Chuteless skydiver

This crap just makes me miss watching the Evel Knievel jumps! Not sure the world will ever see another showman like Evel ever again. It wasn't the jumps as much as the bike he rode and his whole "yeah, that looks about right" attitude to the ramps and distances.
Tell us please kind sir of these rides to the ground in lieu of returning said aircraft the the taxpayers and fending for yourself under nylon canopy...

There was a war on. Pilots who punched out didn't have a great chance of surviving. If the seat didn't kill you the little Asian brothers and sisters surely would. At that time the bounty was $50,000.00 gold paid for the head of every aircrew member they captured. Heads were easier to transport than whole bodies.
Besides, I was supremely confident in my ability to survive every situation where I was still banging the stick around.
Strange days, interesting times.
Next thing you know they will start building planes without parachutes.
This is getting out of control.
Some companies have been selling airplanes without ever building and delivering them!

What it his world coming to?
This stunt is hugely overhyped for being a "first" skydive survived without a chute.

In fact, it's been done at least a couple of times in WWII. My favorite story is the RAF airman who survived falling from a bomber over Germany.

He survived pretty much unharmed by falling through pine branches and then landing in deep snow. He was captured by Gestapo, who suspected him as a spy because the straps for his chute were still sewn down, showing that he had not deployed a chute.
I have said it before, I thought he would have jumped from a jumbo jet, you know so he could his balls out of the door.