First solo coming up...


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 25, 2018
Halifax, Virginia
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So I’m pretty sure I’ll be soloing tomorrow if weather permits. My CFI told me to be sure to bring an old shirt with me. I’m excited as is my significant other. So much so that she wants to be there. My question is, will this be frowned upon? She has come and watched other lessons. She has met my CFI. Have other pilots shared this great aviation milestone with their loved ones? I’m excited and wouldn’t mind her being there but I don’t want to break any kind of protocal if there even is one.

Thoughts will be appreciated!

I’d encourage it. First solo is a big milestone, and should be shared and have pics / vids to commemorate!
My wife rode in the back for several of my lessons including unusual attitudes. She is a good sport and likes to fly.

Keep the rubber side pointing down. At least for your solo. :D

ETA: Remember you are the customer.
She can come and watch, I’ve seen in many times.

Have Fun!
It’s a big day , a day u will never forget. Bring her over, just don’t think about it too much during ur solo. External pressure is real. At my airport I see a lot of families come around to watch their loved one solo

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Depending on your airport, she can even watch from the tower. Which is double the fun.
Tell her to come and bring a camera! My wife stood in the grass with my CFI and took photos and video of the flight and the post-flight "ceremonies."
Most definitely! I've had many of my student's spouse, kids, etc.
Everything the others have wrote!
i didnt even know my cfi would get out and tell me to solo..
i am sorry that the shirt cutting didnt happen,,,,, i didnt even know of the practice.
you wont be distracted by her watching,,, you will be Flying a Plane!!!
i wish i could come a see you too!!!!
I tell people the day I soloed was the day I learned what commitment really was. Once those wheels leave the ground and you are the only occupant you are committed.
not only was my wife present to watch me fulfill a lifelong dream my CFI shot a video of the big event.
not only was my wife present to watch me fulfill a lifelong dream my CFI shot a video of the big event.

I've told this story before (what old farts do), but I had a student show up back in the late 80s with a tripod and big ole VHS camera. I asked him what are those for? He says he thought he might solo this day. So we go up in the pattern for a few landings, stop, and I ask him to show me how to operate this modern gadget. He did great, and I did too, filming it for him.
Good luck,are you sure you want an audience?
Thanks for all the responses!!! Getting me even more excited! Will be nice to have her there and hopefully take some pictures/video. No tower at N27. Hope this weather clears by tomorrow! Not only am I excited to solo, I'm excited to make a phone call to my Dad who is a retired Allegheny Airlines/USAir pilot and let him know. I grew up around flying and love flying with him to this day. Never had the means to pursue my license until now. Wish I would have found a way years ago! I know he'll be happy/proud of me carrying on the tradition.

Thanks again!!!

Pics or it didn't happen. :)

Enjoy the experience!
I tell people the day I soloed was the day I learned what commitment really was. Once those wheels leave the ground and you are the only occupant you are committed.

Yup and I are landing one way or another and without the security blanket

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Good luck,are you sure you want an audience?

No thanks. The only time I failed to get a Cherokee started was an old one with the mixture control way over on the right side of the panel. After a couple of failure I walked back to the shop and realized my failing along the way . I waited for the audience to disperse before I tried it again. A&P's are supposed to know better. It was a brain fart on my part. Momentarily embarrassing.
Yeah, bring her! My wife later told me that she and my CFI were chuckling at my mannerisms and quirks, while I was soaking the back of my soon to be scissored t-shirt with solo-sweat.

My second landing, tower asked me to extend downwind 30 was a hazy day and my CFI was wondering if I was gonna turn base or disappear outta sight. I guess time slowed down for me in that 152. I worried about finding the airport when I turned base.
Funny, when I got my ppl the advice was leave family/friends home for the first solo. I kind of understood it at the time. But I'll agree with most others, bring her and get vids. You'll never forget the experience.

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Bring the girlfriend AND the ex. That way at least someone will be happy no matter how it turns out.

By the way, it’s traditional to sing while in the pattern on your first solo. “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and “Nearer My God to Thee” are popular choices. Sometimes you get to hear accompanying harp music.
OTOH, Skynyrd has an aviation connection, so singing Freebird might be appropriate....
What an awesome day!!!

GF came with me. Of course I was an hour early for my lesson. First decent day for flying in awhile so there was more traffic at the airport then I've seen since I started. Met with my CFI and we sat down to go over what we were going to do today. He says pretty much the same thing we did last time, simulated emergencies during take off, simulated engine out spiral landings, full flap go-arounds. Then we talked about cross wind landings, cross wind taxing, etc. Sounded like a full hour. Depression sets in. CFI goes out to his hangar to get his headset. I talk to the GF and tell her that I don't think I'm going to solo. She says that's okay, it's a great day to fly anyway. So we take off and begin our exercises. Lots of traffic at the airport so that adds to my doubt of soloing.

Then most of the traffic lands. We are number 3 for landing. We are rolling out after the landing and he says that he's had enough for today, pull onto the ramp and let him out. What?! Says he's taking his headset in case I decide to fly to Florida... lol. Just remember your numbers and off he went. And then off I went... What a liberating experience! 152 lifted off and climbed like never before. First landing was my best. During roll out I look over at the ramp and there stands an audience of my GF, all the pilots that landed earlier and my CFI with a big smile on his face.

3 takeoffs and 3 landings. Last landing wasn't my best but airplane was still useable after I was done. Successful solo in my book.

Pics attached. GF took some video but I want to edit them down.IMG_1853.JPG IMG_1856.JPG IMG_1862.JPG