Feedback on Xenforo 2

Do you like the new software?

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No real complaints and Ron did a great job of addressing questions/concerns and major issues (like no indent). But I don’t use the mobile browser version so can’t comment on that. Yes, there are differences but I think the transition went smooth.
Transition was done very well. There were a number of small/minor issues; the vast majority were addressed.

I like it if only that linked photos are working again. Most everything else is gravy.

The only thing I miss is that button in the lower right that autoscrolls to the bottom of the page. Looks like the button to scroll to the top is still there, but it only shows up intermittently. Not sure if that's random or if there's some logic behind it.
I understand that it is important to update to the latest version occasionally to keep from getting too far behind.
But I haven't seen anything that I like more than the old version.

One issue was that previously, when we got to the bottom of a thread we could hover over the menu bar and "new posts" would appear. Now we have to click on "what's new" and then click on "new posts". But one or two extra clicks for one option is not too much to ask.
I like it if only that linked photos are working again. Most everything else is gravy.
Oh yeah, I like that the images in our signature are working again (ie, the "places visited" map).
The only thing I miss is that button in the lower right that autoscrolls to the bottom of the page. Looks like the button to scroll to the top is still there, but it only shows up intermittently. Not sure if that's random or if there's some logic behind it.
If you use a Windows machine, try tapping the "Home" and "End" keys and see what they do. Chrome (and I think Edge) will take you to the top and bottom of the page you're viewing, respectively. (If it doesn't, make sure the focus is on the main browser window--just click anywhere (that isn't a link or button) in the middle of the webpage, then try tapping Home or End again.)

Should be a choice of something like don’t care
If you use a Windows machine, try tapping the "Home" and "End" keys and see what they do. Chrome (and I think Edge) will take you to the top and bottom of the page you're viewing, respectively. (If it doesn't, make sure the focus is on the main browser window--just click anywhere (that isn't a link or button) in the middle of the webpage, then try tapping Home or End again.)
I know what they do on a Windows machine (and Mac). But sometimes I use a tablet.
The UI on mobile is quite a bit clunkier and the layout is not as compact. The only positive I've noticed is that when another user quotes someone you've ignored, that's noted in the quote.
Best transition ever, A+++ would transition again. We should double @flyingron's pay.

As for XF2 itself, at the risk of damning with faint praise, it seems... fine?
I don't remember quoted text being so small on the old site. Was it bigger or am I just remembering incorrectly?
I don't remember quoted text being so small on the old site. Was it bigger or am I just remembering incorrectly?
It's probably part of the style. I can try to tweek it larger.
It's the same size as the regular text now.
After the fifth release of any ap or OS the developers should sent to solitary confinement and prevented from using anything powered by electricity. That way I won’t have to buy new hardware to keep using an ap that has “improvements” I don’t need, want or would ever use.

Get off my lawn and stop ringing my non “ Ring” doorbell.
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My hat's off to Ron for his work on the transition. Love having a dark mode. :cheerswine:
I don't like the chat doesn't show who is in it if they have their user status set to invisible.

Everything else is as good or better than version 1 the way I use the board.
I was unable to update photos from my phone to the picture forum today, size too large. Why? Is there a solution that is not a work around?
I was unable to update photos from my phone to the picture forum today, size too large. Why? Is there a solution that is not a work around?

solution is smaller file.
I think you've darkened the fonts, which was my only complaint. :thumbsup:
Getting error uploaded pic too large for server to handle...
Filed under UI microaggressions: Why make a button that looks like a checkbox? You can't check or uncheck it.
Also, the button text should read "Yes". ******* designers.

I know what they do on a Windows machine (and Mac). But sometimes I use a tablet.
Wow, I came to this forum specifically to whine about the lost arrow button and learned something new!
The PMs are jacked up. Everybody is sending duplicates because the original submission gets a bunch of IT hieroglyphics pink wall of errors. So one re-submits over and over and triplicate city ensues. So now it requires one accept the thing is jacked and just F5 the page after the first submission.
Chat is still jacked up too.

"Upgrade;" Yeah right.