Anything for iPads at AirVenture this year?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 4, 2007
Waukesha County, WI
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I just got my iPad today, and will be heading to AirVenture again tomorrow.

I rent, so am considering a kneeboard for the iPad. Has anyone seen or used the Sky High Gear Genesis iPad kneeboard? It looks pretty straight forward, and a good deal at $35. I like the idea of using it as an all-the-time case as well. PIREP?
Haven't used that one. Offhand concern would be whether what appears from the photos to be a vertical flip cover would get in the way of the yoke.

I'm using the iPro Aviator from these guys The half-height cover gives me some writing area (which I'm using less and less) and opens and closes without any yoke involvement.

Truthfully, except for the mini-cover on the iPro, I'd probably be using my initial "kneeboard" - a basic silicone protectice sleeve backing like this
with cutouts inside to slide an old kneeboard strap through or the MyClip, although I do have an Otterbox waiting in the wings.

btw, for non-aviation use, I have a cover that includes a bluetooth keyboard in case I get creative :idea:
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To each his/her own but I hate anything kneeboard.

Why would renting preclude the use of a yoke mount?
To each his/her own but I hate anything kneeboard.

Why would renting preclude the use of a yoke mount?
One of the planes I rent has a chart clip on the yoke, so putting a yoke mount there doesn't really work well. I'm looking for a solution here too. There's a company that has a system that plugs into the RAM mounts at allows you to rotate and allows you to put it on a kneepad too, but it wasn't cheap. I'll go back and look again tomorrow.
I rent a 172 and a 182, so I'm not sure. I am intrigued by Kent's suction mounts.

I'm also renting C172 and C182. RAM Yoke mount works in both just fine. Let me know if you want me to post pictures from both airplanes. I've tried homemade knee board for iPad. Didn't really like it. :no:
I prefer to put my old trusty knee board and take notes on notepad and use iPad for navigation and georeferenced airport diagrams.
One of the planes I rent has a chart clip on the yoke, so putting a yoke mount there doesn't really work well. I'm looking for a solution here too. There's a company that has a system that plugs into the RAM mounts at allows you to rotate and allows you to put it on a kneepad too, but it wasn't cheap. I'll go back and look again tomorrow.
I'll have to photograph my yoke install of the iPad. It would work with the Cessna factory yoke clip.
Promised pictures from C172 and C182.


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Actually I just put my on my knee as is. Cost $0. Fact is that there is glare and being able to move the screen angle is necessary sometimes.
What program are you running for flight charts?

It is WingX Pro7.
I used two panel file managers for many years and really like the concept. The same concept works great for displaying charts on WingX.
I was wondering how you got the split screen. I too am running foreflight.
Don't think split screen is an option on Foreflight.

I am using the same yoke mount. Have not mounted sideways, only verticle. The ram mount works great for me. But the constant glare issue is very bothersome. Sometimes to the point that I remove the ipad from the yoke an put it on the co-pilot seat.
I don't like using the iPad on a kneeboard, but my friend Doug picked up one of these at OSH. He drove all the way back to Denver in my Yukon with it strapped to his knee to see how it behaved. He likes it.

Also the guy making them (Mike Ladd) is a really nice guy from Florida. He's pretty active on various Social Networks. We haven't sucked him into the PoA vortex yet, though.
I was wondering how you got the split screen. I too am running foreflight.
Don't think split screen is an option on Foreflight.

I am using the same yoke mount. Have not mounted sideways, only verticle. The ram mount works great for me. But the constant glare issue is very bothersome. Sometimes to the point that I remove the ipad from the yoke an put it on the co-pilot seat.

You're right - ForeFlight doesn't have split screen option.
I'm using WingX Pro7.
I'd just like to point out that the major drawback of the kneeboards for the iPad is that when the iPad is on your knee, you're likely reflecting a lot of blue sky in the screen which will make it difficult to read.

When the iPad is on a yoke/suction mount, it's facing you so you shouldn't have too much light reflecting off it. It helps if you wear a dark shirt, or if you're not too bright. ;)
It helps if you wear a dark shirt, or if you're not too bright. ;)

I found that the same advice about shirt color helps with the G1000, too; the T182T's G1000 reflection was more than I've previously experienced on this recent Oshkosh trip. Almost made me wonder if the anti-glare had been removed by somebody cleaning with unapproved chemicals.
I found that the same advice about shirt color helps with the G1000, too; the T182T's G1000 reflection was more than I've previously experienced on this recent Oshkosh trip. Almost made me wonder if the anti-glare had been removed by somebody cleaning with unapproved chemicals.

Yes, even with a matte display, if you're wearing a brightly colored or white shirt on a bright sunny day you'll get a lot of glare off the G1000 as well - It'll just be fuzzier. :rofl:

One vendor at OSH promised me that he'd make me regret spending $800 on an iPad because his screen was sooooooo much better. Took them outside in the sunlight, and I was actually surprised at how bad his matte screen was out there - I was expecting it to be much better than the iPad, but it really wasn't - It was better, but only barely. An iPad with a matte screen cover would have probably equaled it. I didn't regret spending $800 on an iPad, because his machine was $3,800. :hairraise:
Yes, even with a matte display, if you're wearing a brightly colored or white shirt on a bright sunny day you'll get a lot of glare off the G1000 as well - It'll just be fuzzier. :rofl:

One vendor at OSH promised me that he'd make me regret spending $800 on an iPad because his screen was sooooooo much better. Took them outside in the sunlight, and I was actually surprised at how bad his matte screen was out there - I was expecting it to be much better than the iPad, but it really wasn't - It was better, but only barely. An iPad with a matte screen cover would have probably equaled it. I didn't regret spending $800 on an iPad, because his machine was $3,800. :hairraise:

I heard that guys pitch as well, I don't think he will be around next year.
I'm not really in the market, but I was amazed at how lousy WingX's booth at Oshkosh was compared to Foreflight's. If I hadn't already known, it wouldn't even have been obvious exactly what they were selling.
I don't mean to be a troll, but why would anyone mount an iPad on the Yoke? Doesn't it obstruct you from seeing your instrumentation panel?
Of course this is a case-by-case basis, but for those whose iPad-yoke combination obstructs your instrumentation panel, is having the iPad in the cockpit worth it?

Would you have preferred a 7" tablet solution instead?
I don't mean to be a troll, but why would anyone mount an iPad on the Yoke? Doesn't it obstruct you from seeing your instrumentation panel?
Not mine. I don't look through the yoke at any of my instruments. Some of the switches, but I know all those by touch anyhow, by now.

Would you have preferred a 7" tablet solution instead?
Nope. I find the screen size to be just about right for what I'm using it for.
My iPad on the RAM yoke mount blocks one instrument. The suction gauge. ;)

It also blocks the switches below the yoke but as someone else said, I know which ones are what and can lean forward a bit to see 'em if I have to.

Also blocks the breakers so I wouldn't see a popped one easily. There'd be other ways to clue me in on those, though.

The trickiest one is the Alternator bus master. The only other visual indication of that one is a discharge on the Ammeter, so it'd be the most subtle one.

I suppose the pitot heat breaker popping would be a little more subtle and dangerous.

The rest, I'd notice the dead systems.

May try using the iPad in landscape orientation on the next flight just to see if it's better, but none of the above really bug me at all.
I was wondering how you got the split screen. I too am running foreflight.
Don't think split screen is an option on Foreflight.

I am using the same yoke mount. Have not mounted sideways, only verticle. The ram mount works great for me. But the constant glare issue is very bothersome. Sometimes to the point that I remove the ipad from the yoke an put it on the co-pilot seat.

Consider one of the screen protectors (zagg, targus, 3m, etc) that has anti-glare. Cost runs $10-25.
My iPad on the RAM yoke mount blocks one instrument. The suction gauge. ;)
A fairly important gauge. Often an impending failure can be spotted by abnormal suction indications.

Not so important with your VFR flying - but once you start flying IFR - that is one gauge you won't want to be blocking the view of.
A fairly important gauge. Often an impending failure can be spotted by abnormal suction indications.

Not so important with your VFR flying - but once you start flying IFR - that is one gauge you won't want to be blocking the view of.

Yup. Totally realize that. :)

Hell, it's mounted in the center, low... even the yoke blocks it some of the time. ;)
I just got my iPad today, and will be heading to AirVenture again tomorrow.

I rent, so am considering a kneeboard for the iPad. Has anyone seen or used the Sky High Gear Genesis iPad kneeboard? It looks pretty straight forward, and a good deal at $35. I like the idea of using it as an all-the-time case as well. PIREP?

PIREP: I picked up this iPad kneeboard today, and it looks like a good quality product, especially for the price ($35). I will be driving about 1,600 miles over the next week, so I'll try it out for comfort. I need to get my SI before I take it flying.

Also, I've got a PIREP on the dealer: Austin Flight Check Training Solutions. I had some questions on the product, and the owner had the answers. I purchased it on Saturday, and had it in hand today (Monday) via USPS Priority Mail for $6. Sporty's doesn't get it that fast! Plus, I got a 10% discount. I'm extremely pleased with the service.
[editorial comment]

Was there anything at Oshkosh this year that *wasn't* for the iPad?!?!?! Seemed like the entire Hangar C was iPad iPad iPad, nothing but iPad!
Will be pretty interesting at next year's AirVenture to see what new tablets have the software to compete with the iPad in aviation.
Also, I've got a PIREP on the dealer: Austin Flight Check Training Solutions. I had some questions on the product, and the owner had the answers. I purchased it on Saturday, and had it in hand today (Monday) via USPS Priority Mail for $6. Sporty's doesn't get it that fast! Plus, I got a 10% discount. I'm extremely pleased with the service.
I have used Ken Lane for a number of things and am also satisfied. In addition to the fast service, I've often asked for price matching of competitors and together we work out a deal we are both happy with.

Ken is a one man operation, so when you call the number on his site for assistance, you're talking to the head decision maker. This is something I appreciate because he works hard for his business and makes the extra effort as needed for you to be happy with your purchase.

When you are seeking the services of an online pilot shop, Ken and is worth checking out.
I pulled out my old kneepad and found that the iPad could be clipped under the paper holder as if it were a thick pad of paper. The clip is rubber coated and it does not intrude onto any of the iPad screen.