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May 6, 2013
Santa Cruz, CA
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With all the seriousness surrounding COVID-19 though it would be fun to start a COVID-WTF thread to share your head shaking moments.

I have a dark sense of humor and deal with things through laughter...not at the crisis at hand but at things resulting from the situation.


Went to Safeway and all the payment pin pads are now covered in clear plastic bags with a slit for the card. Say to cashier "OK, gotta ask...what is the point of covering the pin pad in plastic if everyone is just touching that plastic instead of the pin pad?"

"Customers have been using wipes and spraying hand sanitizer on them. Had a lady spray it down with Lysol, shorted out the pad out then, get ****ed off she couldn't pay!"

"Oh, so the plastic is not to protect the people for the pin pad but to protect the pin pad from the people!"

"You got it!"

I just got back from trying to go fishing at a state park about 40 minutes away. Many of the parking lots were closed, and there were soooooooo many people crowding the place that I didn't even get out of my car. Bet they all think they are 'social distancing'.
Went to the store yesterday, there was a lady wearing a mask... pulled down over her chin. Why bother and put it on at all?
Sometimes they just get uncomfortable and annoying and you need a break. Especially if you wear glasses. As long as she wears it properly some of the time it's better than not at all.
Driving to the airport, I saw a guy picking his nose. But hey! At least he was in his own car!
I just got back from trying to go fishing at a state park about 40 minutes away. Many of the parking lots were closed, and there were soooooooo many people crowding the place that I didn't even get out of my car. Bet they all think they are 'social distancing'.

- Federal government 'closed' the local national park. Not just the facilities like bathrooms and visitor center, no the entire park. So rather than having everyone 'socially distanced' in the large inside parking lot, all the visitors/trespassers had to squeeze through the same opening next to the main gate.

- Police in California called out their patrol boat to hunt down a lone paddleboarder to enforce the proper social distancing on someone who was hundreds of yards away from the beach before they got started. 'respecc ma authoriteee' I guess.

- Fishing, you know the solitary activity where you sit on a boat and try to trick some fish, is in violation of our local shutdown order. However, if you plan to eat the fish, you can still go fishing, as now its considered a subsistence activity. You can even fish without a license as the state shut down most of the means to obtain one.
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Saw an old guy (even older than me) walking out of the local Meijer wearing disposable gloves. With the gloves still on, reach into his pockets, get his keys, used both hands to hold the keys and push the button with the glove... Kinda defeats the purpose...
I got nothing. well, other than the fact that I seem to be getting extra tv channels for free during 'rona19. one of which is DogTV. that's right....TV for dogs...……...

My head shaking moment: when I looked around at all the "official" statistics on the "epidemiological curve" and realized that not anyone's numbers agree. Not only that, but no one is measuring the same thing. In a world where we have ANSI, SNOMED, IHE, CCHIT, JACO, ELINC, ....literally standards for everything medical, yet we cannot agree on a standard set of metrics for assessing and monitoring a world pandemic.
Social distancing is easier for some people more than others.
I got nothing. well, other than the fact that I seem to be getting extra tv channels for free during 'rona19. one of which is DogTV. that's right....TV for dogs...……...

fun to watch late at night
I learned a trick, but I hope posting it doesn't get me arrested. I was at the meat counter at the grocery store looking through the glass at the selection. Some guy got up shoulder to shoulder with me so he could look at the same selection at the same time. I could actually feel his breath. So I coughed into my shoulder a couple of times on the side he was encroaching. His eyes got wide and he jumped back a few feet and glared at me like I was Typhoid Mary. I did it again later on in a home depot when someone got within inches of my back waiting in the check-out line, I coughed over my shoulder. It worked again. The last time, again at the grocery store I was picking out some lemons. A woman started reaching around me to grab a couple before I was finished. She too jumped back and glared at me. And I don't think she bought any lemons. I just look at it as a reminder.

most people are ok if you just say “excuse me, can we maintain a little space?” You are going to feel like an ass if you come down with symptoms this week knowing you were coughing all over the place on purpose.
My county has issued a very restrictive Stay at Home order. There is a VERY short list of businesses that are allowed to stay open, of which one is Pet Grooming. I can't believe pets are getting more respect than citizens.
I was at the grocery store with a Mask on and the check-out line,
I was loading the belt and the person behind me was crowding me.
Just for effect, I coughed into my mask...instant six foot separation.
I love it when a plan comes together.
I had an unsolicited salesperson call me today. He tried to sell me on a very expensive solution to a practically nonexistent issue.

Me: "You really think now is the time to be selling this?"
Him: "Yeah, you're right I'll call you back next week."
Me: "Next week? What is going to change in one week?"
Him: "I'll just hang up on myself." *click*
"COVID-WTF thread to share your head shaking moments."

I have several, but I don’t want to get banned.

Carry on.
Same here.

Hint: Watching the daily briefings... I can't help but have great respect for Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and the Surgeon General, but not much for you-know-who.

Carry on.
BTW, someone should tell him that it's called... "herd immunity" not "herd mentality" SMH :rolleyes:
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- Police in California called out their patrol boat to hunt down a lone paddleboarder to enforce the proper social distancing on someone who was hundreds of yards away from the beach before they got started. 'respecc ma authoriteee' I guess.

The beaches are closed. He ignored multiple requests to return to shore. He deserved it. It definitely sucks but that's just where we're at right now.
The beaches are closed. He ignored multiple requests to return to shore. He deserved it. It definitely sucks but that's just where we're at right now.

As I said, a case of 'respecc my authoretee'.
The guy wasn't on the closed beach and he wasn't doing anything that could have possibly created a risk of either acquiring or passing the virus. The beaches were closed because dumb phucks used the beach to congregate in groups that caused a risk of increased transmission. If 'where we are right now' is a blind adherence to nonsensical rules for the purpose of adhering to rules, then yes it makes sense to bring out the patrol boat for a wayward paddleboarder.

Just to get this right. It makes sense to release felons from prison because we want to reduce overcrowding and at the same time we are locking people up for being out in an open place by themselves. 'Makes total sense, if you don't think about it.'
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The beaches are closed. He ignored multiple requests to return to shore. He deserved it. It definitely sucks but that's just where we're at right now.

There’s also something called discretion. In a state that lets violent felons go free daily in the name of “social justice,” arresting a lone paddleboarder because “the beach is closed” is ridiculous.
Went to the store yesterday, there was a lady wearing a mask... pulled down over her chin. Why bother and put it on at all?
At the store yesterday and as I was cleaning off my cart handle with the provided Clorox wipes, I watched a lady bypass the wipes and just put on some rubber gloves. She pushed her cart into the store, stopped to look at produce and was wiping the corners of her mouth with the gloved hand. SMH....
As I said, a case of 'respecc my authoretee'.
The guy wasn't on the closed beach and he wasn't doing anything that could have possibly created a risk of either acquiring or passing the virus. The beaches were closed because dumb phucks used the beach to congregate in groups that caused a risk of increased transmission. If 'where we are right now' is a blind adherence to nonsensical rules for the purpose of adhering to rules, then yes it makes sense to bring out the patrol boat for a wayward paddleboarder.

Of course he wasn't at risk of infecting anyone, but why is this guy above the law that (most) everybody else is adhering to? Nobody likes it, but most reasonable people in the city understand that it's NOT a nonsensical temporary restriction. If you really feel like breaking down the details of whether he was or wasn't physically on the sand, then I guess I can't convince you. But I can guarantee if he complied within the first 30 minutes of being asked, a verbal warning was the most likely outcome.
Of course he wasn't at risk of infecting anyone, but why is this guy above the law that (most) everybody else is adhering to? .

Because in California "Outdoor Activities" are explicitly permitted if practicing social distancing (straight out of Governor's mouth and written in many County orders). This was a case of a power tripping lifeguard that was unable to use common sense in his discretion IMO.
Because in California "Outdoor Activities" are explicitly permitted if practicing social distancing (straight out of Governor's mouth and written in many County orders). This was a case of a power tripping lifeguard that was unable to use common sense in his discretion IMO.
Beaches are closed in Los Angeles. Not a power trip lifeguard. Order from the mayor.
Mine is every day when I go in to work, knowing that I am going to be sneezed on, spit at, breathed on, etc., by ten toddlers (lots of healthcare workers' children) all day without any form of protection, and also knowing there are people in the world who don't even want to walk out their door without a HazMat suit on right now. Then I wonder who is crazier - me or them.
- Fishing, you know the solitary activity where you sit on a boat and try to trick some fish, is in violation of our local shutdown order. However, if you plan to eat the fish, you can still go fishing, as now its considered a subsistence activity. You can even fish without a license as the state shut down most of the means to obtain one.

Fishing season is closed in Washington state. Evidently some people were crowding the shorelines to fish and the state's answer was to close the fishing season. Typical "punish the many to prevent misbehavior by the few" on the part of the people in charge.
Social distancing is easier for some people more than others.
We need to either get back to normal soon or...

Skip straight to the part where we arm up our toughest, meanest family member/leader to go on supply runs. Cut the power grids because people that once kept them running are now just fighting for survival like the rest of us. Stop using cars, just sneak through the woods to the closed stores and abandoned buildings looking for food, meds and, of course, ammo. Barricade the roads into our neighborhood and booby trap the woods and surroundings. Set up a watch schedule so we don't get robbed of our own supplies. Battle with other neighborhoods because they just ain't acting right.

Cause this in between that we're in now sucks.:D

It's very true. I haven't left the house since February 29th this year. So it's been about 5 weeks.

In 2017 I was working on a particularly hairy problem under a tight deadline and didn't so much as set foot out of the house from July 1st until September 25th - so 12 weeks.

2017 also felt worse since it was a summer.

I feel incredibly privileged/lucky that I'm in one of the few professions where social isolation isn't just a non-event, it actually improves productivity.
most people are ok if you just say “excuse me, can we maintain a little space?” You are going to feel like an ass if you come down with symptoms this week knowing you were coughing all over the place on purpose.
What can I say. You are right. But at least I was coughing into my shoulder (most of the time).
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