I was going through some old files and came upon Ron Levy's paper on ownership costs. In it, he posits that non-calendar maintenance (i.e. oil&filter, mags, vacuum pumps, non-major repairs due to wear&tear, etc but not including annual/pitot/static/transponder/ELT checks) should be about half the cost of fuel per hour for a fixed gear fixed prop 4cyl. For example, an Archer/Tiger/172SP burns about 10GPH and fuel is about $5/gal so I should budget about $25/hour for a maintenance reserve.
That got me wondering. What's the multiplier for a big bore 6cyl with a constant speed prop? Does half the cost of fuel per hour rule still hold?
That got me wondering. What's the multiplier for a big bore 6cyl with a constant speed prop? Does half the cost of fuel per hour rule still hold?