How to stop childhood obesity


Final Approach
Apr 19, 2011
Olympic Peninsula
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Stop with the walk don't run BS - let kids run wherever the hell they want. 2 hours of recess every day for kids 15 and under, and over 15 1 hour of gym time (like an actual gym, not gym shorts and a basketball hoop) encourage outdoor activities after school instead of burdening them with 5 hours of homework.

As far as nutrition goes, they can eat whatever the hell they want. If you exercise you can eat whatever the hell you want and not get fat. I'll be solving world hunger next - stay tuned.
As far as nutrition goes, they can eat whatever the hell they want. If you exercise you can eat whatever the hell you want and not get fat.

To some degree, but a 4 mile run only burns ~500 calories, if I remember. The point is, a 4 mile run isn't going to come close to burning off a Big Mac value meal.

Most big kids have big parents and they're all big because they eat crap and lots of it.
If you look at all of the mainstream "dieting" methods out there today, they all boil down to "Eat less. Move more." It just depends on how complicated and detailed you want to make that process seem.
Stop with the walk don't run BS - let kids run wherever the hell they want. 2 hours of recess every day for kids 15 and under, and over 15 1 hour of gym time (like an actual gym, not gym shorts and a basketball hoop) encourage outdoor activities after school instead of burdening them with 5 hours of homework.

Why do you hate children? Running and such leads to scrapes and such.

As far as nutrition goes, they can eat whatever the hell they want. If you exercise you can eat whatever the hell you want and not get fat. I'll be solving world hunger next - stay tuned.
What about their cholestorol and glucose levels? Sure, they might eat greasy foods and burn the calories but think about the children's elevated LDL levels. :goofy:
If parents wouldn't feed kids crap and schools wouldn't feed kids crap and kids just ate veggies and meat and also avoided carbs and fried crap..there wouldn't be fat kids.
I ate a lot of crap in high school, a lot more than I do now and I've definitely got a few pounds in my high school self. Sports. I did varsity gymnastics in high school and club gymnastics before that. 3.5 hours 5-6 days a week will keep you in shape no matter what you eat. It's a balance, an extremist one way or the other one get the desired result on one end of the spectrum.
<--- what about obese pets....I mean jeez, how many chins does that thing have?!? :rofl: :rofl:

:goofy: I'm just kidding, cute kitteh.
I did not healthy as a kid, I was scarfing down double quarter pounders around age 12 and still feeling hungry... and I was always a really skinny kid. I grew up on a farm and while I wasn't ever into sports or anything I just ended up outside and moving around a lot.

If you talk to grandmothers and people who raised kids back in the old days, the general wisdom then was to stuff a growing child with as much food as you could and they didn't have a childhood obesity problem.

Today's mentality is to keep kids locked down and "safe" at home or school or in supervised activities. All because of an over-hyped fear of child abduction(which is in fact incredibly rare despite what you see in the news). I really think we're ruining our children with all the safety and security crap. Kids can mostly take care of themselves, parents are there to give them guidance and a role model not run their lives for them.
Today's mentality is to keep kids locked down and "safe" at home or school or in supervised activities. All because of an over-hyped fear of child abduction(which is in fact incredibly rare despite what you see in the news). I really think we're ruining our children with all the safety and security crap. Kids can mostly take care of themselves, parents are there to give them guidance and a role model not run their lives for them.

I am going through this right now. My kids do not have a weight problem but I am nervous to let my 2 out of my sight. My son is 9 and daughter is 7. Son has been in Jiu Jitsu for 4-1/2 years and boxing for 2. I get nervous about him riding his bike where I cant see him. This isn't how I was raised. When I was 9 I was riding my bike 8 miles to my grandmothers house and had to be home when the street lights came on. I don't even know why I feel the way that I do about my kids being out of my sight.

Sorry for going off topic!

Are you afraid of something happening to your kids or afraid of them riding alone and being spotted by a social worker? The latter scares me more then the former.
I am going through this right now. My kids do not have a weight problem but I am nervous to let my 2 out of my sight. My son is 9 and daughter is 7. Son has been in Jiu Jitsu for 4-1/2 years and boxing for 2. I get nervous about him riding his bike where I cant see him. This isn't how I was raised. When I was 9 I was riding my bike 8 miles to my grandmothers house and had to be home when the street lights came on. I don't even know why I feel the way that I do about my kids being out of my sight.

Sorry for going off topic!

I don't know where you are getting that from. I'm lucky if he comes home with 5 minutes of homework most nights.


How old is he? Either he is a genius, very young, or (like me) never did it. Strangely enough I always tested the highest in the class :dunno:
If parents wouldn't feed kids crap and schools wouldn't feed kids crap and kids just ate veggies and meat and also avoided carbs and fried crap..there wouldn't be fat kids.

Myself and Jamie Oliver agree.

Similar slant can be used for financial well being. Teach them about hard work, sound planning, debt avoidance (or at least don't abuse it and don't rely on it), and that starting at age 18-20 makes it easy to be a multi-millionaire at retirement, many sectors of our economy would be much better off.
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How old is he? Either he is a genius, very young, or (like me) never did it. Strangely enough I always tested the highest in the class :dunno:

You sound like me... I remember specifically having an 8th grade science teacher pull me aside to point out my test/quiz average was over 100% with extra credit and my homework average was something incredibly low.. like 60% or something. The trouble was under her grading system, this left me with a B which wouldn't get me yelled at on report card day so I didn't care.

That was pretty representative of most of my experience in school and even some of college. Every now and then I'd hit a class where I couldn't just show up and get an A on the test... usually stuff involving complex math and I'd just hit a wall. I honestly didn't even understand exactly what studying was until college forced me to learn... I'd never had to do it before.

And that was really a problem overall. I'd had to do almost nothing to get As and Bs all through gradeschool then when I got into harder things in High School/College the other kids had been struggling all along and know how to deal with it. I had no idea, I'd never had to try before.

Guess it doesn't matter, I got my degree, got a career... but I always wonder where I might have ended up had I been challenged early on.
I am going through this right now. My kids do not have a weight problem but I am nervous to let my 2 out of my sight. My son is 9 and daughter is 7. Son has been in Jiu Jitsu for 4-1/2 years and boxing for 2. I get nervous about him riding his bike where I cant see him. This isn't how I was raised. When I was 9 I was riding my bike 8 miles to my grandmothers house and had to be home when the street lights came on. I don't even know why I feel the way that I do about my kids being out of my sight.

Sorry for going off topic!


I may be wrong, but I believe the media plays a major role in reinforcing that kind of paranoia by playing on emotions when presenting such a story. The media thrives on sensationalism and helps keep the populace on edge.
I think removing a lot of the convenience/processed foods from the kid's diet would help. There aren't many of them that are nutritionally beneficial.
You are not wrong. 99.999% of kidnappings are the estranged parent grabbing the kid(right or wrong.) Lots of good stuff here(and some sad sad pathetic stuff)
I may be wrong, but I believe the media plays a major role in reinforcing that kind of paranoia by playing on emotions when presenting such a story. The media thrives on sensationalism and helps keep the populace on edge.
Isn't it obvious, tell him he can never be a pilot.
Years ago, we had no pizza and no grease laden French frys or burgers. Soft drinks were all 7 0z. School cafeterias had pretty balanced meals cooked on site. Again, no pizza or soft drinks in the school. Half pints of milk only, one to a person. And of course, pretty strenuous phys. Ed . Everyone rode bikes great distances and played outside a lot, never watched TV at all. A candy bar was a big deal. This explains a lot to me.
Kill the power of the mommy / school teacher/administrator/union members and zero tolerance, I hate guns, it's for the children, lying, idiot - lobby and let children play, run, fall down, sweat, drink water by the pint full, when the y get thirsty and see what happens.
Kill the power of the mommy / school teacher/administrator/union members and zero tolerance, I hate guns, it's for the children, lying, idiot - lobby and let children play, run, fall down, sweat, drink water by the pint full, when the y get thirsty and see what happens.

You mean end suffrage:lol::lol::lol:
Are you afraid of something happening to your kids or afraid of them riding alone and being spotted by a social worker? The latter scares me more then the former.


Def something happening to them.
How old is he? Either he is a genius, very young, or (like me) never did it. Strangely enough I always tested the highest in the class :dunno:

Yep, if I actually did mine it would take until bed time every night
If parents wouldn't feed kids crap and schools wouldn't feed kids crap and kids just ate veggies and meat and also avoided carbs and fried crap..there wouldn't be fat kids.

You can feed kids the healthiest of diets and if all they do is sit around with their video games and computers, they're gonna get fat.
You sound like me... I remember specifically having an 8th grade science teacher pull me aside to point out my test/quiz average was over 100% with extra credit and my homework average was something incredibly low.. like 60% or something. The trouble was under her grading system, this left me with a B which wouldn't get me yelled at on report card day so I didn't care.

That was pretty representative of most of my experience in school and even some of college. Every now and then I'd hit a class where I couldn't just show up and get an A on the test... usually stuff involving complex math and I'd just hit a wall. I honestly didn't even understand exactly what studying was until college forced me to learn... I'd never had to do it before.

And that was really a problem overall. I'd had to do almost nothing to get As and Bs all through gradeschool then when I got into harder things in High School/College the other kids had been struggling all along and know how to deal with it. I had no idea, I'd never had to try before.

Guess it doesn't matter, I got my degree, got a career... but I always wonder where I might have ended up had I been challenged early on.

I was the same way, couldn't be bothered with homework, I had jobs to go to after school, I aced my tests but homework scored in for final grades. My geometry teacher wanted to fail me because I refused to make all his stupid flash cards of all the theorems and corollaries, but since every time he came around the class and quizzed them I always got them right, and I aced all my tests, the school wouldn't let him.
You can feed kids the healthiest of diets and if all they do is sit around with their video games and computers, they're gonna get fat.
Actually they wouldn't be so damn hungry if they ate right therefore they wouldn't eat more then they needed.
Actually they wouldn't be so damn hungry if they ate right therefore they wouldn't eat more then they needed.

Won't matter. You might be able to do it with intravenous diets or similar, but not with solid food.
Won't matter. You might be able to do it with intravenous diets or similar, but not with solid food.

Works fine for me. I eat as much meat and vegetables as I can stand and avoid carbs like the plague and maintain my weight nicely. The moment I start touching sweets or carbs though is the moment my appetite starts to go through the roof and then I just fill it with empty calories and on comes the weight.
How old is he? Either he is a genius, very young, or (like me) never did it. Strangely enough I always tested the highest in the class :dunno:

Smart, yes. But that does not change the fact that they simply DO NOT assign much home work.

My wife is a teacher. You cannot BS her. She laments that fact that they are not assigning any home work. He was getting to the night before a test and not understanding what they were going to be tested over. It was explained in class, but they never had home work to drill it in and make them PROVE that they understood it. That lasted a couple of months. Now he does HOME home work if the SCHOOL does not send home work. He will learn in spite of the system.

Even worse, this year she is teaching the same grade level (because of where we live/work they are not in the same school systems). When she looks at what they are covering, they are always weeks behind her class. She is not a happy camper this year.

Oh, and back on topic. Let kids run and play! Let them roll in the grass! Just make sure they change into play clothes before they go out!

Skimming through the responses, it seems all of you have been sucked into the government agenda and political correctness to varying degrees.

Dave has the right idea, but it's not extreme enough.

Children used to have a much richer diet, yet obesity was less of a problem. Obesity was less of a problem because children/people worked harder and played harder.

Get rid of the lawn service, get rid of the power yard tools. People wouldn't be so obese if they maintain their yards with their own human power. Shovel the driveway with a snow shovel, instead of a snow blower. Physically play ball sports, rather than playing them on video games or watching them on TV. Take the TV and computer off the grid, put them on an exercise bike generators. Limit the amount of time that children can spend watching TV or on computers to four hours a week. Take away your children's Ipads, iPhone's, etc.

More people are fat now days, because less people do honest hard physical work/play.

In the old days most people used to do more physical work before sun rose, then most people do all day now days.

Stop chauffeuring your children everywhere, make them ride a bike or walk.

Don't any of you have grandparents that used to walk several miles back and forth to school/church carrying books and guns as children? Life was much harder. That's why people could eat insanely rich diets, yet be skinny as a rail.
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Smart, yes. But that does not change the fact that they simply DO NOT assign much home work.

My wife is a teacher. You cannot BS her. She laments that fact that they are not assigning any home work. He was getting to the night before a test and not understanding what they were going to be tested over. It was explained in class, but they never had home work to drill it in and make them PROVE that they understood it. That lasted a couple of months. Now he does HOME home work if the SCHOOL does not send home work. He will learn in spite of the system.

Even worse, this year she is teaching the same grade level (because of where we live/work they are not in the same school systems). When she looks at what they are covering, they are always weeks behind her class. She is not a happy camper this year.

Oh, and back on topic. Let kids run and play! Let them roll in the grass! Just make sure they change into play clothes before they go out!


How old is he?
I think removing a lot of the convenience/processed foods from the kid's diet would help. There aren't many of them that are nutritionally beneficial.
And remove all foods that are not raw. Cooking increases the calories that can be stored. This downhill trend started when we harnessed fire. Technology. Bah.
And remove all foods that are not raw. Cooking increases the calories that can be stored. This downhill trend started when we harnessed fire. Technology. Bah.

Somehow, Aunt Peggy, raw chicken does not sound appetizing. :no:
Chain em to the toilet in the basement bathroom and feed them only bread and water for a few weeks. After that experience they will take what they stuff into their little faces seriously.

The real problem is that the parenting generation of Americans have forgotten how to eat.

Pure and simple.
The real problem is that the parenting generation of Americans have forgotten how to eat.

Pure and simple.

A good bit has to do with the two working or single parent society we live in. Who is going to cook those healthy meals? Who can afford to go out to a healthy place every night with the whole family?

'Housewife and mother' is no longer considered a career path nor a valuable position in our society.