Donut Etiquette

I'll take the simple glazed one, but I don't want all of it so I think I'll use the knife. :biggrin:
There's a bakery near me that makes the most sinful cinnamon rolls. NOPE! I ain't sharing. :devil:
There's a donut shop here that makes SQUARE donuts with traditional round holes. Some days they have them with BACON GLAZE . . . Yeah, they're durn good!!
Is that because you only wanted half the bag of peanuts?
Interestingly, the peanuts seem to have self-halving properties.

Game on, muthaz... let's see how long these last intact before the ladies arrive!

(By the way, there is absolutely nothing here, with the possible exception of the jelly filled thing on the right, that interests me. If there was an apple fritter present, it would be all over for me.)
As long as it's not a cake donut. Those things are for communists.

upload_2016-11-15_9-34-24.png Man cake donuts my fav, double chocolate, when I eat a donut which unfortunately isn't very often anymore (Doc's orders).
View attachment 49252

Game on, muthaz... let's see how long these last intact before the ladies arrive!

(By the way, there is absolutely nothing here, with the possible exception of the jelly filled thing on the right, that interests me. If there was an apple fritter present, it would be all over for me.)
You should just hack them all to pieces and throw a box of toothpicks in with the came from together donuts. Then leave a sign: "your move now *******"
You should just hack them all to pieces and throw a box of toothpicks in with the came from together donuts. Then leave a sign: "your move now *******"

The problem is, I think the ******* would actually like that.
There is one thing that is perplexing me. It's the donut count. If I'm counting the number of donuts correctly, there are 19. Nn..Nnn. Nnnnn Nineteen...

Okay. Now, as of the photo, there were three people in the office. The dude that brought the donuts, and the intern. So, assuming one, or both, had a donut already (maybe that's why the apple fritter isn't there) then there were likely originally either 20 or 21 donuts.

That's a bastard count, any way you break it down. Multiples of 12, or 13, are appropriate. What gives?
My mom was on a diet trying to lose weight. She went to a donut place and had just a cup of coffee. A guy came in and ordered a donut and coffee and ate 1/2 the donut. She couldn't resist and she ate the other half. Then the guy CAME BACK!!!!!! He looked around and could tell by the look on my mom's face she was guilty. They both broke up in hysterical laughter.
Man, those spiral cinnamon rolls are manna from heaven, especially the "nugget" in the middle.
There is one thing that is perplexing me. It's the donut count. If I'm counting the number of donuts correctly, there are 19. Nn..Nnn. Nnnnn Nineteen...


Okay. Now, as of the photo, there were three people in the office. The dude that brought the donuts, and the intern. So, assuming one, or both, had a donut already (maybe that's why the apple fritter isn't there) then there were likely originally either 20 or 21 donuts.

That's a bastard count, any way you break it down. Multiples of 12, or 13, are appropriate. What gives?

"How can I help you?"

"I need a dozen and a half, assorted."
OK, what chaps my hide are those folks that STILL want to chunk-up the donuts. Look, I get it. You want only a piece of a donut and not the whole thing. So I buy donut holes.

But some folks want cake donuts. I get it. I buy both normal donut holes AND cake donut holes.

But NOOOOO.... those folks still have to chunk up, cut up, or otherwise mutilate perfectly round (oblong?) donuts. Just.Because.You.Can. And hardly anybody touches the donut holes.

But what's more criminal is that the Apple Fritters and Bear Claws are decimated beyond recognition. Why, people? Why?

I swear that next time I have to bring in donuts, I'm going to buy them a week early so they go stale and rock-hard. Let them try to cut those. :p

Oh, and yes - Cinnnamon Buns are goooood. Screws up my W&B, but they're goooood.
That pink-icing thing will be there for a while. ISIS hates pink-icing things.
View attachment 49253 Man cake donuts my fav, double chocolate, when I eat a donut which unfortunately isn't very often anymore (Doc's orders).

Ha! I'm more of a boston cream kinda guy, but like you, I don't eat donuts much these days. My metabolism used to allow me to eat anything, but that all came to a screeching halt in the last couple of years. Getting old sucks.
Somewhere on a scrap-booking forum, there is a thread about this weird guy at the office who takes pictures of the donut box multiple times on donut day.

"He's doing it again. I just saw him walk over to the box, take one look in it and shake his head. OMG he's pulling his phone out again."

"Take a picture of him! Take a picture of him!"

"I can't. My fingers are all sticky from pulling apart donuts."
Somewhere on a scrap-booking forum, there is a thread about this weird guy at the office who takes pictures of the donut box multiple times on donut day.

"He's doing it again. I just saw him walk over to the box, take one look in it and shake his head. OMG he's pulling his phone out again."

"Take a picture of him! Take a picture of him!"

"I can't. My fingers are all sticky from pulling apart donuts."

I see what you did there...
Again, WTF with coconut on a donut? Friggin' waste of perfectly good chocolate.
I dislike coconut in all forms. I have trouble understanding how coconuts have anything to do with Germany. The geography just doesn't work out.

That thought actually has occurred to me. Then again, Santa Clause is rather popular in Hawaii.
Then again, maybe it was a ladened swallow that brought the coconut to Germany.
2. Do you dislike German Chocolate cakes?

I dunno, if you're bringing a donut that is trying to pass for a German Chocolate Cake, at least soak it in Kirschvasser first! Of course, the office might be measurably more cheery after that...