Recent content by Immelmann

  1. Immelmann

    Movie quotes and your flying

    "Hello Houston...we have a problem.
  2. Immelmann

    Lawsuit Madness - OMG

    Quote: Originally Posted by danielabernath As a student, I flew it coordinated and uncoordinated with 10 CFI's at different times with one tank empty and the other with 5 to 6 gallons or more. As the student I flew the aircraft 95% of the time. "Unsafe with any Fuel CTSW" Need an "unsafe...
  3. Immelmann

    Private checkride went horribly wrong!

    Will Rogers never met this guy did he ?
  4. Immelmann

    Absolutes in Aviation

    You are professionals trained to deal with three things that can kill you: gravity, combustion, and inertia. Keep them under control, and you'll die in bed. — Sailor Davis, long-time TWA ground school instructor.
  5. Immelmann

    cataract and 3rd class medical

    May require an 8500-7 and a status letter from the cataract surgeon.
  6. Immelmann

    Have you ever had to put your flight training on hold because of college and life?

    Re: Have you ever had to put your flight training on hold because of college and life Somewhere between college and kids usually works out well.
  7. Immelmann

    Favorite Quotes

    " Go ugly early and avoid the rush" -anon-
  8. Immelmann

    Funniest thing you've heard on the radio?

    pilot: xxx radio, can we get a practice DF steer? xxxradio: negative pilot: uh how bout one of them real ones.
  9. Immelmann

    Pilot rituals and good luck charms

    Doesn't anyone put their chewing gum on the tail anymore??
  10. Immelmann

    Aviation Watches

    Simple and cheap are always a good combo.
  11. Immelmann

    The Guy Code

    You were intentionally bracketed right out of the game by those guys.
  12. Immelmann

    Caption this...

    Scratch and sniff ad,
  13. Immelmann

    Microphone Foam Socks

    Test message - sorry for the intrusion