Bose X Replacement Parts?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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I’ve been looking at a few pairs of Bose X on eBay, as I’m in need of a headset I can call my own.

I’ve liked the X’s since I first used them and I don’t need Bluetooth or anything fancy like that. I simply would like a good ANR headset and the Bose X fits the bill, especially considering the prices they’re going for on the pre-owned market.

So my question is, because Bose no longer supports them, if something breaks on them, are replacement parts readily available? My concern would be that I’d buy something and I end up needing a new part(s) and they end up being hard to come buy.

I bought a Bose X at oshkosh back in 2015 for my wife. When I bought it I took it over to the Bose tent and they checked it out for me and gave me some new batteries and ear seals. Since then we have had no problems with them. They are a good stout head set. There are so many out in the world I dont see a problem getting parts. Get it, you will like them.

Now DC's...I can't tell you how many I fix daily. Because of them at work I'd never personally own one but people love them.