Basic Med Online Medical Education Course - what if it disappears?


Line Up and Wait
Jan 14, 2011
Berkeley, CA
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Paul Millner
Those of us fortunate enough to be able to use BasicMed for our flying, and thereby avoid the expense and delay of CAMI intervention, have to take the Basic Med online medical education course (OMEC) every two years. This seemed to work well, both with the AOPA course and the Mayo Clinic course... I prefer the Mayo, it seems to be laid our more logically to me.

In any case, this last time around, I noticed that the FAA's database did *not* update to indicate I'd completed the OMEC.

You can check here:

I waited days, then weeks, then months... no luck. I called the FAA, the airman registry. The woman there got QUITE animated that Basic Med was *not* their problem. She finally suggested I contact the provider of the OMEC.

So I wrote and Mitch Nelson wrote me back the next day. He didn't have an explanation, except that if I wasn't eligible for Basic Med (never had possessed a Third Class Medical, etc.) then the upload would fail. But obviously that didn't apply to me, since the previous three OMEC passes had been recorded. He offered to upload my successful pass again. Voila! Three days later, the database finally showed I had a valid Basic Med.

Now, I had kept the completion certificate in my logbook, in case anyone wondered... but if the FAA were looking, it would be awkward (?) to explain why the Registry showed me NOT having a valid basic med.

Anyway... check your results a few days after the quiz. If you used Mayo's OMEC, you can email Mitch at I'm sure there's someone at 800-USA-AOPA who can handle the same re-upload if their system fails for some reason.

Trust, but verify! :slight_smile: Paul

I had the same thing with the Mayo Clinic. I asked the AOPA Pilot Information Center who said that there's no problem. If you have the certificate that shows that you took the course then that's all you need.

Basically, if the FAA happens to know then great. If not then who cares? The FAA don't know if you have a BFR or an IPC etc. If you get in an accident or something and there's a question about your eligibility then you show them your certificate and you're fine.
Now, I had kept the completion certificate in my logbook, in case anyone wondered... but if the FAA were looking, it would be awkward (?) to explain why the Registry showed me NOT having a valid basic med.
That may be one of the reasons that you are required to keep a copy of the exam in your logbook. I got tired of keeping a paper copy, so I have a micro SD card taped onto the back of my logbook (kind of a "pouch") which is easy to remove and update, and it's backed up on my computer. I see the registry error as the FAA's problem, if it even is one.

Just as a starter, I would not assume that the information on the public Airman Registry is everything the FAA has. Or that it’s perfect.

Checking mine, my course date is correct. My medical exam date is not.
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Haha… just checked mine and everything is good, EXCEPT my address which I had changed over 4 years ago. Guess their system is very slow to update. LOL
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