Recent content by tomcat

  1. tomcat

    Guns at school--at MY KIDS SCHOOL!

    And all of that in Keller ISD? Why the heck do we have one of the highest property tax rates in the state???
  2. tomcat

    POA hats/shirts question for management.

    Some bad feedback on Cafepress, but heresay, not first hand. I sent you the info for a vendor I use for different items, did you talk to her?
  3. tomcat

    Did You Know? METARS

    PS: For easy access to conversions, use Google. Just type "3 cm in inches" or "7 celsius in fahrenheit" into a search box and voila ... 1.18 and 44.6. Works for pounds and other units, too.
  4. tomcat

    Did You Know? METARS

    The metric system is about 1,000 times better than the "standard" system, whether the U.S. will one day figure that out or not.
  5. tomcat

    Download Approach Plates

    Flightaware also allows downloading all plates for one airport in one PDF bundle.
  6. tomcat

    Wood comes today!

    I just spend 2 days at an EAA workshop learning how to cover a wing in fabric, so I can understand your excitement. Best of luck (and lots of persistence).
  7. tomcat

    NDBs are Dinosaurs

    Really? Where are you getting this insight? One of our CAP squadron members works for the FAA, and he oversees VOR maintenance. It all depends on what the word "soon" means to you, I guess. ;)
  8. tomcat

    Tol ya! Best Buy caught again!

    You sound like a Slickdealers right there. :D
  9. tomcat

    Instrument Practice this Wednesday

    Go have fun! I am gonna stay inside ... :-) BTW - I have the exact same agreement with my CFII - when the weather gets bad (last Friday), we go fly.
  10. tomcat

    Instrument training...

    I have used Microsoft flight sim (the last version, not the new hog) combined with a CH products USB yoke and no pedals (overrated) with great success.
  11. tomcat

    Well, I own an airplane!

    Congratulations! Nice bird.
  12. tomcat

    Henning's Odyssey

    Let me know if / when you need a ride anywhere through Texas - I live in the D/FW area and will rent any trusted flying machine of choice (well, 150, 172 or 172SP) to haul that Aussie-German-American guy around.
  13. tomcat

    2005 Super Decathlon at my FBO!

    Dealing with Marc just ain't worth it. Not even a Super Decathlon can change that.
  14. tomcat

    For sleepy "Rotorheads"

    It's a little embarrassing when you're a Paramedic and you do that to your pager. :eek: BTDT. :redface:
  15. tomcat

    I am so frickin' ****ed!!!......and freaked!!!!

    FYI - I work for Citigroup, do you know where (what City) it was delivered? :dunno: