How to stop childhood obesity

I have two in middle school. You're never going to get much in the way of PE during the school day, the impetus is on basic skills: math, reading, science. At our middle school those kids who are in band, orchestra, or chorus never get PE, that's their only time for a non-academic course. Mine aren't in any of those, they do PE three of the four quarters in the school year, one period four days a week. All the rest of the day is occupied with academic classes. The get a mostly moderate amount of homework, except for the occasional project, some of which are annoyingly involved.

Both of mine are in a dance company, which is an amazingly large commitment for such a young person. The season starts in late July, and goes through mid May, typically four days a week, averaging 2 - 3 hours a day. What they do is amazingly physical, and there aren't many adults who could pull it off. Here's the older one at the climbing gym:

The younger one has been working on her flexibility:

The dance commitment is more than most, but not out of line for what a child/teen in dance, cheer, or on a travel team does. The problem is most likely with those kids who don't get to do these things. Back when I was a kid, you were expected to be well rounded. Nowadays the colleges are looking more for someone who's made a big commitment to something, or preferably, a couple of somethings. That probably goes along with the increasing specialization of the workforce.
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I think they make food more appetizing now than they did when I was a kid. Seriously, the food industry makes it better tasting and knows how to sell it.
A good bit has to do with the two working or single parent society we live in. Who is going to cook those healthy meals? Who can afford to go out to a healthy place every night with the whole family?

It's definitely tough on dual earner or single parent families. I know I'm out the door by 7:30 and don't get home until at least 6:15. Think about preparing a meal and assisting with homework on that schedule. We're lucky in that I make enough money to where my wife works very limited hours.

'Housewife and mother' is no longer considered a career path nor a valuable position in our society.

I wouldn't say it's not considered valuable, although you can find some people who hold that position. More like it's not economically viable for the majority of families.
I think they make food more appetizing now than they did when I was a kid. Seriously, the food industry makes it better tasting and knows how to sell it.

The processed food industry has come up with tastier junk food. On the other hand, it seems like nonprocessed foods are less flavorful. I suspect that has to do with how things are grown/raised these days. Either that or I'm getting old and my taste buds don't work so well any more.