How far am I from soloing, realistically?

Hello Jay,

I'm not sure if this is what you're getting at, but there's no age for instruction. My first lesson was when I was six (log-book does note I could not reach the rudders, however). Just like any other lesson, that time can be logged if flying with an instructor.
No instructor on board. Just his mother and me, both private pilots.

So you can legally log hours at age 10 with a CFI on board? Man, you could be ATP eligible by the time you take your private checkride!
No instructor on board. Just his mother and me, both private pilots.

So you can legally log hours at age 10 with a CFI on board? Man, you could be ATP eligible by the time you take your private checkride!

Well, assuming the person is meeting the requirements for logging the time, just like any other lesson. My dad was a CFI and he logged some lessons when I was a kid and I also flew with one of his students who became a CFI and his DPE. I only had eight or so hours logged by the time I was ready to go for my certificate, but yeah, in fact, there are cases where a kid can have all the hours covered and just do the necessary age-restricted flying later.

I've seen this in the glider world. There's a few cool videos on youtube of a girl doing her glider solo on her 14th birthday.
I soled week ago Thursday....everyone learning curve is different....I will say what is your cfi doing on base and final
His lack of participation will tell you within a few hrs how close you are