Recent content by Mike K

  1. Mike K

    Chat is down

    Thanks for the clarification Jason! Much appreciated! Mike K.
  2. Mike K

    Chat is down

    The website management should poll the users to determine if the chat room should have been eliminated. Jason W (whoever you are), this is no way to manage the website! A real disappointment. Mike Kane
  3. Mike K

    Chat is down

    Now no chat! Now that is unfortunate! :mad:
  4. Mike K

    Is chat down?

  5. Mike K

    Thank you, Bruce. :)

    Yes, Dr. Bruce helps make it possible for many of us to keep flying........I am one of that group. Thanks again Dr. B. Mike...the plant guy
  6. Mike K

    Jacksonville area hotels

  7. Mike K

    Thank You!

    You got that right! Mike K
  8. Mike K

    Audio Panel Installation Cost

    I have dual nav/coms (Narco 12Ds) in my 1977 Cessna 150 which are run through an ARC Audio Panel(has a MB. I have been thinking about replacing the problematic Cessna audio panel with a Garmin 340 (has an intgerated intercom and MB. Does anyone have a ball park figure as to the installation cost...
  9. Mike K

    Battery Charger

    Greg, I use a BatteryTender Plus on my G25. I had it on my battery for the past two years. It will keep you from going out and having to replace your battery every year or two.