Do you know of any pilots who have been certified after experiencing psychosis?

I was on Luvox - but I honestly don’t know what the cause was. Doctor thought it could be driving psychotic thinking but wasn’t sure. The question is would they ever accept my meds. I am doing well - even if it was organic.
Also the conditions are major depressive disorder delusional disorder ocd anxiety - I feel so guilty about posting about it I’ve wanted to be a pilot for a long time but haven’t been able to do so. I’ve looked at the long list of appeals to the ntsb and these are never succesful accept when it’s a toxic psychosis or a traumatic brain interruption.
I have never succeeded with one. Even a USAF academy guy (negative toxicology) who got delusional during extreme over exhaustion during exam week.
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Im sorry to bother you guys. its the way life works i guess, i will accept it , Im probably gonna do clerical work soon. Once again ive brought it up to much and i hope you guys are not upset with me. I send my reguards.
I don’t even know what psychosis is, exactly ??