How high can you fly a kitten?

First time I noticed was when an ex GF pointed it out on her dog after taking her flying across the mountains. You have to climb hard for it, it may need a twin to get the ROC required.

Still not buying it, Henning. Will await the video.
Let's do an experiment? I'll provide the fleas, you make a vacuum chamber.
Those things are so hardy, I doubt a little pressure change would affect them.
Sounds like someone needs a pet tortoise with a 150 year life span.

One of my managers got one for his daughter, it lasted 2 years! :yikes: Maybe it was 148 when they got him...or her. :D
Enjoy the melodramatic much?
I, too, love and honor my family, including my dogs and cat and goats and llama.......but, really, be realistic....none of us expect to outlive our parents or pets. Be prepared for it. It's going to happen. Part of life is death.

Really?? Ahhh... Okay than!!

And more importantly thank you for telling me how to feel!!

Life is good now because some JA on the Internet told me to get over it.
Really?? Ahhh... Okay than!!

And more importantly thank you for telling me how to feel!!

Life is good now because some JA on the Internet told me to get over it.

As opposed to a different jackass passing universal judgement on what is disgusting and vile.

Standards - it's always good to have two of 'em, right?
As opposed to a different jackass passing universal judgement on what is disgusting and vile.

Standards - it's always good to have two of 'em, right?

If you think joking about hanging an innocent animal is not vile, than you have absolutely zero morals.

The discussion about this between him and me ended yesterday. Why do a couple choose to stir it up for no reason? Let it rest.
If you think joking about hanging an innocent animal is not vile, than you have absolutely zero morals.

The discussion about this between him and me ended yesterday. Why do a couple choose to stir it up for no reason? Let it rest.

If you think joking is the same as actually doing and in anyway translates to some morality, you need to contact a doctor for a reversal of a severe case of CRI.
If you think joking is the same as actually doing and in anyway translates to some morality, you need to contact a doctor for a reversal of a severe case of CRI.

So, it's okay to joke about things as long as you don't do them? Rape? Child molestation? Murdering your brother?? We can joke about those things and still have high morals??
So, it's okay to joke about things as long as you don't do them? Rape? Child molestation? Murdering your brother?? We can joke about those things and still have high morals??

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes to a myriad of other things. You know, once you actually remove the stick from your ass, life becomes pretty enjoyable. Unless of course, you enjoy sticks in your ass, in which case, I can understand why you wouldn't find it so.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes to a myriad of other things. You know, once you actually remove the stick from your ass, life becomes pretty enjoyable. Unless of course, you enjoy sticks in your ass, in which case, I can understand why you wouldn't find it so.


I enjoy life just fine without joking about molesting someone's son, raping their wife, or hanging their pet.

This is ridiculous. I'm done with this thread.
Kritch, to most people there is no moral equivalency between joking about harming a cat and joking about murder of a human being. You insist on declaring that a cat is worth the same as a human and you demand that the rest of us accept that. Ain't going to happen for most people.
321 shut down thread. Fwi I didn't mean to hang the cat by the neck. I meant hang the cat below the airplane at a safe altitude at 10k so fluffy can breath while your happily cruising at 14k. True Kirch I have no beef with you. I know no one would try this. Just a miss understanding.
Two things for certain.

Some folks are way to sensitive.

Some folks love to push buttons.

When the two get together, feathers get ruffled.

Personally, I have a very morbid & irreverent sense of humor or gallows humor and often must ask "too soon?" after cracking a joke about a recent tragedy. Those who do not know me upon hearing some of my wisecracks might form the wrong opinion of me. I can make some pretty sick jokes even though I am actually a pretty kind person.

In the end, some folks need to chill.
I don't think someone here would joke about hanging their three year old son.

All kids need to be kept in a 4x4x8 box until they're 21.

And most of today's parents should be kept in that box with them.
And the most recent prime example of this...

I met a business affiliate at a nice restaurant one day last week for lunch to discuss a possible future partnership. The host tried to seat us next to a table of (5) four year old kids. That was it, just the kids...well and two young restaurant workers tending to them and trying to keep them somewhat under control. Their mothers were sitting two tables away enjoying their lunch, having a snob competition, and paying little if any attention to their yard apes.

I told the host that this table wasn't table in this room was acceptable (the yard apes were being quite loud).

"But our other dining room is closed at lunch, sir."

"Tough, open it up or we'll have lunch across the street."

He opened it up.

If some women want to be high maintenance at home, fine. I'd never have one, but I guess some guys like that sort of thing. I don't tolerate them well in public though, especially when they try to burden the general populace with their socialite high maintenance syndrome.

Put them all in a box somewhere!

. . . feathers get ruffled.

Seriously? The fact that you promote moving or lifting the smooth aerodynamic surface of a bird's wing, causing it not to be able to escape a predator and die a terrible death, shows exactly the abhorrent moral character you possess. Sicko.
And the most recent prime example of this...

I met a business affiliate at a nice restaurant one day last week for lunch to discuss a possible future partnership. The host tried to seat us next to a table of (5) four year old kids. That was it, just the kids...well and two young restaurant workers tending to them and trying to keep them somewhat under control. Their mothers were sitting two tables away enjoying their lunch, having a snob competition, and paying little if any attention to their yard apes.

I told the host that this table wasn't table in this room was acceptable (the yard apes were being quite loud).

"But our other dining room is closed at lunch, sir."

"Tough, open it up or we'll have lunch across the street."

He opened it up.

If some women want to be high maintenance at home, fine. I'd never have one, but I guess some guys like that sort of thing. I don't tolerate them well in public though, especially when they try to burden the general populace with their socialite high maintenance syndrome.

Put them all in a box somewhere!


I don't lean quite that far but, I understand your feeling. Raised (well herded) two boys around and they were typical boys. We tried very hard to not burden the general public with there antics. I bet Bravo never thought this thread would drift this far. Might be a record.
Interesting how religion works it's way into a cat/altitude thread and feelings get hurt...
bet Bravo never thought this thread would drift this far. Might be a record.
Let's go for the record!
Let's merge this with the Favorite Aviation Gadget and Why Aren't Cats More Popular threads.
Interesting how religion works it's way into a [INSERT ANY TOPIC HERE] and feelings get hurt...

.....and that's how wars get started.
Omg people. Let's all go fly. Bring your cats with you in honor of this thread.

If you duct tape your cat to the bottom of your fuselage, and butter the top half of the fuselage, which way will you crash into the side of a mountain following the MLOD?
Seriously? The fact that you promote moving or lifting the smooth aerodynamic surface of a bird's wing, causing it not to be able to escape a predator and die a terrible death, shows exactly the abhorrent moral character you possess. Sicko.

If you duct tape your cat to the bottom of your fuselage, and butter the top half of the fuselage, which way will you crash into the side of a mountain following the MLOD?

Ok, now this is funny.....
I have very similar reactions to misbehaved children that Tim does. I think parents who cannot control their brats should be flogged.... and preferably with a cat o' nine tails.
I have very similar reactions to misbehaved children that Tim does. I think parents who cannot control their brats should be flogged.... and preferably with a cat o' nine tails.

Made with actual cats?
Interesting how religion works it's way into a cat/altitude thread and feelings get hurt...

Yeah, leaning at a young age that fairy tales are...well...fairy tales and also realizing that while man may be the "smartest" of animals, he's not at all superior to any other animal, saves a lot of unnecessary butthurt in one's life.

Moreover, most humans are far inferior to other animals in many, if not most, of the attributes important to surviving symbiotically with both other humans and other species.

The bottom line is that we pretty much suck.
Yeah, leaning at a young age that fairy tales are...well...fairy tales and also realizing that while man may be the "smartest" of animals, he's not at all superior to any other animal, saves a lot of unnecessary butthurt in one's life.

Moreover, most humans are far inferior to other animals in many, if not most, of the attributes important to surviving symbiotically with both other humans and other species.

The bottom line is that we pretty much suck.

I brought up the belief system of many and did not mock or ridicule Kritch for his belief. It is always odd to me how the agnostic/atheist feels compelled to ridicule and mock those he disagrees with.
I made three general points as politely and without ridicule as I could.
1. Nobody was advocating hurting an animal, it was a joke.
2. In my and many others opinion, animals are to do work for us, provide food for us or provide companionship for us. These are VERY broad terms and each species may in fact provide more than one service and there may be some that it is hard to put in these broad categories.
3. They are animals. They don't miss their uncles and aunts when they die, I know of no animals that have put a man on ther moon or found a vaccine for Polio. They are just animals to be treated well, used for their intended purpose and in the case of companionship missed when they are gone.
The main difference is I have no interest in changing your or Kritch's mind. Just ask that you consider that other belief systems besides your exist and in very large numbers. I don't need to mock and ridicule others to make me feel better about my beliefs.

If we need to discuss this more perhaps a new thread should be started. Bet this is the last time Bravo ever mentions cats on POA:rofl:
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So what was the greater evil?

The overreaction to a cat joke, or the overreaction to the overreaction?

Id just use the regs for humans as a guideline. Chances are it isnt going to hurt him. Let him play with the oxygen tube.