6Y9 Fly in- 2016

Am I allowed to drink the 'Widowmaker' or is it strictly for Oliver?!:D;)

Letting me take the controls of our plane is already quite a potential 'widow maker'. Even without beer... ;)
Well, beer at least makes 'widow making' more fun. So many great story started with 'hold my beer and watch THIS'. :D:cool:

I also can’t wait! Martina and I will load up the Mooney tomorrow night with camping gear and our folding bikes.
Friday after work, we’ll fly to Beaver Island, stay there for the night and then continue to 6Y9 Saturday morning, where we should arrive around noon.

Looking at Diz’s post #32, it appears as whether she and Brad have thought of everything and that we don’t have to bring much other than our personal gear, some water and maybe a few snacks.
Is this right or am I overlooking something?
Why would I need that. You and Kent came in closer to sunrise than sunset one year.
Y'all have fun! Will be sorry to miss it again.
Looking at Diz’s post #32, it appears as whether she and Brad have thought of everything and that we don’t have to bring much other than our personal gear, some water and maybe a few snacks.
Is this right or am I overlooking something?

You guys just worry about getting yourselves here! No worries once you're here!
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Well, it looks like a nice day to fly to da U.P.!

I hope to be wheels up by 0930 and should be there sometime between 4 & 5 your time, depending upon how long my cheese stop at Clintonville takes.

The only downside is that I'll be bucking about 20kts since that cold front came thru yesterday. Awww, well, that's life.

See ya, tonight!!!!!
image.jpeg Don't know if I mentioned, but the 'Widowmaker' beer is named after a mining drill, unlike the Widowmaker that hit a relative(he's mostly O.K.) on the noggin as he was cutting firewood.

I had to step on the claymore this weekend in order to get two weekends off in a row in Sept. The 1st is to hold the hand with a buddy on a bear hunt. I won't be hunting, just support. Then the next weekend(highest priority) is the youth deer hunt with the 12 y/o.

Here's a picture of one of the Bears on our property, about 10 miles East of 6Y9. Remember, with a grizzly play dead, a black bear, fight back. Just in case your tent is rocking at 2:00 A.M..
Thank you.
No, we haven't landed her on grass yet. As long as the runway is in a reasonably good condition and the grass is not excessively long, we should however be fine. In Europe, it is actually not uncommon that Mooney's are permanently operated out of grass strips.

Just be sure you check the performance charts! In the conditions we had around Madison yesterday, mine showed needing 2700 feet for landing, and I have speed brakes... M20R is certainly heavier than the E, though. Just something to be aware of when stepping up from the go-anywhere 172! Congrats on the new bird, you'll love it! :D
You all just missed an outstanding Aurora Borealis display. Coupled with a couple of satellite passes.
Just be sure you check the performance charts! [...] Just something to be aware of when stepping up from the go-anywhere 172! Congrats on the new bird, you'll love it! :D

No worries, we're always carefully considering the performance and add a healthy safety margin. :)
Actually, compared to our O-300 powered 172, the Mooney seems to be more of a go-anywhere plane than the Cessna was. As with the Cesssna, take-off performance is still the limiting factor. Where we can get out, we can also make it in. However, even though the Mooney needs about 10 mph more to get off the ground, the 200 hp engine, in combination with the constant speed prop, are more than just making up for it.
And yes, we already absolutely love the Mooney and have been converted to big, big fans! What a comfortable, versatile, fast and economic traveling machine. We had it now for 4 weeks and already put 37 hours on it, including a flight to North Fox Island! :D

You all just missed an outstanding Aurora Borealis display. Coupled with a couple of satellite passes.

Thanks for making me envious. ;)
Looking forward to seeing you and everybody else on Saturday. :)
It's a calm, crisp (frosty even!) morning on the Sidnaw flight line.
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Yesterday's quote of the day...Dr.Bruce:

"We attempted to pass 'third class medical reform' but instead passed the 'trial lawyers' protection act'."

(or something very similar). :)
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Home! Got beat to **** down low, ducking under the headwinds. Battled 20kts at 3500. Would've been another 10 to 15 above the scattered layer.

Some days aren't fun.

But it was well worth it. What a great three days.

Thanks to @Dizaster and Brad for putting on another great weekend,


And you too Ed! ;)
We're home to, and I heard Liz is home. We stand low; 2500'. Good flight, bough. Chicago approach still doesn't do handoffs, but they will talk to us!
We are home too. :) Thanks to everyone involved - especially Diz and Brad - for a great weekend on the UP. We will be back (sounds like threat... :D).
And a great big thanks to the Fredericks!
I think this was a record-setting year with 28-30 aircraft! We saw Pipers, Cessnas, Navion, Mooney, Maule, RVs (both kinds), Beechcraft, Schweizer, Citabria, Stinson, and I think a Kolb. We had singles and twins, tricycle and taildraggers, fixed and rotary wing. I'm sure Brad can fill out the list and correct my errors!
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I'm just totally annoyed that the checkride was cancelled again but no prep nor possibility to board doggies on a holiday weekend. Well at least we've found stupid movies to watch.
It was an absolutely splendid weekend - seeing friends old & new and enjoying the Frederick's hospitality in the heavenly hinterlands of the UP. :)
Great weekend, weather and friends.

The apple picking was successful - one deep-dish pie is currently in the oven.

Or, should I wish to sell it, I would have to rephrase: "An artisanal, small-batch pie, featuring sustainably-grown, wild-caught, fresh-flown-in apples from 100% organic orchards in the heart of the Ottawa National Forest in Michigan's Upper Peninsula....." might bring in a few more pennies :rolleyes:
Oh, my, Leslie ... The pie and pielette look even more amazing than the description!
We landed the RV in Hudson IL and will head on home in the morning, will add more later when at the computer. We miss everyone already.

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Those takeoffs on Sunday morning were awesome.

Again many thanks to Diz, Brad, and Ed for throwing this shindig and re-opening 6Y9 11 years ago.
These are the two 'plane wash' take offs, I filmed:

I also have some footage of a few other take offs, like Tim's or Grant's.
I'll put a 6Y9 take off an landing compilation together, within the next week or so, and post it here.
It was great seeing everybody, thank you very much again to the Fredericks!