Cessna 170 vacuum delete. now what?


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 8, 2020
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Hello all, I have a 1948 Cessna 170. I'm doing an engine change and I'll be removing the vacuum pump and adding a B&C starter and alternator. I would like to have my daughters get their private licence in her as it's the airplane I learned to fly. I inherited her and my family has owned her since 1989. I'm emotionally to it and have no intention of ever selling her. I live in Class B airspace so, ADSB is also a must. I've considered the ipad and stratus route but, I prefer to not have cords / stuff scattered in the cockpit. The 170 panel is pretty tight so, I like the idea of GI 275s as an option.

So, my questions are:

I'm considering replacing my vacuum instruments with the new GI 275. What would be needed to allow, in the future, basic IFR?

Will I save money by doing it all in one install vs. piece mill? if so, how would you prioritize the install?

I think my dream panel would consist of:
GI 275 Attitude indicator
GI 275 Engine Analyzer

Do I need a NAV/COMM? for checkride purposes?

Is there another way to accomplish this or is Garmin the gold standard?

Have you looked at SkyView HDX? C-170 is on the certified list.
The 48 is my favorite, the square instrument might be a problem, In my opinion cutting the panel is an sin.
The Val-Com 2000 is a space saver, and they work great.
Will I save money by doing it all in one install vs. piece mill?
Do I need a NAV/COMM? for checkride purposes?
You need a COM to be IFR legal. For the purpose of a checkride, I think just the GNX375 is enough. You'll need a DG or HSI, though. And you'll need to double-check that the GNX375 can satisfy the IFR requirement for a clock.
Is there another way to accomplish this or is Garmin the gold standard?
Maybe if you're lucky, the uAvionix AV30S will be available by the time you start the project. EI CGR30P is also an option for a round-gauge primary engine monitor. There are numerous alternatives for the COM besides the GTR225. Keep in mind that the GNX375 has been hobbled such that it can do very little with the GTR225/GNC255.
Thanks for everyone's responses, I'll investigate each one. Keep 'em coming.
Have you looked at SkyView HDX? C-170 is on the certified list.
That's an impressive thanks for bringing it to my attention.
The 48 is my favorite, the square instrument might be a problem, In my opinion cutting the panel is an sin.
The Val-Com 2000 is a space saver, and they work great.
That is one small radio.
if you dont have auto pilot ... dual Garmin G5 is an option too. but i hear dual 275 is even better. with dual G5 you have to keep the rest of the round stuff.

doing everything at one go definitely saves some $$.
i dont think you need radio for a IR ride, a WAAS GPS is just fine

if you are thinking about Dynon system, check out the video review by @FlyingMonkey

below is my panel - yes i am flaunting :p

if you dont have auto pilot ... dual Garmin G5 is an option too. but i hear dual 275 is even better. with dual G5 you have to keep the rest of the round stuff.

doing everything at one go definitely saves some $$.
i dont think you need radio for a IR ride, a WAAS GPS is just fine

if you are thinking about Dynon system, check out the video review by @FlyingMonkey

below is my panel - yes i am flaunting :p

View attachment 86520
Your late style instrument panel allows a lot more room than the 48-170
Thanks for everyone's responses, I'll investigate each one. Keep 'em coming.
My best suggestions would be, get the PLL, then fly the 170-48.
remember the 1948 170 is a look out the window aircraft. the lighter the better.
Remember you can go a lot of training in the 170, and continue the training with a 172 for the NAV stuff.
I really enjoy seeing what all is out there, I guess that's where lack of fly ins is a bummer.

Tom, I agree with your assessment of; look outside airplane.

That's where information gathering is going to help. I don't want overkill but, I also really don't want to retrace my steps either. Or invest in something that's obsolete in 3 years. It's kinda why I'm leaning towards Garmin products. My panel limitation is definitely my main consideration, that's why the Skyview HDX and Garmin GI 275's are so intriguing.

Keep 'em coming!!!
Your initial list sounds like a great upgrade. The only thing I would add and would be a must if it was me, and since it's not my money, is a GI 275 HSI.
Can you elaborate? I suspect the GPS 175 would have the same limitations?

Keep in mind that the GNX375 has been hobbled such that it can do very little with the GTR225/GNC255.
Can you elaborate? I suspect the GPS 175 would have the same limitations?
The GNC255 has ARINC429 out as well as RS232 in and out. The 429 out is meant for EFIS/EHSI and the GNX375 can't do anything with that. The RS232 output is capable of transmitting CDI/VDI/flags, OBS, radial from active VOR, decoded station identifier, NAV status and COM status. RS232 input is capable of remote setting of frequencies, OBS, squelch, NAV audio mode, volume level as well as displaying time/speed/distance and present position. Of all the RS232 capability, the GNX375 is only capable of sending the time/speed/distance info as well as present position (for the "nearest frequency" function) using the "GPS Aviation" format. Furthermore, the GNX375 can only send "GPS Aviation" format out on its port#1 or port#2. Ports 3,4,5 cannot. And when the GNX375 port#1 or port#2 is configured for "GPS Aviation" format, it can't receive anything because Tx and Rx on those two ports are tightly coupled (you can set input and output message formats separately on ports 3/4/5 but you have a much more limited set of choices to choose from: mainly Connext, altitude and ADC).
Will the GNC 255 provide nav information for his GI 275 AHRS and GI 275 HSI? I think that’s all he’s looking for it to do. Linking to ForeFlight to see traffic and weather would be a bonus
I love vintage airplanes....vintage panels as well. I like the idea of round instruments vs square ones. IMO, I would have at least one VOR/LOC receiver.
Good luck !
I love vintage airplanes....vintage panels as well. I like the idea of round instruments vs square ones. IMO, I would have at least one VOR/LOC receiver.
Good luck !
That is what your iPAD is for.
Hello all, I have a 1948 Cessna 170. I'm doing an engine change and I'll be removing the vacuum pump and adding a B&C starter and alternator.
Which engine do you have? 0-300-D?
I just dropped my 182 for new panel last week. Went with Dual HDX and the Avidyne 540. Could have saved some money with single HDX and uses an IPad for second display but splurged. Got rid of all the steam gauges and should be a very nice panel when complete. I was originally looking at dual G5s then 275's with the 650 and talked to a lot of shops in MANY different states as well as friends with both systems. Most dealers that only deal with Garmin pushed the 275's (obviously). Dealers who sold both actually leaned towards the Dynon almost unanimously. I'm just finishing up my IFR training and decided on the HDX last minute. Cost wise, it was less expensive to go the the HDX when you include the Engine Monitoring system insted of that piecing it out. When I actually got my hands on the HDX it looked much easier to touch and turn knobs if needed than both G5s and 275's in turbulence and having a 10.5" display really helps these old eyes. Also with the AP coming on line in the next few months, I had the wiring installed and panel cut ready for the unit as soon as it's certified.
Add in the cost savings you get for software upgrades and in MY eyes, it was a no brainer. Just my $.02