Do controllers get tired of Students?

I've seen use of strips and scratch paper. And a few controllers I have met have it wired well enough to just use memory.

DTO (Class D) has radar display off of the feed from DFW. If you're on an IFR plan or FF, then your tail# appears as part of your target.

The strips are required and are a legal document. They stay in the system for 3-4 months should something happen.

As I said earlier you may not be able to get into a facility for a little while.
Thanks for the comments. Anyone local to me KCHD want to visit the tower with me? I feel awkward going alone.

You won't be alone anymore once you get inside the tower; there are people up there! :)
The strips are required and are a legal document. They stay in the system for 3-4 months should something happen.

I'd have to inquire to confirm, but I think our controllers at DTO have gotten away from paper strips to the "electronic ones" I've seen in use at the ZFW Center. With most ops here VFR primary training, they resort to calling the strip up on the monitor as needed.
The strips are required and are a legal document. They stay in the system for 3-4 months should something happen.

As I said earlier you may not be able to get into a facility for a little while.

Strips are kept for 15 days. Unless they're part of an accident packet. FYI.
What do you guys think about controllers in training? They make mistakes too... we shake our heads and smile and move on ;-) although, i have to admit, i seem to make mistakes more often than they do!

Just realize that anytime someone is training on position, there's ALWAYS a CPC (certifed controller) plugged in with them. The final objective in training is to let the trainee go as far as you're comfortable, with minor mistakes being corrected off frequency, before you step in and save the day. This varies based on strength of the CPC.
Yep, I would have quit that Job on day 1
Our controllers are incredibly patient.

However I have been up in the tower and watched them work when they are not on mic, they have their comic relief talking about your mistakes.

We had a stuck mic incident with the tower last week. This was awkward to hear. Chinese student calls, then his instructor gets on. Then the stuck tower mic:

Hey now. That's classified information. Lmao. But yeah, the best conversations happen off freq.
Thanks for the comments. Anyone local to me KCHD want to visit the tower with me? I feel awkward going alone.

It's not awkward. Just call them, tell them what you want and they'll give you what works best for them. Stacy is the chief.
:mad2:. I'm glad the published DP always gets used at FRG. Turn right or left heading XXX, maintain 3000. Easy.

Same thing at OLM. Yelm 2 departure. Turn right/left as appropriate. Heading 060, climb/maintain 3000. RV on course.

I haven't flown in over a year and I have that one memorized. :D