Hennings B Day..

Why do you think I'm not happy? Being disgusted with humanity has no affect on my personal happiness.

Please accept my apologies. Your replies didn't seem like you cared much for being alive. I suppose it's none of my business.

Happy birthday, Henning. I'm actually glad your on this ****hole of a planet with us, and I'm not sure why ;).
Happy Birthday, and welcome to AARP eligibility.

Please accept my apologies. Your replies didn't seem like you cared much for being alive. I suppose it's none of my business.

Happy birthday, Henning. I'm actually glad your on this ****hole of a planet with us, and I'm not sure why ;).

I don't care much about being alive, why should I? It's temporary regardless, just another job. Doesn't mean I can't be happy and have fun at it though. I just hate being blocked at my job by rampant stupidity.
Happy Birthday, and welcome to AARP eligibility.


It's down to 50 now? Damn, they haven't sent me any mail yet.:lol: I guess they get their list off the credit bureaus, a list I don't exist on.;)
Happy Birthday, or **** YOU!!! Whichever is more to your liking.



Good news..... Every body sent in their 5 cents towards Hennings lights and horn..

Bad news......We only have 1.35 to purchase those items..

Good news...... I found a few Hydrogen powered lights and horn.

Bad news..... Those cost over a million dollars each.


Hope you have a great and safe year Henning..