3 Girls found, alive

We are a nation of laws precisely to assuage the lynch mob mentality being expressed here.

Yup. And when you step back from the anger this kind if vengeance-justice doesn't really help the victims in the end. It's just a bad situation all around.

What I'm wondering is how he kept 3 thinking reasoning able bodies human beings captive and hidden so long.
On a lighter note:

I had the TV on for a couple minutes this morning, and Charles Ramsey was getting interviewed (or at least an attempted interview) on one of the network morning shows. The host kept trying to get the guy to give more than a one-word answer to his questions. Ramsey just looked out of it, then said something like how early it was and how he needed some help in the mornings. Then he lifted up a can of Red Bull in front of the camera and pointed at it.

A news website had some reader comments posted. One of the comments said: "I saw the picture of the three suspects and immediately thought of a Capital One commercial, 'What's in YOUR basement?' "
Can anyone still say there should be no death penalty?
This trial should take days, but I would be happy with weeks or a month or two.
If guilty, these guys need a needle. Or worse.
Death for their crimes is fine with me, as long as it isn't the government doing the killing. I always thought that the way Dahmer went out was appropriate under the circumstances.