Defective Flux Capacitor Causes Crash Landing

That’s funny. My guess is it was someone at the field messing with the media. Good for them!
Ah, the new journalism! Ask a few questions, make a quick Live Report to get your name out there, and fact check later if requested by your boss. No need to confirm anything before rushing to present the "facts," being first is all that counts . . . . .
Lol, she was pranked, she should have figured that one out.
Reminds me of the National Geographic show about skydiving. They displayed a factoid about how skydivers absorb oxygen through their skin while in freefall, and if they go through clouds, they'll drown.
I wonder if they checked Mr. Fusion while they were there too... fusion.jpg
That was a good one but we can’t have it both ways.

On one hand we want accurate reporting, on the other hand we like to play games with reporters. It can be entertaining at best.

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This is hilarious. Any time someone pranks the news, with the news' attitude of self-importance, I love it. Like the Howard Stern guy, or the ever famous FHRITP...
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That was a good one but we can’t have it both ways.

On one hand we want accurate reporting, on the other hand we like to play games with reporters. It can be entertaining at best.

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Nah. This kind of thing makes it clear reporters aren’t doing their job. Maybe eventually they’ll be embarrassed enough to think first. Probably not, but worth a shot.
Geez! At least spend 15 seconds googling on your smartphone before you go on air.
Denzel Washington had a great
interview about the media being more concerned about being first than true.

Kinda think modern media is where the kids who ate glue ended up.
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I am so tired of people buy cheap flux capacitors. Spend a little money and get a nice one from O'Reilly's. I wouldn't put one in a Cub or Chief though. Always remember it takes 88 mph to make it work. You might not hit that speed in a dive!

So she didn't get a movie reference from before she was born. Big deal. The real dick in this scenario was the person who told her that as a joke and let her go on the air with it.
Nah. This kind of thing makes it clear reporters aren’t doing their job. Maybe eventually they’ll be embarrassed enough to think first. Probably not, but worth a shot.

Right. Reporters, not journalists but reporters, can be relied on to do little more than report on ‘actualities’, for example “a plane crashed on such and such date, time, and place”. A good piece of journalism is researched, is factual and may even learn you something.

In both cases a primary measure of their work is being first. At print speeds that all seemed to work. At internet speeds, Katy bar the door. False stories seem to travel faster and further than factual ones. Joking around is much easier though

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So she didn't get a movie reference from before she was born. Big deal. The real dick in this scenario was the person who told her that as a joke and let her go on the air with it.
Nope. The real jerk was the one that repeated information from a source that was just a guy standing there. How would he know what caused the accident?
Funny, the NTSB 'wouldnt comment'. Got to wonder why ;-)

If anyone at the NTSB has a sense of humor they'll include the clip in the docket along with a 'memorandum of conversation' to preserve this for posterity.
I went on to the Boston 25 News station website. This video is not there, but there is another, that shows the pilot. The "Haselton" she refers to in the clip was the pilot, who definitely was not born before Back to the Future came out. He might not even be able to shave yet!
Flux capacitor? Maybe. Could have been a bent johnson rod...
So she didn't get a movie reference from before she was born. Big deal. The real dick in this scenario was the person who told her that as a joke and let her go on the air with it.

If that’s Kathryn Burcham, she’s was born the year before the movie came out.

I find it hard to believe she could go her entire life without having seen it.

But then again, seeing the movie and actually understanding the joke behind it.

Or, maybe she saw this a figured a flux capacitor is real:
If that’s Kathryn Burcham, she’s was born the year before the movie came out.

I find it hard to believe she could go her entire life without having seen it.

But then again, seeing the movie and actually understanding the joke behind it.

Or, maybe she saw this a figured a flux capacitor is real:
Gonna guess that the term "flux capacitor" was remembered by 90% of the males seeing the film, and 0.1% of the females.
Well if it wasn't the flux capacitator, it coulda been the Finnegan pin, or perhaps the framastat.
BTW, where was the "crash".
The first mistake was installing the dam flux capacitor in the first place... more recent models use a defrasticated nebulizor to do the same job with a less than .1% failure rate when compared to the FC....
At least they didn't quote the venerable aviation expert Heywood Jablome.