EDC what do you carry?

Yep, Tex, that's all real respectable equipment. Kershaw, CREE, .25, SKS -- you got your bases covered. Always entertaining to try to find the happy medium between being prepared and traveling light. :)

I don't know if you're making sport or being genuine but if I were a really hard core bunker lover I'd be saying a .22 rifle and about 4000 rounds of ammo go with me when I bug out. Because lb. for lb. you can haul more ammo and put more meat on the table with a .22.

I like to read the survival boards if you hadn't figured that out. Lots of good hunters and outdoor people are there once you weed out the nuts. Lots of ex-military too.

I like to hunt and fish and camp, and some of those 'nuts' have some good tips. :wink2:
Not making sport at all! I appreciate your perspective. I haunt a few gun boards, and I'm always happy to learn. My family and I survived Katrina and I lived and worked a lotta years in NYC. I know for sure there's some bad stuff out there. Any bit of info that helps me keep my family just a little bit safer is always welcome. :-D
Not making sport at all! I appreciate your perspective. I haunt a few gun boards, and I'm always happy to learn. My family and I survived Katrina and I lived and worked a lotta years in NYC. I know for sure there's some bad stuff out there. Any bit of info that helps me keep my family just a little bit safer is always welcome. :-D

O.k. thanks and anything I can do to help. I've read a lot more than I've put into practice. But I do like some of the old school self sustaining things like our cistern for example at our farm. Catching rain and storing it makes sense for us out there.

Water is the number one concern before all else when you start studying survival situations that are written by people who have actually lived through them. Not just any water, but drinkable water. The wrong water can kill you quick. A lifestraw is a good gadget. Boiling has worked for eons... but that takes energy. You can't make it or do jack squat without water for long at all.

The survival law of three's is: three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Or your dead. Shelter ranks a high second or first in an emergency in extreme climates, but water you can't live without anywhere you go. :wink2:
The survival law of three's is: three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Or your dead. Shelter ranks a high second or first in an emergency in extreme climates, but water you can't live without anywhere you go. :wink2:

Yeah, a lot of people thing need you need to make snares or try to fish or do things for food, but in most rescue situations you have to survive 72hrs or so. Provided you're not bleeding out or in other need of immediate medical attention you need two things: water and shelter.

Keep hydrated with water that won't kill you and keep you body temperature regulated. Do that, and you'll survive until rescue.
Yes, I've heard that water and shelter from extreme temps are top priority. Louisiana is warm enough almost always to avoid any risk of exposure, but heat stroke is likely. I carry bottled water in the trunk of the car. Gonna get 5 life straws. Been meaning to do that; gotta get it done. Hurricane season is upon us. I take preparedness seriously, and I'm training the kids to do the same. Thanks, guys.
You might want to read some more if you think 220 Swift is a 'super long range' gun. Also, it may be your hog gun, but unless you were a sniper, its NOT your sniper gun.
Yeah, a lot of people thing need you need to make snares or try to fish or do things for food, but in most rescue situations you have to survive 72hrs or so. Provided you're not bleeding out or in other need of immediate medical attention you need two things: water and shelter.

Keep hydrated with water that won't kill you and keep you body temperature regulated. Do that, and you'll survive until rescue.

Yep you got it. That's why I like the life straws and Sawyers. They're cheap and you can put them in bags all over. Might save your life... I keep some Sawyer inline filters new in the box for the house if we ever need them. They're good for over a million gallons with 99.9% kill rate on bacteria.

Here's a starter article about 5 ways to purify water.

You can use sand, dirt, or charcoal to purify water. But that's a last resort method because it takes some work and some time for limited results and it's not portable.

I like the idea of having a distiller (for water and other things;))for emergencies that could turn out to be longer term deal like after a hurricane or disaster. But I haven't played with distilling yet. A benefit in Mad Max world might be nobody would kill the guy who can make moonshine if they don't know how ... :D
Glock 19. IWB Bianchi holster.

No stopping power you say? I'll take 15 9mm rounds any day over 7 .45 rounds.