Recent content by psachseJr

  1. P

    Retake Medical

    Midcap, my blood sugar is completely under control with diet and exercise. My question was about resubmitting for the medical... procedurally. Do I just start over or is there a different process given that I once failed? Regarding carbs, I only eat the good ones... some fruits and lots of...
  2. P

    Retake Medical

    Thank you for all of your responses. I am fortunate as my diabetes is under control with (a very strict) diet and (lots of) excercise. I am on no medication, an A1C of 5.5 and my bloodwork is all excellent for any person of any age. The only reason I failed the medical was the medication I...
  3. P

    Retake Medical

    Hello, About 3 years ago I decided to finally pursue my PPL. Unfortunately, I learned the through the FAA medical process that I had become a type II diabetic. My doctor had me on a light does of Metformin, and much to his surprise I was denied my medical based on being on that medication...
  4. P

    I no longer own the ugliest plane on any field

    Hello Keith, I went through a similar transition with boating after decades of being a avid boater. I could never have imagined it, but I lost interest in it. All I can tell you is that I never really missed it, and neither will you miss flying based on what I have read. It happens... go...
  5. P

    Search Engines?

    You are a smart Man, Jay. Most people don't realize that Google hasn't really been a search engine for years. I still use Yahoo mostly, but use Google a bunch with the understanding that the results are bought and paid for - but are still useful.
  6. P

    Bachelor Season 17 - Who is watching

    So you never watched Flying Wild Alaska? :wink2:
  7. P

    iPad vs. Nexus 7

    I'm sorry, but what about the iPad is closed? There's an app store with 1000's of apps; the only caveat is the code has to be well written and provide value. Anyone can write an app for an iPad and publish it, and you can write your own app and use it and never publish it. Granted, the...
  8. P

    Six figure fines for overflying west coast sanctuaries

    John, I was in California last summer for 2 weeks, visiting from South Florida. It's a beautiful and diverse place. Like South Florida though, there is a growing number of people/forces that seem to be trying to build a wall between the people that truly love what these respective states have...
  9. P

    Help! Lost my PPL and need to fly soon!

    I guess Safeway is aptly named!
  10. P

    Buying airplane? Issues?

    Exactly what did I assume? I stated is't a personal choice, as part of an overall approach to finance. Translation: It depends on what else you might do with your money. Generalism's can't be applied. So as you say, calculate - but one can't speak about financing "toys" in isolation. Paying...
  11. P

    Pilot dies in flight. Why is this news?

    Reminds me of a skit on Saturday night live, where they were poking fun at the "Miracle on the Hudson" landing. In the skit, there was another "pilot" being interviewed. He said "I left 20 minutes later, missed all of the geese and landed in Charlotte 10 minutes early.... why is he a hero"? :)
  12. P

    Any thoughts on starting a single airplane part 135 company?

    Listen to this advice! I run a business (successfully) and this is the most true advice you will ever hear. Business plans are nice but they are based on assumptions and every failed business had one.
  13. P

    Buying airplane? Issues?

    Good point, but the other argument would be that with interest rates where they are, putting cash into a plane would be silly. This is a personal choice that has to be part of an overall approach to handling your money. For instance, I paid for my house aggressively, but I finance my toys...
  14. P

    Bad summer for airshows. Make it stop.

    I agree. They come to see people do it without getting hurt or killed. However, I think real risk is important. Otherwise you lose all of the smart people (like the one's NASCAR is loosing now that the major difference between a Chevy and a Toyota is the decal on the front). By "smart", I...
  15. P

    Bad summer for airshows. Make it stop.

    Everyone needs to take a big gulp of the "**** Happens" cool-aid. I was at a party a few months ago and everyone there was telling me to sell my motorcycle because they are "too dangerous". I am sad to say 2 people at that party have since been diagnosed with very serious cancer. We all...