DT/ST no longer contested.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Now that everyone gets their clock info from a smart device, I think the push to fight the timechange system is dying.
No more do people mess up their schedules because they forgot to adjust their clocks; I never have to remind pax or staff of the timechange.
It ‘just happens’, with little comment anymore, in my world. You?
It's never bothered me a bit, in the trials of life, time change is down in the noise.
No longer congested? Florida legislature just voted in favor of keeping DST all year.

The time change being easier to remember, or automatic, is a weak argument for doing it.
I really, intensely, hate the time change. When I was growing up, most businesses had different summer and winter hours for the sole purpose of defeating the time change. I want permanent DST.

:yeahthat: Me too!
Sun comes up, sun goes down. Seasons change.
Time change just another example of humans unnecessarily overcomplicating their world.
As someone who formerly traveled frequently, Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time were less a problem to me than frequently changing time zone. One learns to adjust and I seldom reset my watch to whatever local time I was in. Personally, I would prefer we just go to permanent DST simply for it getting dark later.
I think we need to set constant daylight hours. I am tired of having less daylight in winter, and more daylight in summer. We need to contact our elected politicians and have them make it a law that requiring the sun to shine the exact same amount every day..... :rolleyes: :lol::lol::lol:

Sadly, somewhere, there will be people that think this can be done....
I think we need to set constant daylight hours. I am tired of having less daylight in winter, and more daylight in summer. We need to contact our elected politicians and have them make it a law that requiring the sun to shine the exact same amount every day..... :rolleyes: :lol::lol::lol:

Sadly, somewhere, there will be people that think this can be done....
Sir, Thank you for your kind letter to the Honorable Representative. We all share your concern for sunlight and keep it at the forefront of our congressional mission. In that regard, we have noted that the sun does shine at all times. While there may be tremendous benefits to having access to this sunshine at any and all times we also note that the world was evolved or been created to operate with varying periods of daylight over the course of the year. To this end we all believe it best not to mess with mother nature or the Lord's Will and leave well enough alone.

Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any other concerns in which we might be able to assist you. the Representative and staff always looks forward to your correspondence.

Able but exhausted staffer
If we really wanted to make it confusing, we could set it up like Australia. The Australian Central Time Zone is GMT + 9-1/2 hours. And only the southeastern quarter of the country observes DST.

So in the summer (now), at 0000 GMT it’s 11:00 AM in Sydney, 10:00 AM in Brisbane, 10:30 AM in Adelaide, 9:30 AM in Darwin, and 8:00 AM in Perth.

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Lol, I'm all for year-round DST. The professions which may depend more on sunrise/sunset time (farming, construction, etc.) have always adjusted their schedule as needed in order to be ready to go at first light. It doesn't matter what time the clock said it was. For anyone working indoors, it shouldn't matter at all what the sun is doing outside.
I'd still like to see New England switch to AST. Then I wouldn't care whether we ever went on DST or not.

(Yeah, I know. Not gonna happen.)
I believe the numbers that supported the DST are cooked.
I love DST. Except when it comes to getting my kids into and out of bed that first week.
I don’t mind waking up in the dark, or waiting for a sunrise flight later in the morning. I’d rather get more after work sun time.
When I worked on a schedule it used to mean I got an hour less sleep for a week and felt like crap.
Luckily next week is spring break -- so it will have no effect here, except to shorten our vacation by 1 hour.
For anyone working indoors, it shouldn't matter at all what the sun is doing outside.
Unless, of course, you like to go jogging in Arizona in the summertime when the Sun is up. That's why I think Arizona stays in Standard time.
It's never bothered me a bit, in the trials of life, time change is down in the noise.

The last couple of years, I've noticed a LOT of whining about the time change in a bunch of sources. What's the big deal?

Today, I heard some "expert" on the radio saying that if you get tired early on Sunday, you can take an hour or hour and a half nap to recover from the time change. Geez, are we a bunch of sleep deprived 4 year olds? Just amazing at how unresilient many in our society have become.
If we really wanted to make it confusing, we could set it up like Australia. The Australian Central Time Zone is GMT + 9-1/2 hours. And only the southeastern quarter of the country observes DST.

So in the summer (now), at 0000 GMT it’s 11:00 AM in Sydney, 10:00 AM in Brisbane, 10:30 AM in Adelaide, 9:30 AM in Darwin, and 8:00 AM in Perth.

View attachment 60810

Don't have to go as far as Australia for confusion. Look north. There's a half-hour time zone in Canada too. :confused:o_O
And DST, which ostensibly was to benefit farmers, is not observed at all in Saskatchewan, the biggest farming Province in that country.

Well it's not Newfie's are aware of much so that's a weak point. And DST in Sasquat is pointless as far north as they are. It's day alla time in the summer.
I don't even bother to change my watch. Tomorrow it will be "right" again, until next fall. It's just an index. . .
I changed my clocks last night so I could get a jump on saving daylight.....
Daylight savings sure works in the village formerly known as Barrow, AK

July 2018 Sunrise/Sunset

1 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.8°) 94.503
2 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.7°) 94.505
3 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.6°) 94.506
4 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.5°) 94.507
5 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.4°) 94.508
6 Up all day - - - 2:31 pm (41.3°) 94.508
7 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (41.2°) 94.507
8 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (41.1°) 94.507
9 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (41.0°) 94.505
10 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (40.9°) 94.503
11 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (40.7°) 94.501
12 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (40.6°) 94.498
13 Up all day - - - 2:32 pm (40.4°) 94.494
14 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (40.3°) 94.490
15 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (40.1°) 94.485
16 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (40.0°) 94.480
17 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (39.8°) 94.474
18 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (39.6°) 94.468
19 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (39.4°) 94.461
20 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (39.3°) 94.454
21 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (39.1°) 94.446
22 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (38.9°) 94.438
23 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (38.7°) 94.429
24 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (38.4°) 94.421
25 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (38.2°) 94.412
26 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (38.0°) 94.402
27 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (37.8°) 94.393
28 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (37.5°) 94.383
29 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (37.3°) 94.372
30 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (37.1°) 94.362
31 Up all day - - - 2:33 pm (36.8°) 94.351
* All times are local time for Barrow. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.
The last couple of years, I've noticed a LOT of whining about the time change in a bunch of sources. What's the big deal?

Today, I heard some "expert" on the radio saying that if you get tired early on Sunday, you can take an hour or hour and a half nap to recover from the time change. Geez, are we a bunch of sleep deprived 4 year olds? Just amazing at how unresilient many in our society have become.

Unresilient? LOL The irony of that statement ,considering the very premise is to change normal time permanently in order to accommodate the snowflakes that can't possibly enjoy life after work because it gets dark soon after quitting time for 3 months out the year. Pot meet kettle.
Move it to half-way inbetween and lock it down, Chewie.
The last couple of years, I've noticed a LOT of whining about the time change in a bunch of sources. What's the big deal?

I don't know. I actually whine less these days since almost all my clocks are synchronized in one way or another. Now if only I could do something about that clock on the convection oven then I'd be all set (thankfully the microwave doesn't squawk and ident VFR all day long if I don't set it).
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, dislike standard time. During ST, I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark. Sucks severely. Has nothing to do with forgetting to change the clock.

Can't say I've ever heard anyone say they prefer ST, not even farmers.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, dislike standard time. During ST, I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark. Sucks severely. Has nothing to do with forgetting to change the clock.

Can't say I've ever heard anyone say they prefer ST, not even farmers.

Thank you. I feel not alone.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, dislike standard time. During ST, I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark. Sucks severely. Has nothing to do with forgetting to change the clock.

Can't say I've ever heard anyone say they prefer ST, not even farmers.

Yeah but you don't live in Florida. Latitude matters here.