Helicopter crash Kauai, Hawaii

Hunter Handsfield

Jan 8, 2020
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Hunter Handsfield
Looks to me like they had some forward (or lateral) velocity at touchdown and a skid dug into the sand. Rolled over and shredded the blades. Everything else looks pretty intact.
Helicopters are great at rapidly disassembling their rotors and tail booms if they contact anything with them.
But the image shows what seems to be a much more serious wreck,
Not much aircraft to a MD500 so the picture may be a bit deceiving. Regardless, the 500 is still probably the most crash-worthy helicopter in the world as everyone sits within primary structure. It would be my 1st choice if I had to crash with a Bell 206 series second. Beats the hell out the most popular sightseeing platform, the EC 130 as everyone sits in a bubble of plastic… or “Tupperware” as it used to be called. And as I recall autorotating to a soft sand beach was never the optimum place if you wanted to stay upright. Especially with a 500 as it is a little sporty in an auto from my experience.


Engine out auto to the beach. Eurosafety on FB has a good vid of it. Pilot did a decent job considering the amount of room to play with.
Just a little bit early with the flare and a little too slow or he would’ve nailed it with no damage. Overall though, great job by the pilot.