Goodbye Jake


Mar 8, 2015
North TX
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After 13 1/2 years we had to say goodbye to Jake. I'm heartbroken right now. You'll be missed Buddy!

oh man, very sorry to hear this, that would be tough for me to deal with.
Always tough to lose a pet. Had two Shelties that went west within months of each other. They're in the backyard so I get to speak to them some when I desire to.

Sorry JCranford. Getcha another one soon. That'll help.
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So sorry to read of your loss, and I offer my condolences. It's so very hard to lose your best friend.
Always tough to lose a pet. Had two Shelties that went west with months of each other. They're in the backyard so I get to speak to them some.

Sorry JCranford. Getcha another one soon. That'll help.
In our veterinary hospital, many owners that lost a pet would say the didn't want another one because the pain of losing it was too great. Then a couple of years later they would come back with a new kitten and tell us we were right when we said:
"time heals wounds, but the real healing starts when you get a new pet".

So sorry to hear you lost your friend JC. He was a handsome animal. Remember all the good times you had, and when you are able to think about it, go to the shelter and let one pick you out.
Sorry to hear. I dread the day when I say goodbye to our Golden Retriever. Man's best friend indeed.
Lost 3 dogs in the last 3 years...all over 15 years old... the longer they stay the harder it is to say good-bye...
My last two great danes died in my arms. It was really tough, they were very special. Some pets are special, some are just pets.

I said "never again, why would anyone have a kid they KNEW would die at age 13?"

The answer: It's not for you. You provide a great life for pets. It's for them.

You can wait if you like, I did, and the latest guy fell into my life, with me trying to avoid it happening. I'm glad I let him in, he's a sweet boy.
Dog is Love.

Very sorry for your loss.
Very sorry, John :(

I'll disagree with those who say go get another dog soon, though. Get one when you're ready. After my rottie died a bit over 3 years ago, I really just wanted another Duke. And, of course, that wouldn't and couldn't happen. Plus in our case we had the kids to think about and a dog that would work well with them. We just weren't ready for another dog right then.

Last year we were ready for a new dog and adopted Comanche, our Greyhound. He's been a perfect addition to our family. He's got some of the characteristics of Duke, but is his own dog and he's wonderful in his own way.

Maybe you'll be ready soon, maybe it will take you a while. But only you know.
Dogs have all the characteristics we wish we had, and losing a good one is hard. I admit to crying a tear or two for Dixie, and she's been gone for twelve years or more.

Condolences on your loss - he looks like a good'un.
Sorry for the loss of your buddy. And thanks for the sweet reminder of the ones we've lost, and the always wonderful but limited time we have with our current pup.
German Shorthair Pointer or GSP mix? They are indeed fabulous family members. Sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself for a while...

German Shorthair Pointer or GSP mix? They are indeed fabulous family members. Sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself for a while...


Neither. Lab / Blue Heeler.

We have to see how our Pibble reacts to Jake being gone before we think about bringing in a new pup, but we will sooner rather than later.

Thanks everyone!
Hate to hear it. Jake is in a better place now ..

I have a pit that is nearing her last day on this Earth. With an aggressive form of cancer, they go in, laser out the cancerous tissue and she goes on for a while longer - with shorter times between. Someday soon, we will have to decide for her that it is "time".
Sorry to hear. It is never easy.
Now if only we could find our dog. Got home and he's nowhere to be found. Wife is afraid somebody stole him. :(
Sorry to hear J. Never easy to lose a family member, human or four-legged. :(
Very sorry for your loss.

I lost my Doberman last year and I understand how tough it can be. I think it's even worse than losing a child. Unlike my kids, the dog actually liked me.
“I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?”

Walter Scott

We lost our yensiD several years ago, but now we have two new monsters, both are rescues...they are no Sid but our house was pretty empty without a dog
Again, condolences to you and your family.

We are now in the same boat. Wife found our pup. He went to sleep "furever". Buried him last night with his favorite squeaky toy and tennis ball.
I bet our two pups are not chasing fluffy rabbits in doggie heaven together now.
Circle of life. It sucks.
Ahhh poop Lou. I was hoping he was just away on a romp. Condolences to you as well.
Again, condolences to you and your family.

We are now in the same boat. Wife found our pup. He went to sleep "furever". Buried him last night with his favorite squeaky toy and tennis ball.
I bet our two pups are not chasing fluffy rabbits in doggie heaven together now.
Circle of life. It sucks.

Aww man. Sorry to hear that Lou. Glad you found him, though.
Again, condolences to you and your family.

We are now in the same boat. Wife found our pup. He went to sleep "furever". Buried him last night with his favorite squeaky toy and tennis ball.
I bet our two pups are not chasing fluffy rabbits in doggie heaven together now.
Circle of life. It sucks.

Sorry to hear that Lou. Both your and JCranford's stories made me hug Jackson a little tighter this morning.
Again, condolences to you and your family.

We are now in the same boat. Wife found our pup. He went to sleep "furever". Buried him last night with his favorite squeaky toy and tennis ball.
I bet our two pups are not chasing fluffy rabbits in doggie heaven together now.
Circle of life. It sucks.

Sorry to hear that Lou.