Henning gone west


Feb 23, 2005
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Andrew Stanley
This came across my Facebook feed today. Sad news.


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This is sad. He was truly an interesting man! I wonder what happened to him?

I have to say I’m wondering how he traveled west. I’m hoping it was something “Henning worthy” and not something normal.
Henning was certainly a legend on the avation web forums a decade ago. I never met him in person but somehow managed to connect with him on Facebook. While some of his posts came across as Dos Equis ad material, he always had interesting, if not thought provoking takes on whatever issue was at hand. More recently, some of his FB posts were a bit out there. I'm not sure what happened, but I think suspect he'd get a kick out of us pondering if his passing was part of grand conspiracy, or perhaps even faked. Nevertheless, my thoughts are with his close friends and family...Godspeed.
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Whoa, indeed. He seemed larger than life and, therefore, at least semi-immortal.
Somewhere I still have a screenshot of a post of his where he said he could do a better job than the German pilot who intentionally crashed a commercial jet, killing all onboard. And that he’d be doing the doomed passengers a favor by providing them with a quick and painless death. I remember exactly where and when I read that post and the feeling it gave me In the pit of my stomach.

THAT is my primary recollection of Henning.
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CAVU Henning. I had a few exchanges (all pleasant) with him on the red board before here. He was a character for sure.
It's funny, he was gone well before my time here, but I still have heard stories and bumped into his posts in old threads. Reading the obit in the OP makes you almost believe all his stories might have been true...
"Interesting" persona online, very pleasant fellow in person. Had a beer with him in a little pub in Coronado CA in 2007.
Had a great POA dinner when he was in Denver, many years ago. Mari, Mark, maybe Nate - a full table having a grand time.

Last FB post was Jan 21 this year.
Aw man, he was certainly larger than life. Yeah he wasnt everybodys cup of tea on here (nobody is, really), i always appreciated the aspirational nature to his musings. RIP Henning, the world is duller without him.
iHenning. Rest in peace; a man of many exploits, questionable and otherwise.

Glad I had the chance to interact with him here, seems there was always something to learn if he posted something. May not have been what you thought it was though ….
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Does anyone have the list (I think from the purple board) of all of his outrageous claims?
My favorite was having relations with a woman while airborne standing on the skid of a helicopter.
I liked Henning. I learned a lot from him.

Blue skies and tailwind, Henning.
Just swinging by to update my epic post. I figured this would be good place to put it. Me and Henning had several meet ups and we always had a good time together. When asked about of list of things Henning has never done, I used to joke that there was only one item on that list. It was "hold a job for more than a year."

I'll definitely miss hearing about his adventures.

Here's a short list of his exploits...

Hennings short list from 2005…

Auto mechanic/ race car wrench
Used Car Salesman (sold first car when I was 12)
Rail Inspector/ NDT (Sperry Rail Service)
(edit) Strip club Bartender
Photo lab tech/ Custom Color Printer
Construction Worker/Supervisor
Deckhand sailor
Aircraft Mechanic
Crane Operator
Diver (although Mel Fisher didn't really pay, but you got a bit of booty at the end of the year)
Project Manager
Boat Builder


Some of those may be repeated below…

Flew for regional airlines


Landed a Duke after bending a spar


Fled Haiti with a Barge and some its dock while under fire


Dove on the Lusitania


Flew a bent diver at 25’ AGL from the Bahamas




Rescued all passengers and crew from a helo and salvaged it.


Raced motorcycles and three wheelers


Operate all forms of machines designed in the name of mass in motion


Strip club bartender


Crop Duster


Flew 5 gallon water jugs from Pompano to Homestead after hurricane Andrew


Insurance adjuster (for at least four companies)


Survived two major earthquakes


Expert witness


Knew Sam Walton


Car Repo Man


Truck driver


Father was a shrink


Computer maker


At the helm while porn was being filmed


Used car salesman and sold his first used car at the age of 12


Got knocked on the ground by an explosion near a nuke weapons storage area


Ran Balboa Boat Rental in Newport Beach


Lived as a kept man in Moscow


On a boat in New Orleans that exploded and killed two fire fighters


Aerial Firefighting


Asked to dilute the Menanite gene pool in Canada


Pipeline Patrol


Railroad engineer


Possibly did his girlfriend’s mom


Took bullets while doing T&Gs in a 152 during a riot


A relative designed the A-4

****ed on his divemaster




Had a wing on fire


Had a bull take out a tailgate on a truck


Knows more about blimps than a blimp pilot


Knows how to get 192 proof liquor




Came up with regenerative braking on cars in the 8th grade


Damaged at least 100 engines


Ordained minister




Mile high while standing on a helicopter skid


Horse owner


Goat rancher


Field service for computers


Worked with some sort of radiation sniffing helicopter


Animal surgery


Photo recovery


Demo pilot


Arrested for running across the street, got officer fired


Towed other boats with a sail boat


Wreck cleaner


Dated a gal from the Honor Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


Professional Photographer


Got signed off for private pilot with less than 40 hours


Flew a 777 sim


Delivered travel trailers and fifth wheels


Drove to school in the 8th grade


Can live off of Ensure


Made gun parts as a teenager


Landed his C-310 gear up on the way to Oshkosh right after activating his insurance policy.


Got free rides in a T-37 and T-38 at Sheppard AFB


Died late January 2024 (I'll firm up the date and provide a link if I ever find an online obituary on him.)

Everything Has Its Time​

3 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.

Hope to see you on the other side.....in the loving arms of our just creator.
Tailwinds and WOT, may he be at peace.

Everything Has Its Time​

3 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.

Hope to see you on the other side.....in the loving arms of our just creator.
I heard that Henning wrote that.
Just swinging by to update my epic post. I figured this would be good place to put it. Me and Henning had several meet ups and we always had a good time together. When asked about of list of things Henning has never done, I used to joke that there was only one item on that list. It was "hold a job for more than a year."

I'll definitely miss hearing about his adventures.

Here's a short list of his exploits...
The most disappointing thing to me is how many of those links gave gone dead. I remember him from the red board days, we may have met once at an AOPA convention (in Hartford or Philly?) during the 'aughts. Farewell, Captain.
Well darn. Henning was one of the 'old school' red board dudes that migrated through all the pilot social media frenzy years ago. I'm sure he went out with his boots on.
I have to say, this is one of those ones that is both surprising and not at all surprising. Henning was one of those larger than life folks who you knew would die eventually, and you'd never be surprised to hear he died with all of his various exploits, but part of you expected it would never happen. At least, that's how it was for me.

Before he left Florida he once met my son and me while I was flying a Cloud Nine trip in the MU-2 and we got lunch. He was drunk and being too loud in the restaurant, but pleasant to be around.

I don't know how old he would've been now, but not in the full old phase of life (something I suspect he wanted to avoid). It would be interesting to hear how he died, but he'd probably want us wondering.

And I definitely don't discount the idea that he faked his death to collect insurance money.

Assuming he is actually dead, RIP Henning.
What a character. If nothing else, he was effective at stirring up conversation and debate. I only remember him a bit from the Red Board before moving over to PoA. His list of exploits is pretty impressive, even if embellished. RIP sir.
He led the kind of life (or at least convincingly told the kind of tales) that could easily have inspired this character:
I have to say, this is one of those ones that is both surprising and not at all surprising. Henning was one of those larger than life folks who you knew would die eventually, and you'd never be surprised to hear he died with all of his various exploits, but part of you expected it would never happen. At least, that's how it was for me.

Before he left Florida he once met my son and me while I was flying a Cloud Nine trip in the MU-2 and we got lunch. He was drunk and being too loud in the restaurant, but pleasant to be around.

I don't know how old he would've been now, but not in the full old phase of life (something I suspect he wanted to avoid). It would be interesting to hear how he died, but he'd probably want us wondering.

And I definitely don't discount the idea that he faked his death to collect insurance money.

Assuming he is actually dead, RIP Henning.

He was 59 according to posts on Facebook.
Interesting character. Clearly broadly knowledgeable.
Read his posts dating back to the old AOPA red board.
Condolences to his daughter, in particular. She’s a young adult? (Recall a profile pic in a convertible with her in the passenger seat, as a small child)
Gone much to early,I always enjoyed his posts,he could inspire spirited conversation. RIP
In some ways, the world is a little duller and dimmer with the news of his passing. I met a good number of PoAers in my early years on this board, but Henning waa not one of them. My loss unfortunately.
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