that reads

All VFR Corridor traffic must remain west of a line from 404750N/0735907W to 404515N/0740055W.
If you were going to get TFR's eliminated ... this would be the president to do it .... just saying.
Yeah, talk about government overreach.